The Jong-Satan method...
I don't see how that's any different to the way that I set the stands up, but never mind. With the wall-shelf, of course it wasn't possibly to get it completely true due to the flex inherent in the iron frame, but what you've taken obviously a good bit of time to detail is more or less the way that I, and if memory serves, most other people I've spoken to over the years, used. In fact, I don't know if you'll recall Damien who used to work for Mana - that was the method he described to me over the phone way back when I bought my six-tier stand around the tail-end of 1999 or early 2000.
The 'torsional tension' thing doesn't seem to be clear when I read that - if one sets up any stand true to itself, you avoid any tension surely - why would the centre lift make much of a difference anyway? So long as everything is as true as it can be from the lowest level up, and so long as one doesn't over-tighten the bolts and ensures that spikes don't embed into the boards, then you'll achieve the same thing, surely?
Nope, don't see it. I can't see any difference in the way that your method differs from the way I used to do it. And others, too.
The 'double glass' thing I concede to as something I never tried, and I'm willing to believe that that might have an effect, and the use of dumpies as a replacement for blue-tac under speakers where the stands are used I claim for my own discovery (which is what I always did with my Neats) and that had a positive effect, but what you're describing ain't the better mousetrap I was expecting...