REL Quake

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Of course it is, for instance I grew up with a Steinway playing mainly Chopin, and listening to Callas LPs, my family's absolute star, also going a lot to the opera, my grandfather had a season berth in Lisbon's opera house, others have grown with rock concerts, or rave, or disco, or whatever...

It is a mystery to me why someone who grew up under such circumstances is willing to accept such a compromise with their hi-fi. If you hadn't spent so much money it would make more sense, but to spend all that money on a compromise seems bizarre. I've got a cheap all in one AV box that fulfills my needs, and then I've invested in my 2 channel set up. I wouldn't consider mixing the two. In fact they're even in different rooms. Surely the piano is extremely revealing of the integration between your subs and your satelites. I'd expect their to be lumps at the bottom-end when the bottom octave or so is played. I fear it would be very unsatisfactory to me.

By the way can anyone tell me what a 1st order crossover is, and why is it better/different to 2nd/3rd order crossovers? Thanks
lordsummit said:
1- It is a mystery to me why someone who grew up under such circumstances is willing to accept such a compromise with their hi-fi. If you hadn't spent so much money it would make more sense, but to spend all that money on a compromise seems bizarre. I've got a cheap all in one AV box that fulfills my needs, and then I've invested in my 2 channel set up. I wouldn't consider mixing the two. In fact they're even in different rooms. Surely the piano is extremely revealing of the integration between your subs and your satelites. I'd expect their to be lumps at the bottom-end when the bottom octave or so is played. I fear it would be very unsatisfactory to me.

2- By the way can anyone tell me what a 1st order crossover is, and why is it better/different to 2nd/3rd order crossovers? Thanks

1- You say it is a compromise without ever listening to it, I say it isnt, and I am the one who lives with it, whos more likely to be right... :rolleyes:

2- First order xover cuts the unwanted frequencies at 6db per octave, (doubling or halfing of the frequency, for instance 20hz-40hz and 5khz-10khz are each one octave), so if the xover is at 3khz and the input signal is 80db, at 6khz the woofer will still get 74db, and at 12khz 68db, etc...

2nd order is 12db/oct, 3rd 18db/oct, 4th 24db/oct, etc...

First order has a simpler filter, theoretically one cap + one coil, so the sound is livelier and almost on phase, but the drivers have to behave well out of their normal operating range, with higher order, they work in safer ranges, so less distortion, but more phase shift and less dynamic...

I only like first order, except for active speakers where you can fix phase problems easier and the extra control of the direct amplifying are bonuses...
lordsummit said:
How many films a week do you watch Anti ono, because unless it's lots, I don't see the point in having a mega-bucks AV set-up, much better to sink your money into a proper 2 channel system where there are fewer inherent compromises.

In the last year I bought less then an handfull of CDs, I almost only buy DVDs, mostly music...

I also ditched my tunner because not enough signal in the new house, so one less box and a few more euros to buy cables... ;)

90% of the time we watch CableTV, Mezzo comes first, Classical, Jazz and World music, then MTV, FashionTV and SOL Music, then science/nature, then football and news, and movies when we find a good one, off course...

9% DVDs, CDs almost only when we have audiophile guests, or test kit or for tunning the system... :rolleyes:

Allways in surround, at first I heard CDs in stereo, I was used to goof hifi, the wife, used to live music and midfi, always preferred surround, now, when we dont have surround, (blew the woofer of the surround speakers twice), it feels like when you switch to mono, the stage colapses, the room feels empty, you know the feeling, dont you, I mean mono versus stereo, of course... :SLEEP:

Of course listening to good recordings sitting on the sweet spot, stereo sounds as good as surround, more airy, but less ambience, a matter of taste and habit, I will say... :MILD:
lowrider said:
it feels like when you switch to mono, the stage colapses, the room feels empty, you know the feeling, dont you, I mean mono versus stereo, of course... :SLEEP:
The words of someone who quite clearly has never heard a real mono system.
joel said:
The words of someone who quite clearly has never heard a real mono system.

I am 55, so I have heard many real mono systems... ;)

I am not judging mono systems, just referring to the sensation one feels when changing from stereo to mono in a stereo system, and stereo recording... :rolleyes:
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lordsummit said:
I think this explains all our problems with you Antonio. Perhaps if you now go and listen to a good hi-fi, you'll understand the difference between good and goof ;)

Eheheheheh, you got me there... :shame:
lowrider said:
I am 55, so I have heard many real mono systems... ;)
I'm 39 and I have heard some world-class mono systems. I rather suspect you haven't.
joel said:
I'm 39 and I have heard some world-class mono systems. I rather suspect you haven't.

Is that important for this argument, dont you understand what I am saying... :confused:
lowrider said:
Is that important for this argument, dont you understand what I am saying... :confused:
I understand perfectly what you want to say; but it is illogical.
joel said:
I understand perfectly what you want to say; but it is illogical.

You say you understand what I want to say, then you say it is illogical, please explain... :confused:
just thought you actually have an 'AV' system. don;t tell me you don;t sit and stare at those dancing meters in the dark whilst listening to music. therefore your system is providing both audio AND visual stimulation.

lowrider said:
You say you understand what I want to say, then you say it is illogical, please explain... :confused:
Because something is illogical does not mean it is incomprehensible: in order for it to be understood as illogical it must be comprehended. Is qweqweqwiuyqiwueqiuweiquweiuqiquwiquw illogical or simply incomprehensible?
You say you are 55 and have heard lots of mono systems, but this has no bearing on my argument, which is that I doubt you have ever heard a *good* mono system. If you have, please give details as to what the system was?
joel said:
Because something is illogical does not mean it is incomprehensible: in order for it to be understood as illogical it must be comprehended. Is qweqweqwiuyqiwueqiuweiquweiuqiquwiquw illogical or simply incomprehensible?
You say you are 55 and have heard lots of mono systems, but this has no bearing on my argument, which is that I doubt you have ever heard a *good* mono system. If you have, please give details as to what the system was?

FFS, have I ever said I heard any good mono system... :yikes:

Is it so hard to understand what I am saying, that when you are listening to stereo and press the mono switch, the sound stage apparently colapses... :confused:
lowrider said:
FFS, have I ever said I heard any good mono system... :yikes:

Is it so hard to understand what I am saying, that when you are listening to stereo and press the mono switch, the sound stage apparently colapses... :confused:
That isn't the mono I'm talking about. You have just proven you don't know what you're talking about. Case closed.
Jinkx, jinkx, jinkx...

What the hell is going on, I cannot say anything without someone beeing offended... :chunder:
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