Nice Big Speakers

Recently gave my pair of Kef 107/2 a proper airing at volume. To me the results were dramatic and convincingly in support of the "bigger" speakers argument.
Been playing with my "sub-sat" setup tonight and guess what?

Crossing over at 60 -80hz certainly gives you that clarity so beloved by the monitor crew, but somehow music is vastly more enjoyable and palpable when crossing over at 400hz:eek:

Sure it's less clear and the female vocal sounds smoother, but realistic body is restored. But it can't be right surely? Clarity is all?

Well switch to the headphones (Sennheiser HD600) and, well, it sounds a hell of a lot closer to the spectral balance of the 400hz setting than the artificial clarity of the satellites. My assertion is that the advantage of big speakers is that they recreate the 100hz to 300hz area properly. That is where all the music's energy is centred. me anyway:D
Originally posted by merlin
I have sadly not had the opportunity to listen to your system, but those who have and have spoken with me say it's OK - nothing more.
Well, I'm pretty sure the only person you've spoken to who has heard Antonio's system is me - and I never said anything of the sort :p

Originally posted by michaelab
Well, I'm pretty sure the only person you've spoken to who has heard Antonio's system is me - and I never said anything of the sort :p


Sorry Michael,

I forgot about you!

Would you care to let us know what your opinion is of the setup in question then?

I think I know it following the conversation you had with Robbo and myself at Heathrow, but maybe you could share it with the others?
Originally posted by merlin
Would you care to let us know what your opinion is of the setup in question then?
Ok, in brief, and just commenting on its performance in stereo (+ the subs with active xover though), it's a very good sounding system that puts many dedicated 2ch. systems to shame. It's a hell of lot better than "OK". Its sound actually reminds me a lot of WM's system :eek: - full of controlled energy and very musical :)

I haven't read the rest of the thread so I don't know what's been said about sub/sats vs. big floorstanders but IMO a considerable amount of the performance of Antonio's system comes from using two BIG subs with an active xover. That kind of setup makes tuning it for the room so much easier.

What can I add to your reactions, maybe... :bub:

It is not worth it to discuss hifi with you, you only hear and believe what serves you... Not to mention your very short memory, what was SOTA yesterday doesnt work today, what is your next dream system... :p
Hey Antonio,

my comments were not aimed at you, I have never heard your system.

I was just somewhat surprised, as I believe was WM, by the comments attributed to our esteemed leader on this occasion:D

I really don't know why everyone takes it so seriously. My system's bloody awful, no redeeming features what so ever (other than looking expensive!)

PS. Well done last night - just drop that overrated old has been Figo for the Spanish match and you should be OK:D
Originally posted by merlin
I was just somewhat surprised, as I believe was WM, by the comments attributed to our esteemed leader on this occasion:D

Why, do you think Michael is lying... :confused:

We didnt play that well, but TG it was enough, Spain maybe a little more difficult though... :rolleyes:

Figo is not that bad, on yesterday's team I would only replace Simao by Cristiano Ronaldo... :banana:
Originally posted by lowrider
Why, do you think Michael is lying... :confused:

That's a harsh word for it, maybe Michael's future lies in politics rather than banking Antonio. Who knows.

Spain will be tough, but just think how good you will feel if you manage it AND knock the Spanish out at the same time:D

When Mike (B) visited last year he said he though (at that time) the presenation were very similar, (diferent cdp/cables/stockamp/old mains con etc), my point is things change very rapidly at chez Wm, and that analergy wouldn't be appropriate now thats all :)
I think Mike is properbly feeling a little stressed out with worry over his good lady, and so I wouldn't read too much into anything. T.
Yes, I just heard about her, glad she is getting better... :beer:

That's a harsh word for it, maybe Michael's future lies in politics rather than banking Antonio. Who knows.

So anyone that doesnt say what you want is a politician... :confused:

When Mike (B) visited last year he said he though (at that time) the presenation were very similar, (diferent cdp/cables/stockamp/old mains con etc), my point is things change very rapidly at chez Wm, and that analergy wouldn't be appropriate now thats all

I dont think that you, unlike our friend Merlin :p, change your preference very often, so your upgrades should improve, rather than transform, your system's sound... :rolleyes:

I am sure you noticed that my kit also did change a bit in the last year, different processor/power/cables/supports, ERS, etc...

So I wouldnt be surprised if the presentation still is similar, actually from what you and your guests say, (and our speakers sharing a common woofer, transmission line versus 2 subwoofers), I think we have similar preferences in this area, surely not the same methods of achieving it... :MILD:
Originally posted by lowrider
so your upgrades should improve, rather than transform, your system's sound... :

If only you realised just how negligable these improvements really were when it comes to actually enjoying music you would be selling not buying;)

I still think a pair of these would look great in that flat of yours Antonio, and no doubt be quite an upgrade in themselves;)
Originally posted by merlin
If only you realised just how negligable these improvements really were when it comes to actually enjoying music you would be selling not buying;)

I still think a pair of these would look great in that flat of yours Antonio, and no doubt be quite an upgrade in themselves;)

Sure I dont replace my "music" every now and then, I have enough live music experience and earing to know what is worth it, I dont think you are reliable enough to advice anyone how to enjoy music through hifi systems... :p

Are those your next wonder speakers... :rolleyes:


I am not saying my system is as good as yours, or the best in the world, thats not my objective either, just that we might enjoy and have a similar music presentation... :shame:
Originally posted by lowrider
I dont think you are reliable enough to advice anyone how to enjoy music through hifi systems... :p

Are those your next wonder speakers... :rolleyes:

Ah so you take my advice when it suits you and ignore it when it goes against your personal spending plans:rolleyes:

I don't know Antonio............................I'm hurt now:(

As for the B&O's, well they do actually sound very good (athough I'm sure most audiophiles' blood is boiling) but I just think they would look seriously good in your room (mine is too traditional)

Go on, get a demo;) Selling your BC and SF's should cover the cost:)
I did take your advice until you flipped to the dark side and stopped making any sense... ;)

I fail to see how you think the B&O has anything to do with my taste, meaning looks, have you seen the Sonus Fabers... :confused:

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