OB1 vs. SCM35

Indeed - design is more important than the parts. Plenty of speakers use expensive well thought of drivers, nice cabinets and other expensive components and still sound terrible. A great design but with modest components can sound much better. All passive crossovers whatever the quality are optimised for power handling and also sit between the amp and the driver - regardless of your verying personal regard for different types of crossover.

IMHO PMC win out with clarity and lack of veiling - they are class leaders in this respect, at least with the three way monitors. The active versions are clearly ahead but that is to be expected and no way indicative of the the pmc crossovers being poor. You get a huge boost going from single to triamping and that still leaves the crossover in the loop. Single amped they can lack clarity.
So why feel the need to post to the thread bub? I beleive that is the point Andy is trying to make.

Even if you did then shop dems dont mean anything did you forget? ;)
Devil harped on about how his LP12 and Mana are as good as it gets for thousands of posts, then sells the lot when he finally discovers he was talking nonsense all along. It goes to show that no amount of yapping is a substitute for actually listening to other gear. It's only a matter of time before the below par ATC's and naim are cast aside too. :SLEEP:
You act very strangely on threads dealing with ATC. However, I have seen you act in a logical and sane manner on threads dealing with other subjects.

A bit more therapy and you should be able to get over it.

p.s. For some reason, I just don't see the funny side of you coming in to disrupt this thread just as I was getting some useful tips on how to deal with my damaged PMC's. You really are quite the comedian.
Good grief. Just for the record, you or anyone else liking or disliking any of my choices in life is a matter of absolutely no concern to me whatsoever. I've never heard the ATC 35s in any case.

Cheers, guys.
If it's a matter of no concern to you, why do you keep posting? You really are a complex character, aren't you.

Anyway, I guess your ego has been sufficiently stroked now.

Shame you made such a cock of yourself in the process.

The Devil said:
I think some reflection on your conduct & manners might be in order here, Mr Andy.


The Devil said:
Posting personal insults because of such a trivial matter seems like a little bit of an overreaction, to me at least.

From the way you tend to insult anyone who disagrees with your views one would not be able to tell it.

I suspect of course you really meant to amuse by the sheer contradiction of such a line comming from you. The cognitive dissonce.

Somewhere at the back of my head the words "Pot", "Kettle", "Black" figet for release...

The Devil said:
I trust you have better manners in your day-to-day life.

And I trust yours are exactly the same on-line and in reality, at least I'd hardly be surprised.

Anyway, your status says "Ex-Member", as "Ex-Member", would you mind to refrain from posting untill it says something else? Or preferably, would it terribly discomfit you to not post at all?

L8er T

Just for some balance,I am sure there are others that have read the thread and are surprised as to why Andy has got so worked up.The Devil chap has chucked in some observations,welcome or not,he didn't insult anyone,yet Andy found it impossible to ignore.They bare both as bad as each other,Devil for having some fun over a croissant and latte,and Andy for desparately trying not to look bothered,and failing.

I seem to remember a Von Schweikert thread,when certain members posted irrelevant gumph about a flood at the factory,insinuating the owner was less than honourable,and the speakers were therefore guff.This happens all the time,you just accept it when you start a thread.
The devil hasnt made any observations he has just been on a windup. He hasnt heard either of these speakers and hasnt posted for months here so why is he posting now? I think andys response is perfectly justified - doubly so given the damage.
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I was right on the edge of pruning some of these posts, things have turned nasty.

Get away from insults and back on the topic of the thread, or we'll have to step in.

Moderate yourselves guys, it works better that way.

I just find Mr Comedy's choice of timing to come into this thread quite strange and vindictive.

By that stage, I had made my choice and was subsequently trying to sort out quite a large mess that the couriers had caused. A mess that is going to take weeks to resolve and cause me a lot of hassle.

If he wants to come in and post words with the sole intent to disrupt, then that's fine. I guess we should all just let him get away with it.

andyoz said:
Has anyone got any advice on how to handle insurance claims with couriers?

Put most simply, you need to be able to show that the damage was caused by the transport company mishandeling the parcel.

The ripped off inductors could be a decent indicator, on top of the rest.

Make sure you have photographed everything comprehensively (including squashed, damaged packaging etc.), as much evidence as possible.

It would have helped if on receving the shipment with damaged packaging you would have noted this on the signature slip or insisted that a suitable note was added to the electronic pad (too late for that now obviously).

You might, given the likely amount of the claim, seek legal help as well, in case you need to at least effectivey threaten to take the insurer to court.

Ciao T
Yes, I have photographed everything.

There was no obvious damage to the boxes except for the corners being very slightly banged but nothing more than usual really.

The dislodged inductors are my best evidence of severe impact shock I think. You just can't do that sort of damage any other way. I will be talking to PMC's main sales guy on Monday and would be interested to hear what he has to say.

I will take it as far as necessary with the couriers. I once had a box of wines that I was sending from Australia "disappear" in transit to the UK. They were worth about £100. The shipping company ended up paying me £300 to get rid of me - I think it was the persistent telephone calls to shipping companies MD that did it.