REL Quake

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analoguekid said:
Antonio and Merlin, same mould different castings though, pair of old gits to deaf too know the difference any more :) Hifi's for the younger chaps like ourselves, that can still see and hear and everything.

We may be a little deaf, but we can see how awfull some of your speakers look... :p
analoguekid said:
Antonio and Merlin, pair of old gits to deaf too know the difference any more :) Hifi's for the younger chaps like ourselves, that can still see and hear and everything.


the difference is that you can see and hear everything and we have ;)

Lets make a truce and gang on the kids for a change... :gary:
Being a wizard, I expect Merlin is several hundred years old, whilst Antonio just has the hearing of someone who is several hundred years old.
I am only 55... :shame:

Is this another corner... :confused:

I have the record of most corners for sure... :p
yeah you understood right ya old git it's dev just trying to be funny.

Merlin it looks like your eyesight is failing too, i said that can still see and hear and everything.

Like all our faculties are still intact and not just left to memories and imagination :)
All my faculties function to my satisfaction and of course have been extensively employed unlike yours it would appear from the content of some of your posts ;)

But it must be exciting starting out on that great journey Paul.
merlin said:
But it must be exciting starting out on that great journey Paul.

Sure is ol' timer, remind me to tell you about it someday, your bound to have forgotten what it was like, and it may help the OLD grey matter remember.

I suppose being old and forgetfull means you keep meeting new people :)

Now remeber Merlin, you don't live in the big house any more and I'm sure the sheltered housing warden is gonna have a fit when she see those HUGE speakers, just remind her your deaf and need to feel the music. :)

Do give us a run through of this afternoons listening session, crown on the bass, and old blue eyes :D doing the top end, how much control it had over the room? and how great it sounded. I keen to grasp the details.
For it may help me under stand the huge speaker small room concept I may be faced with :rolleyes:
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