James re:multiple spurs
I was thinking about what you said regarding people with multiple spurs disagreeing with me, and just wondered whom in particular you were referring to?
In my experience, James, those who 'diss' the m/s approach generally fall into three categories:
1) Dealers/manufacturers with a vested interest in flogging expensive mains blocks (obviously not needed in the hard-wired m/s approach), or friends of dealers/manufacturers simply protecting their friend's best interests.
The same applies with equipment, i.e. for said dealer/manufacturer there's no money in it for them to advocate the m/s hard-wired approach, and obviously would rather people bought equipment and remain on a continual box upgrade path, at far greater overall cost.
However, both are more than happy to use said mains set-up at home, but never admit in public to doing so.
2) Those who've tried it, but not to the full extent (e.g. no dedicated common Earth or full Memera RCBOs/blanks set-up), or for whatever reason, just haven't done it properly, and made up their minds it doesn't work.
3) Those who would desperately like to have it, but the other half won't agree to the cost or put up with the mess/inconvenience, and therefore, pissed off, proceed to 'convince' others it's a crap idea.
I thought I should mention all that, if it hadn't already occurred to you. Just make sure those you mention don't fall into any of the above categories
That's all.