If effem is willing to put up his cables for independent testing and evaluation I'm prepared to pay all the costs.
My opinion of you Ian has changed dramatically. The last time I enquired in 2003 the bill would have come to just under £80,000 at the local Uni.
You have no reason to assert this, I'm extremely open-minded. But his test has to meet certain basic criteria of good practice. Tenson's suggestion above of a CD player with two outputs, and a remote-switchable preamp, is a good one. If effem can consistently demonstrate that he can identify his cables in such a setup, then we can conclude that his cables do, indeed, sound different from the norm. No cable manufacturer has ever passed this kind of test, btw, at least not in any publicly verifiable way, which is why James Randi and others have put money on the table and issued their challenges.
You open minded? Give me a break. Why is it you are so blinkered that you make the stupid assumption I am talking about ANY of MY products??????

I never mention them at all, ever, yet you repeatedly jump to false conclusions. There have been some excellent posts recently on this forum putting some interesting hypothesis' to the test, but there you are stuck in your mental tram lines saying "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference", "Cables make no difference".
No, no, no, young sir, there are some cable manufacturers that publish objective measurements for all their products, there are some cable manufacturers that have conducted double blind ABX tests. There are some cable manufacturers that sat down and worked out that cynics can be easily counted on one hand and happy customers number in the MILLIONS, so why should they expend vast financial resources and valuable time to pander in any way to a tiny minority of intellectual bankrupts? I still find it rather perverse that a cynic can tell me with a straight face that they have never heard any differences in cables and they expect a full objective set of proofs before they would ever consider buying one. And these people have the nerve to tell everyone they are "intelligent"?
I have a tremendous amount of respect for James Randi as a former magician who debunks the frauds and charlatans who intentionally decieve with bogus claims of healing, spiritualism and such-like. I have no respect for James Randi in any other field of endeavour that he carries out. As far as I am aware his $1m reward does not extend to cable differences.
People should buy and enjoy what they like, regardless of how it measures, for no other reason than they enjoy listening to it,
So why do you piss on anyone's parade that has bought a cable that pleases THEM? I have no issue at all with you personally not hearing differences, I respect your views because that is what you experience as a person. It's one thing saying "Cables make no difference" but another matter entirely when you say "Cables make no difference TO ME" is it not?
Why you should perpetually insinuate your ideals on anyone else is beyond me because I don't do it. I enjoy my cable purchases (yes I do buy other brands) and for you to say I am deluded or hallucinating is offensive in the extreme. It wasn't YOUR money I spent so sod off and save the whales or do something really useful instead.
And, you can be quite sure, if it's audible it's measurable.
-- Ian
Is it? According to whom? Why look for an entirely objective measurement for an entirely subjective event?
Now before anyone else gets excited, I am here as an individual and nothing else. I couldn't give a toss about cable sales because it's Sunday night and I'm not at work, but I do care very deeply about the narrow minded doing their level best to dismiss one of the very few pleasures I have left in life - my hi-fi which I will listen to later on. We have more than enough "nanny state" rules surrounding us and overtaking our lives these days, but who gave you miserable whinging hypocrites the right to question
any aspect of MY hobby? Who has nominated YOU as the protector of anyone's interests?