Notes about notes

Personaly I find tings very irritating, and prefer music, seems strange that the same crowd are debating (massly I feel :D ) a Ting convention, when most of them wouldn't know decent sound between them (save GrahamN), most Odd, from the man with a refined pa system :)

Originally posted by ReJoyce

My point is that you were besmirching Bub by claiming "the notion of wanting to help others without reward is perhaps not one you're familiar with" or that he wouldn't understand an altruistic gesture. I thought that a bit rich considering Bubs carreer.

Jason, your somewhat simplistic thinking has clouded the issue.

I wasn't referring to James' career when I said that, I was referring to his fabled forum raison d'etre , i.e. he enjoys taking the piss, above all else.

I have no doubt that in his profession, James helps people on a daily basis, gets paid for it, and rightly so!

Now on the subject of besmirching, perhaps you could explain why you besmirched me by using inverted commas around "businessman"...?

Re: James

Originally posted by Marco
If you think I'm kidding myself on, you are of course entitled to your opinion, but I assure you that is not the case. The fact of the matter is you'll never know for sure unless you try it yourself.
Well, thanks for being honest about the tings, o besmirched one. [dread words!]

I don't suppose I'll ever find out about the spurs. Others who have multiple spurs disagree with you btw, so who do I believe? And it's not exactly a simple a-b demo is it?

When I heard your gear I was not blown away by extra details which were inaudible on other rigs, so I don't know what, if anything, these spurs are meant to be doing to the sound quality.

I just think this entire subject is nerdy.

Mick, hi-fi is a nerdy pursuit, and a lot of people try to listen out for little details in the music when evaluating kit. I salute you for taking the alternative 'chequebook' approach to it. I still think you are ducking the issue.

So to sum up RKR's tings: no one (so far) can hear them except Paul Ranson, and he is using active Isobariks just like RKR does. Don't get me wrong, Isobariks are good speakers......but maybe not the last word in detail compared with more modern designs.

I conclude that it seems overwhelmingly likely that the tings are an Isobarik problem, and I'm surprised Mick can't hear 'em. Mind you, Mick famously can't tell if his speakers are in or out of phase!

Pip pip!

I did not hear the tings because I gave up after 10 dull, boring, dreary, painstaking minutes.

Anyone who sits through that CD needs to take a serious look at themselves. The words nerd, cretin, dullard and sad bugger just instantly come to mind.

I still cannot figure out on what you think I have "ducked out "


Maybe Mick could examine his Sarah Brightman collection in the hope of finding us some more suitable tings to get nerdy about?

FWIW I think there's some good music on the RKR 'Test CD'. The aforementioned Irma Thomas track for instance.

Well, as you know, I am not privy to the whole of RKR's oeuvre, because I only requested the Elvis track.

C'mon Mick, indulge us: stick the Elvis track on and let us know...two minutes of your time, a lifetime of fulfillment for the rest of us when you reveal ... [drum roll] ... the presence of a ting, several tings or no tings.

Just imagine! If tings are present, you can lord it over the ting-less plebs like me.
Missed this, but wasn't Mick unable to hear the " one speaker out of phase Ting" for months?

This would seem to put him at a disadvantage when it comes to identifying these things.
I have done my bit


I played the track and yes I heard the bloody tings. Like little bells.

I always rise to the challenge blah blah blah.

I now suggest you take a fortnight in the sun.


Mick.........soon off to Tenerife.
Re: Re: James

Originally posted by The Devil

Well, thanks for being honest about the tings, o besmirched one. [dread words!]

Hehe, no probs.

I don't suppose I'll ever find out about the spurs. Others who have multiple spurs disagree with you btw, so who do I believe? And it's not exactly a simple a-b demo is it?

No it most certainly isn't. It's a difficult one, James. If I was on speaking terms with you, I'd invite you down to have a listen, and I'd bet on my cat's life (my cat is somewhat special) you'd hear where I'm coming from. Perhaps one day, our situation may be different. What's your view on cats?

When I heard your gear I was not blown away by extra details which were inaudible on other rigs, so I don't know what, if anything, these spurs are meant to be doing to the sound quality.

James, No1, I didn't have separate dedicated spurs when you heard my gear, No2 that night there was a... (Cont/d P 289)

I just think this entire subject is nerdy.

Mick, hi-fi is a nerdy pursuit, and a lot of people try to listen out for little details in the music when evaluating kit. I salute you for taking the alternative 'chequebook' approach to it. I still think you are ducking the issue.

Mick's right. For the true cuff link-endowed gentleman, Salisbury's latest is where it's at in polite society, nerdy-wise... and bless my Mont Blanc, down Wiltshire way, in-phase Briks are as di rigueur as, pheasants at a tea cosy party.

We know nothing, elsewhere.

Originally posted by michaelab
Ah but Graham, that's all part of the sound of a real pianist playing a real piano allthough I could do without the "humming along" that some pianists do (unconciously btw).
It's just I've never heard that (clattering) in a live concert, even in those for which I've sat in the front row. I'd just have thought it sensible for the pianist to cut his fingernails before recording his performance for time immemorial. And they must notice their "singing" when listinging to the takes. Pollini (Beethoven "Emperor") and Kovacevich ("Hammerklavier") both ruined their own recent concerts with improvised vocal obbligati - and I heard the same tuneless growling on Kovacevich's recording of the same.

Originally posted by TonyL
This is IMHO actually one of the least geeky threads to arrive on a hi-fi forum.
Ah those were the days! :D

(Sound's to me like Parry's had too much sun already!)
Originally posted by GrahamN
It's just I've never heard that (clattering) in a live concert, even in those for which I've sat in the front row.
I've certainly heard my own fingernails clattering on the keys when I've been playing. Don't remember hearing it at a concert though but I've heard humming a plenty when sitting in the first 2-3 rows :(

Re: I have done my bit

Originally posted by mick parry
.... tings, I tell you. Like little bells.
I am sadly tingless. Pity me.

What kind of a bell? Like a sleighbell, or one of those hand-held jobs, you know the kind, where they all stand around in a circle looking rustic with a bell in each hand - that sort? And, crucially, how many separate tings were present?
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Originally posted by GrahamN
And they must notice their "singing" when listinging to the takes.
Hmm, it does make you wonder how carefully they listen back to the session tapes. Or maybe they just assume that the no one outside of the studio environment is going to have access to that same amount resolution on their playback equipment. Seeing as we're talking about spotting miniscule "tings", one I've noticed is a disinct "beep-beep" from a digital watch on DG's 1984 recording of Sibelius Finlandia with Karajan/Berlin Phil. I've got the same recording on different compilation albums, so can confirm it's definitely captured on the session tape and not some other blip. So, has anybody else got this same recording and if so have you also noticed? I'll get my coat now... ;)
Re: Marco

Originally posted by mick parry
RKR sent me his test disc and i gave up quarter way through.

A typical question was .... can you tell how many voices are singing in the choir.

I could not do that even listening live and to try and do it listening to a bloody test CD is plain pathetic...
Interesting side-issue (for me anyway). As a singer in a choir of 20 we were sometimes instructed to do 'staggered breathing' where each person (on the same vocal line) breathes at an unobvious place in a phrase. If it were audible when each person stopped, then it wouldn't work as a technique and wouldn't be practised. But it is, and is so useful I do it all the time in choral stuations. So I would agree and describe such a hi-fi test as hyper-real and not realistic.
James re:multiple spurs

I was thinking about what you said regarding people with multiple spurs disagreeing with me, and just wondered whom in particular you were referring to?

In my experience, James, those who 'diss' the m/s approach generally fall into three categories:

1) Dealers/manufacturers with a vested interest in flogging expensive mains blocks (obviously not needed in the hard-wired m/s approach), or friends of dealers/manufacturers simply protecting their friend's best interests.

The same applies with equipment, i.e. for said dealer/manufacturer there's no money in it for them to advocate the m/s hard-wired approach, and obviously would rather people bought equipment and remain on a continual box upgrade path, at far greater overall cost.

However, both are more than happy to use said mains set-up at home, but never admit in public to doing so.

2) Those who've tried it, but not to the full extent (e.g. no dedicated common Earth or full Memera RCBOs/blanks set-up), or for whatever reason, just haven't done it properly, and made up their minds it doesn't work.

3) Those who would desperately like to have it, but the other half won't agree to the cost or put up with the mess/inconvenience, and therefore, pissed off, proceed to 'convince' others it's a crap idea.

I thought I should mention all that, if it hadn't already occurred to you. Just make sure those you mention don't fall into any of the above categories ;)

That's all.

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Hi, I fit into:

4) Already has a system which astonishes with every disc played, and would rather get off upgrade treadmill, particularly with any upgrades which involve a lot of hassle and expense and which may not turn out to be an upgrade after all.

After a certain point you are just banging your head on the glass ceiling.
Then there is no problem.

I just got the impression, from what you were saying yesterday, that you might try it if you were convinced enough of the benefits.


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