naim...load of tosh??

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Originally posted by The Devil

Oh Marco, Marco. You take it all so personally.

Nope, not at all. I just appreciate honesty. It's refreshing to see you've ditched your grudge-born 'foghorn' description, and now gone for a more realistic appraisal. Shows you can do it if you try.

Btw, if you're ever in Germany, you need to hear Hermann's system, it makes your system and mine sound like toys.

Originally posted by Markus Sauer

if I'm au courant, you have sold your Tact-based system because you wanted to integrate a turntable into your set-up and the Tact is not ideal for that (although a phono stage and an A/D card would have solved the integration problem?). You have sold the turntable that made you wish you had one.

You bought Sim Audio stuff and have since sold it.

Do you know what system you'll end up with? How do you go about choosing your new system?

Markus, my philosophy is somewhat different. I choose to try all different kit at home, gaining experience of it in a real enviroment over a period of time.

I try to buy at a price that enables me to sell at a profit or at least get my money back. One day I may feel I have tried enough and can settle with one setup. My approach, is one of a continous learning curve, which may expalin why I question those who extol the virtues of their kit without a great deal of experience of the alternatives.

I have over the years owned kit from Linn, Naim, Mana, Theta, Audio research,Rega, Primare, Michell, Pink Triangle, Meridian, Bryston, Classe, TacT, Proac, Martin Logan, Wilson ,JM Labs, Dynaudio, Merlin, Sim, Rel, B&W, dCS, Teac, JBL and others. I find the comparison interesting. For me I enjoy learning.

I can enjoy music on just about all of the above, and when I replace the Sim kit, I will try something else. SO do stay tuned for the next installment!!
Originally posted by merlin

For me I enjoy learning.

As do I. But have you learnt anything other than about equipment O learned one? For example, supports, or the mains, both of which in my experience have more influence on the sound than simply changing bits of kit.

My approach, is one of a continous learning curve, which may expalin why I question those who extol the virtues of their kit without a great deal of experience of the alternatives.

If the learning curve is continuous, how can you ever extol the virtues of any piece of kit, in the sense that you describe it, when there is always a continuous supply of fresh kit to experience.

Serious point Merl. It is akin to questioning the owner of last years 5* WHF product extolling its virtues, when he has no experience of this years 5*WHF product, and is being well informed that as a consequence of new learning, his current kit is now this years 4*WHF product.

Your approach is dandy for you, why is it not likewise for the individual who likes to maintain the status quo.

This is not a defence of so called 'Naimees' as i believed they are referred to, which seem to be the main focus of your argument, more of just a general observation on the pursuit/attainment of fine musical reproduction.

Whooo still going at it boys :D Good grief, I thought all the stab proof vests would have been 'tried out by now'
Shall we just not worry about what each other is missing, the ONLY mana system worth a listen would be Pogs Period, and he's a nice guy to boot., and not hung up on willy waving
Hermans make all your system look like toys, of coarse it does Markus :) James I have so much room interaction, the council call me when they need drains unblocking (In dual mono
:D ) I'm sure all your systems are fab, to each and every one of you, and know doubt will, have a list of signed starry eyed listeners that will swear blind it's wonder fuel with gold plated knobs.
It's all personal, if you feel placing your kit on 37 levels of angle iron gives you that 'edge' in the sound stakes, then the rest of us shouldn't argue, it makes YOU happy and that is bottom line.
Me I have other ways of finding the sound I love. Wm
as the grand ooom of nang i hereby invite you to join the sacred order of poo stirrers and flingers. you have proved yourself to be a competant winderer uperer and even though your target group was an easy mark the fact that you alone have been able to keep this thread going well past it;s sell by date is to be commended.
i hereby dub thee with the stirring stick bestowing upon you the sacred lumps signifying your achievement.


The best Mana systems all seem to contain Stealth amps. Funny, that. Shame also that by all accounts ECS have now screwed them up.
He's the father of zoe Rob.

Used to be on TV.

Speaks like a thwat.

Remember him :D

NB - For the mana people out there - I know you guys do a lot of chest-beating (come on dont deny it - we have the written evidence!!) - -

my question is, can any of you say that you've heard a better system than yours (anywhere, anyplace, any equipment..but with no Mana) that your own mana based setup?

Just interested
I have read this thread with interest, and know Marco makes some good points as I've read his contributions before on another forum..

It still, still, still, boils down to whether you are happy with your choice...
If someone prefers the sound of a Wadia, after listening to all sorts, then whats wrong with that?
If someone prefers one manufacturer over another then why not...
I dont mind other people giving their point of view, provided the replies are reasoned, and without the 'wind up' facter that has existed in some parts of this topic.

I don't mind someone saying' have you tried this?' or 'that', but at the end of the day the chioce is 'still' down to you...

PS i cant do with people being underhand and trying to catch others out - I deal with that at work! reasoned debate and opinion is one thing - deception is entirely another.

andy c!
Originally posted by Alex S

The best Mana systems all seem to contain Stealth amps. Funny, that.

It's not funny, Alex, just simply a fact. Stealth amps piss all over Naim ones, and most others I've heard, too, including Dynavector. Yes, ECS have since fucked them up, and the twats running that company are dishonest bastards to boot. I'd only ever buy a Stealth from JW - even if it cost more.

"Who is this Alan Ball guy that I keep hearing about?" -- Robbo

He's just a little two-faced creep who sucks up to the Mana groovy gang, and likes to think he's one of them. He's no one important.

Originally posted by bottleneck

my question is, can any of you say that you've heard a better system than yours (anywhere, anyplace, any equipment..but with no Mana) that your own mana based setup?
I guess it is a while since you've been round, bub.

Marco, sadly, I suspect your chances of obtaining Stealth amps are a wee bit thin. Actually, the Stealths and the HX1.2 are similar, depends a bit on what system you plug them into. Also, the Stealths were designed to work best on glass, surprisingly. Dynavectors weren't.
Originally posted by Alex S
I guess it is a while since you've been round, bub.
Ditto, last time you were here I had most of my gear in an Ash rack and had Lingo'd LP12, Ittok, 135s and Epos 22s.

Got a new rack or two, Ninja/Aro and ATCs now. Plus your very nice Troika.

If you can stop falling out wiv me, we could vodka-ise.
Originally posted by Marco
As do I. But have you learnt anything other than about equipment O learned one? For example, supports, or the mains, both of which in my experience have more influence on the sound than simply changing bits of kit.



I have had the pleasure of using most of the likely suspects in that area, Mana, Townsend, Quadraspire, Finite Element, and mains treatments from Trichord, isotek, Jaya, Kimber and Shunyata. And yes I agree that they can have a profound affect, at other times they are all but un noticeable. Hutter is next on the list.

I currently use Finite Element, Townsend and Shunyata to great effect. I've done the Mana thing, I remember what it does, and can think of applications. Just not for me.

Hey at the end of the day, it's a hobby and life is for learning. In much the same way, I could not see myself buying a Ford and sticking with the brand for life to the exclusion of others simply because I felt their products suited my needs. I'd want to try out the opposition just to know for sure.

I just can't imagine enting into a "mine's bigger than yours" playground debate without actually seeing your opponent's weapon;)
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Originally posted by Alex S

Marco, sadly, I suspect your chances of obtaining Stealth amps are a wee bit thin.

Why so, Alex? JW has a pair of monoblocks in his barn system that I know he'd sell. In fact, he's already offered to let me borrow them!

I want to try out a 6-pack of 135s by tri-amping the Spendors first, though - when I come across four of 'em at a decent price. I have a feeling that may be scary enough for starters.

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