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Re: The Jong-Satan method...

Originally posted by jtc
The 'torsional tension' thing doesn't seem to be clear when I read that - if one sets up any stand true to itself, you avoid any tension surely - why would the centre lift make much of a difference anyway? So long as everything is as true as it can be from the lowest level up, and so long as one doesn't over-tighten the bolts and ensures that spikes don't embed into the boards, then you'll achieve the same thing, surely?
If you don't understand the difference, you almost certainly set your Mana up incorrectly.

If you did use that exact method (not 'more-or-less', I mean exactly that method) then there is obviously no difference.

I don't think anybody has recommended the centre-lift method for the boards before.

It came as a revelation to very experienced Mana users & enthusiasts such as tf and Paul Duerden, to name but two.

Not convinced. I always used a method much like that one, but that's by-the-by; the whole sudden 'better method' thing looks suspiciously like a 'let's discredit everyone who has ever said a bad thing about Mana by re-inventing the setup rules' (inadvertently implying that anyone who set it up any other way was doing it incorrectly - JW included).

I would like to hear your new system as I wasn't as impressed by the ATCs when I heard them last as I'd expected, and so by the addition of a lot more Mana and your 'revolutionary new technique' I ought to be extremely impressed this time.

Not sure when I'll next be in Hillhead but I'd like to take you up on that offer...


If you did use that exact method (not 'more-or-less', I mean exactly that method) then there is obviously no difference.
I used that technique not only for boards but also for the glass, and levelling my turntable spikes onto the glass also (but that wasn't so successful). Lift the glass/board, level the spikes (top) and likewise for the next level that's going down, tilt up from the front and look along to see where the stand is or isn't wobbling.

Common sense, I thought everyone did it like that.

Still think the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and I've yet to hear a multi-phase Mana installation (including my own in the past) that lived up to the hype. Sure, even I got carried away in my evangelical enthusiasm, but at least I now realise that:

(a) it works for a lot of kit a lot of the time, but...
(b) the 'effect' isn't always an improvement and the music often suffers (but not always => LP12, speakers).

Willing to concede that under ATCs the effect is more pronounced as the stock speakers without Mana are hatefully bad, there's no way anyone would surely stick with them otherwise... :p

My last word about Mana

OK, James, I'm bored talking about Mana setup now. I don't own any these days and I wasted too much of my time enthusiastically recommending it to all and sundry in the past, to be bothered with whether anyone uses it or not.

Let's get off the incredibly tedious subject of Mana and back to Tings. Or, rather, let's not go back to Tings either...


I really don't care whether other people like/use Mana or not, see my comments in another thread for why. Basically, it's really none of my business what other people use.

The centre-lift method is a leap forward from what JW used to recommend. He thought that the boards weren't that critical because of the 'give' in them. The method I posted was posted in a spirit of helpfulness and was not intended to discredit anyone. I take the view that life is too short for carryings-on like that.

There was a lot of argument about it at the time from some of the old-timers such as Mr Pig, but that is buried in another thread (I can't remember which thread it was), so I posted the method in the FAQ section to get it away from all the silly sniping. It is a different method from the one previously recommended by Mana. I think the results speak for themselves.

Yes, do come. Even if you don't like it I won't mind.
By the chimpspeare methodology I must have set the stuff up right at least once!

I see Mana is 14 this year - so horribly compromised by non-torsional bad set-up for the first 13 its a wonder its got this far, but happy birthday anyway.
Originally posted by Alex S
[BI see Mana is 14 this year - [/B]

Does that mean we'll be treated to an anniversary Phase 14 reference support or has the range already got such an absurdity?

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