Religion Debate

I'm just stating the "facts", but you can't cope with facts, whether Biblical, or scientific.

Why has Yahweh changed his behaviour? He doesn't smite the wicked, nor save the good any more.

Why aren't there any cave paintings or primitive dinosaur icons? I would have thought having T. Rex as a next door neighbour would have made quite an impression on early mankind! Instead, they painted deer and stuff.

I have demolished every argument you've put forward AFAICT.

The problem here is your tone which is offensive.

The period in history referred to as the Old Covenant ended and a period of 500 years passed before the New Covenant which saw the arrival of Yahwehs Son Jesus. The way in which things are done now is a little different but the plan is the same this is just the new part in action. The old pointed to Jesus and the New points back to the Old. There is no contradiction. And people are saved today. Possibly smitten too.

As to evidence about Dinosaurs co existing with Man. There is evidence of folk painting/stories across the world, but modern man treats these as just fables and fantasy. Just because its not called a dinosaur or by one of our modern names does not mean there was no contact with these animals, which were eventually hunted into extinction. But of course these people were deluded too.

Look you may feel that you have smashed this debate but I would have to say all you have done is lived up to your name in some of your posts. There have been a number of things you have not commented on but as the last two posts are deeply offensive in tone I am now finished.

Good Night

D Louth 77
Most leading theologians claim that this argument is a load of dingo's kidneys, but that didn't stop Oolon Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book, "Well, That about Wraps It Up for God."
The problem here is your tone which is offensive.

The period in history referred to as the Old Covenant ended and a period of 500 years passed before the New Covenant which saw the arrival of Yahwehs Son Jesus. The way in which things are done now is a little different but the plan is the same this is just the new part in action. The old pointed to Jesus and the New points back to the Old. There is no contradiction. And people are saved today. Possibly smitten too.

As to evidence about Dinosaurs co existing with Man. There is evidence of folk painting/stories across the world, but modern man treats these as just fables and fantasy.

I've just stated facts. Mary was an unmarried teenage mother. There's good evidence that she had been raped by a Roman soldier.

Yahweh is now on "Plan B", is he?

Show me some evidence of dinosaur/man interaction, instead of going all sniffy.
It Is Written. In a Book.

Must be true ;-)

[Google it.]

It's based on a claim made by someone 200 years after the event. Therefore it is as valid as a lot of the new Testament.

Or not.

Make of that what you will...........
If your god is all-knowing and all-seeing, then it can't be all-powerful. The reasoning being that if the god is all-powerful, then it has the power to intervene and alter world events, but if it already knows its future decisions or interventions, then it finds itself powerless to alter those preordained interventions when the time comes to make them. If it can change its mind about things, then it is not all-knowing. On the other hand, if it can't intervene at all, then it is also not all-powerful.

Bloody nonsense. Why should a God be constrained by time?

above site said:
John Dominic Crossan, a Jesus Seminar founder, agreed. He said that while Verhoeven was a member in good standing, there was little evidence for the view that Jesus was illegitimate.

Crossan said the claim was first reported in a polemic written in the second century against the Book of Matthew, intended for a Jewish audience.

"It's an obvious first retort to claims that Mary was a virgin," Crossan said. "If you wanted to do a hatchet job on Jesus' reputation, this would be the way."

The most likely scenario for people who don't accept that Jesus was literally the son of God and had no human father is simply that he was the son of Joseph, Crossan said.

Sterk said the book would be translated into English in 2009. Verhoeven hopes it will be a springboard for him to raise interest in making a film along the same lines, she said.
(bold added)

So there is "little evidence" for this claim which is hoped to be a "springboard for him to raise interest in making a film".

Not exactly strong evidence, which is what you stated. More a case of a vested interest in making money by being controversial, on the part of Verhoeven. Even the members of the group to which he belongs view his views as "out there".

Change implies before and after. That's not a category an all-powerful entity should be trapped by. Also, an all-knowing God will know all possible futures based on all possible outcomes of all possible developments in the physical world, including those outcomes that he does or does not let happen.

Changing his mind, if that does exist, would simply allow a different version of all the futures he knew about beforehand to become reality. Or a reality, because why should there be only one universe. An all-powerful God could create an infinite number of universes in which everything could happen that does not happen to happen in our universe. So he could both change and not change the course of events.

Attempts to prove or disprove the existence of God are equally futile.
That's two sentences. Apart from my link, the polemicist Celsus (Origen's Contra Celsum 1.28-32) claimed that Mary had sex with a Roman soldier.

It doesn't really matter who fathered Mary's child, does it?
What happened to this thread, there was someone talking about god and he has gone? did god take him?

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