OB1 vs. SCM35

brizonbiovizier said:
All of whom happen to be in a very small minority that all own ATC.

I don't own ATC's. Neither does Robbo, Chris, Dom, Paul,........

We are I suspect in the majority compared to the PMC ownership, but speakers are a very personal choice and I think Andy has summed up why he likes them perfectly.

Still, It's easy to see from that shot why the actives sound better..
Having now heard the PMC's I can see why some people may say the sound "will rip your head off".

That's actually the sort of sound I want as I don't listen for hours on end so a bit of an aural assault is welcomed. All I can say is I was listening to the PMC's last night and my foot was tapping. That didn't happen very often with the ATC's in my particular setup. That has answered the question in my mind. I have also changed my amp so maybe that is part of it too. Don't know, don't really care.
well yes, its not my personal preference, but I can see why some people might be attracted to them.

BBV - '' the best speakers at that price point'' is a bit all encompasing, and taste being what it is, a subjective view of course.

I would say to the owner of the new speakers, that it may be worthwhile to replace some of the components on that circuit board. The caps in particular (not the solens, they are half decent, if not amazing) would be a cheap and cost effective upgrade.... of course that raises the old ''moving away from what the manufacturer intended thing'' ... but I never really bought into that... the manufacturer made the best product they could with the budget they had.

I want to add that I'm glad you're happy with the sound, and that hopefully you will end up quids in, with an insurance payout and a pair of speakers to boot.
Hi, did you ever actually bid on that pair of JBL 4425's on eBay a few weeks ago?

Can you believe I was actually thinking of getting a set shipped over from the States. After the latest courier experience I think I have changed my mind.
nooo. If I ever buy a pair of JBL's, they would be the type that Mike currently has.. unless/until I hear something better.

Having said that, I wouldn't look at changing speakers in my current house, the prodigeous bass of those JBL's would really be OTT in my medium sized room. I think a room EQ'd sub is probably a better option for now.

If I ever get a really decent sized listening room, I'll certainly come back to makes like JBL and TAD and see whats kicking around at the time.
To be honest, if I ever bought some 44 series JBL's, I would probably spend more time just looking at them rather than listening to them.

They give me "the horn" big time.
I might start posting that naim is ****, under every single hifi thread. I've never bothered listening to it, never mind doing an A/B, it's just someone else told me that naim is **** and I believe them.

Naim is ****!
Can you carefully read the thread please.

How can I have an opinion on the speaker I was thinking of changing my ATC's for when I can't listen to it? I was asking people who have listened to one or both speakers to give me their opinions about the differences in the sound.

I actually managed to get that by carefully reading peoples posts and taking them on board. I made a decision based on that. It's called information exchange, we use it in engineering all the time. You really should try it some time.

If you had posted you opinion earlier I would have taken it on board to (on second thoughts...probably not, it being a free country and all).
Most passive speakers have crap components in the crossover - I doubt the pmc is any worse and its probably better than most. Even if they are any good they are still optimised for high power and not fidelity comapred with low power compoents. I will warrant most competent speakers sound better active.

Bub is just posting because you committed the crime of selling ATC to buy PMC even though he has never heard PMC. What you did makes him feel insecure. None of his posts have served any purpose except to trumpet his discomfort. For what its worth a lot of people Bub trusts had lp12s and he trotted out that argument for that item too... but now he has an sme and cant slag off linn hard enough. One day he will have a pair of PMCs and start slagging off ATC. Saying a lot of people he trusts own them no doubt. The equipment changes but he doesnt twig the joke.

People arent used to listening to very accurate and very dynamic speakers and that is why the PMC sound takes them aback. If the cd has a rip your head off signal then thats what it plays - as it should be. If its a gentle caress it plays that subtley. Its got great timing and detail and I wish you many pleasure filled hours listening to them - unlike some people on this thread who just seem to want to **** on your parade.
BTW Andy, congrats on some nice speakers and sorry they got farked up by UPS! They have been pretty good with my stuff so far. I think you just got the worker that owned ATC!
Yep, just unlucky. I think with enough patience and effort I can turn this one around in my favour.
brizonbiovizier said:
People arent used to listening to very accurate and very dynamic speakers and that is why the PMC sound takes them aback.

You are such a masterful windup artist BBV.

Most passive speakers have crap components in the crossover -

The best designs don't. Even Dynaudio don't. It's a clear sign of compromise unfortunately, and probably a good reason for the slight veiling of the sound I hear in comparison with some similarly priced models.
Tenson said:
The skill of a crossover is not what components it uses but how it is implemented.

It's not that difficult to model a decent crossover these days with the computer programmes available alsong with modern measuring techniques.

IME, the components used are what divide the great from the merely good these days, examples such as Verity, Living Voice and Merlin spring to mind. The results either suggest these companies design better crossovers than the likes of PMC,ATC & Proac in the first place, or they optimise their designs by careful component selection. I guess its down to whether you believe components in the signal path influence the sound or not.
Not so. With one speaker, there can be many ways to crossover the drivers and the circuit topology used to do so. Neither is more correct than the other, just different compromises. Changing these makes far more difference than using alcaps or solen.
Getting a smooth on and off axis response throughout the crossover region is correct, anything else is for effect surely.

Are you saying the component quality of a crossover makes no difference?

I gather you've just started trying to design your first speaker Tenson. Good luck with the project.
No, of course the component quality makes a difference. I'm saying compared to the decisions the designers makes about the type of crossover used, they are very small. Hence you can hardly judge which speaker has a 'better' crossover or indeed how it will sound by the components.

What, do you go in for the 'correct' theory now? Unless it measures so, nothing else is as good?

I have built a number of speakers. Most not massively expensive but enough to gain the experience. Thanks for the wishes!

Bit off topic but did your subs use JBL 2226 drivers? If so, could I ask your experience of them? Ever tried using them beyond about 500Hz?

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