Equally, the danger of fuelling your mind with too little scepticism is that you are taken in by everything on a subjective "first listen" and end up buying stuff that in the long term (once its psychological novelty value has worn off) you realise doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.
Then again, auditioning absolutely everything you hear / read something good about also saps the energy somewhat ... the sceptical approach does help to narrow down your shortlist at least.
Thanks for the information Mosfet, I have put a little post on Russ Andrews blog page and await a reply. cheers.
(He didn't say he was in the Bahamas but who knows)
Yes, I recieved a reply to my 'blog' post for Russell Andrews. A gentleman by the name of Gary Hartley said Russell was away until this week and would reply to my question when he gets back (He didn't say he was in the Bahamas but who knows)
... Indeed so. It's akin to expelling a rather troublesome turd. The excitement in my bottom is killing me.