My problem with ABX is its inconsistency. These tests have shown no differences in amps, have you not heard differences in amps?
In sighted tests, yes. I've never blind tested an amp. If I did, and if I found I couldn't distinguish it in such a test, I certainly would not immediately assume the test was at fault. I don't know why people get so uptight about the possibility that a test may show they can't hear everything they imagine they can, I'm completely relaxed about it when it happens to me.
So as I understand it you agree that there may be cable differences but they are so subtle it ain't worth the money and there is no 'scientific proof' of these differences. Or am I misinterpreting your views.
Value for money isn't the issue, except in the sense that there's nothing an expensive cable does that a cheap cable can't. Cables can sound different if they are deliberately engineered to do so, but that just means they are deliberately wrong. Passing an audio signal is a relatively trivial task and cheap off the shelf cables can do the job perfectly well. Boutique cable companies who plait off the shelf wire, stick it in a sheath, and sell it at inflated prices, are simply selling cheap wire in a fancy package.
I also agree that there is some real bollox spoken by some cable manufacturers, but not all.
I've never come across a cable company that didn't talk bollocks, frankly

I'm aware that Nordost make their own cable. One of their laughably expensive cables was one that I heard making a small difference in a test at Dev's, but I thought it sounded less good than a freebie set of red and black ICs. Perhaps Nordost cables are deliberately designed to sound a bit wrong, for a lot of audiophiles it seems hearing a difference is more important than working out whether something is actually an improvement. Having said that, I've sat through Lars' Nordost cable dems at a couple of shows and thought that none of the cable swaps he was doing made any noticeable difference at all. The fact that he kept turning the volume up each time he put a more expensive cable in was entirely coincidental, of course, heaven forbid that he should try to kid people by doing the old volume trick

-- Ian