Space Universe Infinite ?
Both the Universe which includes space is Finite. It is true that at present we can't see far enough back in the universe as we don't yet have big enough telescopes and while Humble is a good attempt the mirror it uses was flawed ( I know it was fixed but it still is not perfect ). In order to see to the very edge of the universe's Past we will need a much bigger telescope. However some scientists/cosmologist now feel that the Speed of light is not a constant and that the value may/is changing with the speed having been faster in the past. This would of course mean that the Universe is young and not very ancient as is the commonly held belief by evolutionary scientists. It is impossible to see to the very edge of the universe as is now as it is in constant movement forward and the light traveling to our telescopes is always from the pastnot the future or even present. The distances are so vast and the light issue from those objects will always mean our vision of the universe is past not future. The limits of the known universe are therefore limited and any thing else is guess work not fact. Our knowledge is therefore limited. The Universe is not infinite but finite as it expands it is running out of energy and will either eventually fly apart and grow cold or contract. Some scientists believe that it was a universal, crunch/contraction that caused the Big Bang to happen. The theories of cosmic strings and dark matter try to attempt a reconciliation of the flying apart theory, because as the bodies in the Universe move apart, gravity would get weaker, thus as it is the force that holds everything together it would fail. Scientists have therefore come up with these concepts to try and account for missing mass/gravity and allow the Universe to keep in existence. However I feel that neither theory is correct in that Yahweh who exists outside of linear time and space was the causation for our current reality and its finite boundaries and also the sustainer of it as well. There was a beginning, a point of creation and there will at some time in the future be a winding up of history. This current reality will cease to exist and the original model will be brought back into existence. The only viable answer is that Yahweh is the missing factor in current scientific understanding.
Before the Enlightenment (I would refer to this as the Darkening ), Theology was the queen among science and all other sciences sought to unlock the mysteries of Yahwehs creation, not pull them down and try and prove He does not exist. There are to many Yahweh sized holes existing in current scientific theory and these can only be filled and truly understood when you place the eternal I am that I am back into the equation.
Evolution is a classic example of this. Firstly does Natural Selection exist. Yes but in a limited form. Animals do survive when dramatic changes occur and those not suited don't survive but this does not lead to animals suddenly deciding to grow gills or wings to deal with a climatic change etc. These events happen to quickly for this to be a reality. Even if you take cellular mutation into the equation. The simple fact is that there is evidence to support the deaths of animals/extinction but there is no evidence to show that animals have changed from one type into another. If this were true then there would be current evidence for one species changing into another. The fossil record shows that plenty of life has come and gone but does not show any animals changing form,type or species. One type only produces its own kind and no other, if it fails it dies and becomes extinct. Life is robust but can't just will itself to alter.
according to the evolutionary biologists early conditions on this planet were very harsh and the simple logical fact is that life could not have come into existence and survived on its own. The first simple cell would have died, end of story. Think of all the complex things around you, all our supposed to be the results of accidents and cellular mutations. To believe this is to stretch credibility to destruction. The Giraffe is a classic example of how evolution can not exist. The number of systems in place which keep it alive could not be random chance. The first animal to grow along neck would have died instantly as either its neck muscles would have failed, it did not have a big enough heart to pump blood up its neck to its brain. The moment it lowered its neck it would have died because of all the blood hitting its brain( It has a special valve that reduces the blood flow into its brain). To many factors would have to occur at once for it to survive. Even if we had one animal which was perfect and alone the mutation would be bread out within a short space of time as no other of its kind would exist to keep it around and produce more genes. Necks would get shorter and vanish. A Giraffe is a particular created species,and is unique and can only produce its own kind and nothing more.
I was waiting for your points Mr Devil, this is why you asked the question. The answer is fairly simple and not contradictory.
Time and space did not exist before the big bang because Yahweh created them and sustains them now but He was before these caused realities. Imagine a circle which is Yahweh. Time Past and Future and the Universe exist as linear lines within the circle in straight lines back and forward. They are never outside the circle and remain finite.
Is God all seeing, all knowing and therefore not all powerful ? The answer is No.
The explanation to follow a bit later.
D Louth 77