Nice Big Speakers

Originally posted by lowrider
I did take your advice until you flipped to the dark side and stopped making any sense... ;)

Oh don't worry about me.....I'm going through one of those " HiFI doesn't matter" phases atm.

Problem is it's lasting a long time!

The B&O's? I just think they'd look funky with that big window and all that light. They are quite small in the flesh you know!
Originally posted by merlin
The B&O's? I just think they'd look funky with that big window and all that light. They are quite small in the flesh you know!

You are probably right about the window and light, but I would have to change all the rest, as it is mostly simple and light coloured, but not really modern design...
Originally posted by The Devil
Yup. A gayer's speaker if ever there was one. Nowt wrong with that, but no guts at all.

Sure your refrigerators on iron framed glass dont qualify as gayer's... :JPS:
Originally posted by lowrider
Sure your refrigerators on iron framed glass dont qualify as gayer's... :JPS:

If you put Graeme Norton, John Inman and liberace in a room and the room would be gayer, however put each one of them on Mana and they would be butcher than, Butch McButch the Butch Butcher of Butch town, Butchbury, butchland.

No gay guy would ever consider mana, fingerprints and dust catchers, (turns down gay hand and in best gay voice) PULEEEEEESE! Now Quadraspire,.....
Originally posted by The Devil
I have those in order to compensate for my micropenis.


ps I have bought 26 Lacks and constructed them into a tower formation with some mechano,and they work well
Originally posted by analoguekid
No gay guy would ever consider mana, fingerprints and dust catchers, (turns down gay hand and in best gay voice) PULEEEEEESE! Now Quadraspire,.....
I think gay would be one of those luverly butch Walrus (moustache) things. Hmmm. That or a Gainclone. Quadraspire is not gay. It wobbles.
Merlin those are one serious set of speakers, you should be proud Sir.

Correct me if I'm wrong but are those mid range's ATC SM75.150?
Volt bass drivers?

I'm not worthy!
I'm not worthy!

Coupled with sealed PD2450's in stereo would be orgasmic


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