new scientist

Thanks for the information Mosfet, I have put a little post on Russ Andrews blog page and await a reply. cheers.
Well on their website Kimber state that they use equipment to measure directionality of each cable and label it accordingly before sale. I was hoping they could let us know what it is they are measuring and what they use to measure it with.

We're not arguing; we're having a discussion. And you're right, we're pretty much singing from the same hymn sheet :)

However -- ;)

Equally, the danger of fuelling your mind with too little scepticism is that you are taken in by everything on a subjective "first listen" and end up buying stuff that in the long term (once its psychological novelty value has worn off) you realise doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.

Yup, no doubt that happens. It's a matter of balance though just like with most things in life. Too little or too much scepticism is bad - what you're aiming for is a 'healthy amount'. Trouble is, I doubt we'll agree on what exactly that is!

Then again, auditioning absolutely everything you hear / read something good about also saps the energy somewhat ... the sceptical approach does help to narrow down your shortlist at least.

For sure, but I would never audition everything that was recommended. I just make a shortlist of stuff that interests me, find a dealer that stocks it, arrange an audition, and buy what I like. Sometimes I might arrange to try equipment at home. It's a relatively simple process that's served me well for years. For me, hi-fi isn't complicated, but some people seem determined to make it that way!

Does speed of propogation have any bearing on this?That can be measured.
Paul 33 is still young wait till your 55 like me.The only good thing is all the hype and Bs seems much easier to deal with.Wisdom does shine through every now and then.You just forget when.
Hi, Rollo. You're right - you certainly get wiser as you get older! Incidentally 55 is not old. I think it depends on your outlook on life. Would you say you were an old 55 year old or a young 55 year old? I know guys your age that are into pretty much the same stuff I am (sport, music, beer, girlies - not necessarily in that order!) and that don't look their age, and ones that look and act more like my granddad! :rolleyes:

I reckon some people are 'born old' and moan their way through life. Those are probably the ones that also make hi-fi complicated ;)

From his waterfront villa somewhere in the Bahamas, Mr Andrews was heard saying: "Tell them to **** off and pass me the Dom Perignon and the suntan lotion..."

Yes, I recieved a reply to my 'blog' post for Russell Andrews. A gentleman by the name of Gary Hartley said Russell was away until this week and would reply to my question when he gets back (He didn't say he was in the Bahamas but who knows)
As far as Kimber Cable, if they state on their website that they measure directionality of each cable then they must be able to satisfy someone that they do. Is there any regulatory body (particularly in the States) that controls advertising claims. If the claim is made over here what 'evidence' must they be able to provide? I am unsure of advertising regs does anyone know?
asdvertising regs differ wildly in the US and UK, you have to be able 'to prove any and all claims and comparissons' made in UK adverts, otherwise the ASA can pull them with as little as one complaint.

in the US its way different, broadly speaking you can say pretty much what you like as long as it isn't slanderous or libelous, their is very little in the way of advertising consumer protection law in the US, but then again they'll sue your ass just for looking at them over there.
Cheers, I still haven't recieved my 'Black Book Vol 1' from British Audio site. Has anyone any experience of ordering from them? do they usually take a long time to deliver only I paid for the booklet on the third of this month. When/if it arrives will be able to post what Ben Duncan says about directionality.
Yes, I recieved a reply to my 'blog' post for Russell Andrews. A gentleman by the name of Gary Hartley said Russell was away until this week and would reply to my question when he gets back (He didn't say he was in the Bahamas but who knows)

The suspense is building ....
... Indeed so. It's akin to expelling a rather troublesome turd. The excitement in my bottom is killing me.


Shall we invite (ex)Dr Gillian McKeith along to analyse it scientifically when it does come out?

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