Ben, the lack of understanding is yours - I did not say you referred to a different experiment I said you referred to an entirely unrelated concept in your explanation namely quantum entanglement which is nothing to do with youngs fringes at all.
You were the first one to mention "entanglement" - don't go beating him up for an assumption you made.
In fact what you have described is never discussed amongst physicists as it is a) entirely incorrect physics and b) mystical hogwash which has no relation to the physical concepts it is being linked with in order to make a vain attempt of providing said hogwash with some kind of authority.
Try saying why it is incorrect.
Using your arguments to claim a cable "knows" which end is connected to where is patently ridiculous.
Again, "Why?"
Your "cause and effect" post is probably the most risable thing I have ever read in a hifi forum.
No, it isn't

Even with a low powered light billions of billions of photons are passing through the slits at the same moment.
Finally, we're almost getting somewhere. WIth that "hint" can you now explain why the experiment is irrelevant.
Oedipus - you are incorrect, I did recognise the experiment -
No, you didn't because you started wittering on about light ("power output of the light source which is merely a means to make the interference pattern more visible under classroom conditions.").
The significance of the experiment is that it works with single particles! Which is completely at odds with your statement about power.
In science the onus is on the person propounding the theory to show the relevence - why should youngs fringes have anything to do with cable directionaility? No reason at all.
You are simply making a statement, and it is true. However, you are using "proof by repeated assertion". I am asking you to explain how you came to the conclusion (what "facts" or "science" are you using).
And Ben brought up the topic of entanglement.
Actually, he didn't. You assumed that that is what he was alluding to.
No - snake oil salesman spout pseudo science. Mine was correct science. If you can proove otherwise please do so. Power is irrelvent to the youngs fringe pattern - if you think that is hilarious you obviously need a refresher o-level physics course - if you ever did it in the first place.
You are the one thinking of the "O-level" experiment. I'm refering to an experiment that opens the door to the whole of quantum mechanics.
Go read the section "The beauty of the double-slit experiment" within the link I posted.
I charge £25 per hour and I advise you to take me up on that offer.
That someone is willing to pay you £25 per hour and that you have a piece of paper (your doctorate) doesn't automatically mean you are a scientist (let alone a good one).