dont forget to modify the .ico too !
That was probably my remodelled Groovehandle logo (which I'm a bit disappointed no body seemed to twig). No Logo would be fine. Logos and brands are grossly overrated*.sideshowbob said:I've gone off it again. I don't think any of the alternatives are any good either. There was one I liked in the original thread, but I can't remember which one it was now.
Oh, you're right. Fine. Sideshow will be sleeping on the floor next to cat litter - just where there's a nice cold draft - when he comes overmichaelab said:I don't think so Joel, since yours was one of the poll alternatives:
That *might* get you onto the sofabed, but no sheets.sideshowbob said:Joel, yours is the best of a bad bunch.I like the "groovyhandle" tag.
Bah. If you weren't such a nice and decent person, I'd say something rude and disappear in a puff of LagavullinMarkus Sauer said:I'm with sideshowbob on this, all the new logos look tacky/naff/ugly to me (sorry joel, good thing I'm not likely to visit you anytime soon).
joel said:That *might* get you onto the sofabed, but no sheets.