[quote="sastusbulbas, post: 696107"]I don't get it, is it an attempt at taking the piss out of an audio ancillary based on personal opinion? and can you do it with any piece of audio equipment if one so chooses?[/quote] Yes and yes, respectively. Somebody on pfm gave me an idea today: [I]On the first part of the journey All my hi-fi gear lacked life There were Sonys, Sanyos, bland, boring Played through boomy, boxy things The first time I met with a guy full of PRaT I heard music with no clouds The pace was hot, the soundstage was not But the air was full of sound I've been through my CDs with a player called Naim Had a sound you cannot disdain But no better than others, it’s plain You can seek for PRaT, but you’ll listen in vain La, la ... [/I] More work needed... [quote]Or is it based on experience? This being how you actually found Mana supports and some of what happened to you?[/quote] Mana has an especial place in my affections. It was Mana's total failure to work that made me the s(c)eptic I am today. I am forever grateful. I am merely quoting the miraculous results quoted on the Mana website itself. [quote]Did selling all the furniture not affect the room acoustics?[/QUOTE] Don't be silly, Mana from heaven can overcome anything. [quote]Did you get a discount from the shoe repair shop? Did this also affect your carpet?[/quote] Only for sole music. And the carpets were sol(e)d. [quote]How long was the airline?[/quote] As a piece of string. [quote]How did the MOA find out how high it was?[/quote] Apparently the altimeter reading of a U2 that nearly hit it. [quote]Did the floor actualy take so many stacks of Mana? [/quote] Yes, after some modifications by Freeman, Fox & Partners. [quote]Did you not need planning permision? [/quote] I plan to get permission some day. [quote]Did you have to take your roof down?[/quote] No, just a simple hole allows one to fiddle on the roof. (If I were a rich man, dumadumadumadum...) [quote]How did it affect your relationship with your wife?[/quote] My [U]what[/U]? What a question to ask an audiophool! [quote]Did the permafrost and cold affect the Hi Fi in any way? It could not have been good for your cart?[/quote] On the contrary, it proved the brilliance of the Great Mr. Belt. Remember how we all laughed about putting CDs in the fridge to improve the sound? Well, Belt didn't go far enough - put the whole thing in the fridge and the sound is, for want of a better word, cool. Who needs cryogenics, when one can have altitude?