Originally posted by merlin
I have had the pleasure of using most of the likely suspects in that area, Mana, Townsend, Quadraspire, Finite Element, and mains treatments from Trichord, isotek, Jaya, Kimber and Shunyata. And yes I agree that they can have a profound affect, at other times they are all but un noticeable. Hutter is next on the list.
Merlin, each to his own, and I admire your attention to detail, but I would find your approach rather tiring. It must also be somewhat challenging, to say the least, getting a balanced sound from all your bits of kit on different supports, but I'm sure you know how. Fair enough if Mana's not your thing, although I doubt you heard it at its best, and kudos for your liking of Finite Elemente. The pagode is my fav rack after Mana, it kicks the Naim Fraim into touch performance-wise, and makes it look distinctly like shabby 80's surplus stock from a Harrods end of season furniture clearance sale. You lose Brownie points on the: "Hutter is next on the list." bit, though...dear oh dear, not to worry

"I just can't imagine enting into a "mine's bigger than yours" playground debate without actually seeing your opponent's weapon"
Sounds a bit too much like school days in the showers after 5-a-side football for me

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