FWIW I think Ian has been entirely reasonable, courteous and good natured throughout this thread.
Of course you would think that wouldn't you? He is arrogant, self-absorbed and worst of the lot, incapable of seeing someone else's viewpoint. If he did, there would be no animosity at all I promise you that much.
I do however fail to understand why cable designers / sellers should not wish to enter into a discussion about the very area of their technical expertise.
Look in the mirror, put yourself in their shoes and there is your answer staring right at you.
Slagging cables off is a sport on forums, nothing more, nothing less. It's a vicious circle; the industry hasn't bothered to defend itself because it doesn't see why it should have to and the feeble minded see fit to capitalise on that weakness. The industry can't be arsed spending fortunes to appease the tiny handful of intellectual bankrupts with nothing better to do with their precious life on this planet than whine on forums and they in turn reciprocate by taunting the industry over not publishing any objective data, so the industry ignores them. Round we go again.
Why it should be so I don't know because it's only a component part of a hi-fi system generally used in an isolated environment for one person's listening pleasure. It was their choice and their money. End of story.
It's the proliferation of the internet and the keyboard cowboys who naively believe that their little contribution makes one jot of difference - it doesn't. Less than 0.1% of hi-fi enthusiasts will ever set foot on a forum, because most are insinuated with that handful of negative thinkers that enjoy more the noble art of squabbling, not promoting the joys of the hobby as an entity.
Most of you saw my arrival here as an opportunity to vent your spleens on a totally irrational and pointless hatred, not the open door to learning something new.
I was once told that I should never ever try to teach a pig to sing, because I would be entirely wasting my time and it would serve only to annoy the pig. Yep, just look at yourselves in the cold light of day.