that's the point: every system (with their owner) has its own laws.bottleneck said:there's no way a Kontrapunkt A sounds as good as this does in my system.
bottleneck said:I have an Ear 834P.
You just press MC for MC and MM for MM.
The button puts the step up transfomer in place.
Hmmmm, Some friends and I compared EAR's MC3, Shelter, and Denon TX step-ups using my 834P, and they where all more revealing than the standard built-ins. When we substituted S&B 103's, the differences were not subtle, they were night and day: more extended highs, deeper bass, etc., etc. IMHO, step-ups make as big a difference as cartridges.bottleneck said:tried one! (tried several in fact).
top step up transformers by companies like Tron, Audion, Ortofon, S&B etc. In fact, I think I must have tried about 10 or more different step up transformers or similar. The differences I heard were negligable
we always have to blame something or someone.bottleneck said:Next stop, we'll be blaming the room acoustic, my own ears or some other ballcocks.
So true, we audiophiles are on another planet! My girlfriend's Denon M31 system cost 1/3 of that of my cartridge, and to her, the differences between her system and mine are negligablebottleneck said:it wouldnt be the first time I've found that audiophiles spend a lot of money on things that make very little difference.
7_V said:For my home system I'm running an Ortofon Rohmann into a rather old 834P which takes MM cartridges only. I use a separate Tim de P tansformer.
I'm not sure that I'm getting as much detail as I could. Perhaps there are some component swaps or simple modifications I could do.
7_V said:I also find that positioning of all the boxes and cables is critical to minimise the hum but it's always audible, never disappearing completely.
7_V said:I would happily swap my tranny, 834P and preamp for a single Tim de P preamp including a MC phono stage as this would reduce the hassle, number of boxes, cables and, hopefully, hum. Is there a downside to this approach?
bottleneck said:tried one! (tried several in fact).
top step up transformers by companies like Tron, Audion, Ortofon, S&B etc.
In fact, I think I must have tried about 10 or more different step up transformers or similar.
The differences I heard were negligable.
bottleneck said:I know you're not a big fan of the 834P's transformers, but my own ears don't back up what I've read from you on the topic.