new cartridge question

Aha. I can always tell from our site stats when our name has been called in vain :) Its a very nice cart, though I'm more of a Kontrapunkt man meself ;)

Interesting that you were thinking of the Benz Ace. One of the companies we deal with are planning to do an OEM rebadged version of the Ace at some point in the future. I'd love to give one a whirl.
thats interesting U.Ants.. there's no way a Kontrapunkt A sounds as good as this does in my system.

I have an Ear 834P.

You just press MC for MC and MM for MM.

The button puts the step up transfomer in place.

bottleneck said:
I have an Ear 834P.

You just press MC for MC and MM for MM.

The button puts the step up transfomer in place.

Not wanting to be unkind to Tim, but the 834P is very much build down to a price and the MC transformer especially. You might find the ranking changes if you use a really high quality MC stepup (even EAR's own MC3).

Ciao T
tried one! (tried several in fact).

top step up transformers by companies like Tron, Audion, Ortofon, S&B etc.

In fact, I think I must have tried about 10 or more different step up transformers or similar.

The differences I heard were negligable.

I know you're not a big fan of the 834P's transformers, but my own ears don't back up what I've read from you on the topic.

Hifi being a very subjective topic after all.
For my home system I'm running an Ortofon Rohmann into a rather old 834P which takes MM cartridges only. I use a separate Tim de P tansformer.

I'm not sure that I'm getting as much detail as I could. Perhaps there are some component swaps or simple modifications I could do.

I also find that positioning of all the boxes and cables is critical to minimise the hum but it's always audible, never disappearing completely.

I would happily swap my tranny, 834P and preamp for a single Tim de P preamp including a MC phono stage as this would reduce the hassle, number of boxes, cables and, hopefully, hum. Is there a downside to this approach?

phono stages like cartridges are all self preference, personal, very much an individual taste, someone said why do i use a m.f. x-lps for such a t.t. that i have, i also own the kw phono, but in the end you live with what gives you the most enjoyment,as far as cartridges go there are few manufacturers making them but many are branding them,in my experience through out all this years in hi-fi,sometimes the " old men" play better then most youths....for all is worth.
bottleneck said:
tried one! (tried several in fact).
top step up transformers by companies like Tron, Audion, Ortofon, S&B etc. In fact, I think I must have tried about 10 or more different step up transformers or similar. The differences I heard were negligable
Hmmmm, Some friends and I compared EAR's MC3, Shelter, and Denon TX step-ups using my 834P, and they where all more revealing than the standard built-ins. When we substituted S&B 103's, the differences were not subtle, they were night and day: more extended highs, deeper bass, etc., etc. IMHO, step-ups make as big a difference as cartridges.
it wouldnt be the first time I've found that audiophiles spend a lot of money on things that make very little difference.

We can add power cable, interconnect, speaker cable and other products to the growing pile of "diamonds on the soles of our shoes".

And no, the age old "lets explain away the differences by complaining about ancillary equipment" doesnt make any more sense here than it does in other cases.

Next stop, we'll be blaming the room acoustic, my own ears or some other ballcocks.

Its a better sounding cart, full stop.

I'd add "IMO" but you can take that as read.
bottleneck said:
Next stop, we'll be blaming the room acoustic, my own ears or some other ballcocks.
we always have to blame something or someone. :D

These discussions have only sense when you are there together and listen together to equipments.
bottleneck said:
it wouldnt be the first time I've found that audiophiles spend a lot of money on things that make very little difference.
So true, we audiophiles are on another planet! My girlfriend's Denon M31 system cost 1/3 of that of my cartridge, and to her, the differences between her system and mine are negligable;)
I see that you've already bought your new cart so my post will be pretty acedemic now.
Whenever i change carts i normally sell the old one just after buying the new one to part fund it. The only cart that i've decided to keep hold of in recent years is my Shure V15VxMR it sounds good, it looks good and i just love seeing that carbon fibre 'damper brush' swish into action when in use. It would have been right in your ball park at circa £300 new and a new stylus assy can be had for as little as £100 if you shop around carefully.

I'm currently running a Denon DL110 and plan to get another DL103 i the very near future just to see if i'll like it as much second time aound as i did the first. The DL110 digs out loads of detail but i find the upper HF a little too much for my delicate little ears.......

7_V said:
For my home system I'm running an Ortofon Rohmann into a rather old 834P which takes MM cartridges only. I use a separate Tim de P tansformer.

I'm not sure that I'm getting as much detail as I could. Perhaps there are some component swaps or simple modifications I could do.

There are. I written a short note on this:

7_V said:
I also find that positioning of all the boxes and cables is critical to minimise the hum but it's always audible, never disappearing completely.

Then there is something wrong with the cabling. If you have the MC3 it should be absolutely quiet. What interconnects are you using? How have you arranged things?

7_V said:
I would happily swap my tranny, 834P and preamp for a single Tim de P preamp including a MC phono stage as this would reduce the hassle, number of boxes, cables and, hopefully, hum. Is there a downside to this approach?

The downside is that upgrades cannot be made. It either works or doesn't. I personally tend to prefer integrated solutions.

Ciao T

bottleneck said:
tried one! (tried several in fact).

top step up transformers by companies like Tron, Audion, Ortofon, S&B etc.

In fact, I think I must have tried about 10 or more different step up transformers or similar.

The differences I heard were negligable.

Count yourself lucky and again on the account that you prefer your current cartridge to any sensible MC, it means you have no reason to spend a lot of money.

bottleneck said:
I know you're not a big fan of the 834P's transformers, but my own ears don't back up what I've read from you on the topic.

Maybe they don't because you wish me to be "wrong"?

Anyway, enjoy what you like.... I always do according to this creed:

Ciao T
Hi Thorsten!

I like the motto - right up to the part about guns and dope. You're welcome to both of them.

Since we're being honest - I in no way whatsoever wish you to be wrong, or in fact have any feelings about you being wrong or right in any way whatsoever.

I do however feel that you are somebody who finds it hard to consider any opinion that is contrary to your own as valid.

This makes you blinkered in my view - and although I admire you're knowledge and understanding, I find it a shame that I can't get more benefit from it.
Hi Bottleneck,i Completly Agree With You,. What Is A Discution On A Subject Worth Without Respect Of Individual Oppinion,advice Can Be Very Helpfull " Bias" I Leave That To Tonearms,etc,

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