away working hard on "it"
I consider any opinion valid for the person holding it. That may however still make it an opinion that drastically wrong to anyone else.
You will find that I usually qualify very clearly what I am saying.
The qualifications may sound like a putdown, they are not to me, to me they are observations. If you decide to take a neutral obvservation as putting you/your gear down then I think you are not really sure of what you actually like and want.
I know what I like (and while I like certain drugs I do not like guns, but I find them an unfortunate neccessity which currently various governments deny, try to deny their subjects as it would place too much power in their hands) and if you draw out a large map of Audio you find me somewhere surprisingly close to the center in the things I am trying to achieve, though usually at the fringes with the methodes.
So, if make certain statements do not take them the wrong way. And note that I have done most of the other things previously as well.
Ciao T
bottleneck said:I do however feel that you are somebody who finds it hard to consider any opinion that is contrary to your own as valid.
I consider any opinion valid for the person holding it. That may however still make it an opinion that drastically wrong to anyone else.
You will find that I usually qualify very clearly what I am saying.
The qualifications may sound like a putdown, they are not to me, to me they are observations. If you decide to take a neutral obvservation as putting you/your gear down then I think you are not really sure of what you actually like and want.
I know what I like (and while I like certain drugs I do not like guns, but I find them an unfortunate neccessity which currently various governments deny, try to deny their subjects as it would place too much power in their hands) and if you draw out a large map of Audio you find me somewhere surprisingly close to the center in the things I am trying to achieve, though usually at the fringes with the methodes.
So, if make certain statements do not take them the wrong way. And note that I have done most of the other things previously as well.
Ciao T