I think I have found the source of the measurements, so we can all relax, and be happy in the knowledge that there is no cover-up and it's all based on good science after all.
Russ Andrews' website provides some useful information ...
Here is an outline of the experiment and measurements conducted:
"I tested the effect on my wife (a blind test, not telling her what I was changing) and asked her to describe the change in sound. She described exactly what I had heard, so I knew I wasn't imagining it, even though my electronic 'education' said it couldn't happen."
So I think that closes the debate once and for all.
And just in case you are having problems directionalising your cables at home, follow this procedure:
"Don't do too many repeats if you aren't sure because it just becomes too confusing, try a different piece of music instead."
Yes, remember, it is always a bad idea to repeat your experiments, because you might end up with a different result, which would place the original result in doubt. And that would just be confusing.
I'm off to stick some arrows on some wires.