REL Quake

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It is worrying how young people nowadays are affraid to try new ideas, it sure wasnt like that with the previous generation... :duck:

Another corner bites the dust, YES... :boogie:
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you get a shower of sparks from the running boards before even thinking about scraping your knee on the tarmac. it's like asking if a honda goldwing driver (sic) has ever got his knee down. i think there is a make that uses harleys as a starting point for sports bikes - buell or something iirc.

you need help
hardleys are crap, they dont corner, they dont accelerate, they dont look nice.
Face it, you know it but wont admit it.
I can see a common theme here...............

BTW, i can hit 110mph in secong gear
168mph in top
still wanna race me on a shit pump?
Chicks love the ride too... ;)

Gee, I am getting good with corners... :D
lordsummit said:
There's only one picture where you're actually moving

Are you sure. pictures can be deceiving... :rolleyes:

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penance said:
now, stop talking shit Antonio.
You seem to have a desire to bullshit about your possesions, why is that?

How would you know, have you tried them... :confused:
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