Remembering the 80's

Yeah, I remember that one now you mention the title... certainly a touch on the cheesy side... we need a cheese icon! I think it was from an album, but the only 80's output I know of album-wise from George was the two Travelling Wilburys albums (Volume 1 and Volume 3) which were recorded with Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Bob Dylan and a couple of others... I have both of those on CD which took ages to track down since I refused to pay £50 apiece in collectors shops.

Managed to score originals at the record fayre for £15 apiece, not too bad really, apparently the seller had found a box full of stock in his garage during a tidy up. And I have ensured these are originals rather than bootlegs, since many ciruclate of the Wilburys albums due to their being deleted for ages.
Yep - I have George Harrison's 1987 opus "Cloud nine" - and it's pretty pants (sorry George!).

HOWEVER - it has "When we was fab" (remember the video to that with all the hands and the apple - well cool!) and "I got my mind set on you" on it - and for the 75p I paid for it it was worth those two tracks at least :)

Also, it has the distinction of being one of the last 8track cartridge tapes ever made - and the last to be released by a Beatle...
I'd no idea they were still making 8-track cartridges that late... so what was the last one ever then Dom? Surely that's the sort of info. you'd crave? :D
According to 8 track heaven they are still making country carts down in Nashville, but I think they said that the latest record club carts (as opposed to general release, which dried up in about 1982) were by cheesemongers Chicago, amongst others. Michael Jackson's Bad must have been one of the last standout ones - although apparently Beastie Boys' Licenced to ill is available on cart - as are all Madonna's early albums - cool!
Man - this thread is just running and running :eek:

On Henry's mention of TV theme tunes, what about the theme for Night Rider :D Excellently sampled in the recent single by Punjabi MC :MILD:

Originally posted by michaelab
On Henry's mention of TV theme tunes, what about the theme for Night Rider :D Excellently sampled in the recent single by Punjabi MC :MILD:
"Micheal, one man can make a difference". ;)

I know the track you mean though, even if I don't recognise the name of the artist.

There was record in 1998 that sampled the Nightrider theme. It was by Busta Rhymes called Turn it up/Fire it up. It was a big hip hop record at the time. I have a feeling that's where the idea for sample on the Punjabi MC record came from as this track has been around for some time.

I understand the Punjabi MC track has been about for 4 years.

On the subject of Magnum, another Hip hop artist called Cam'ron had a tune called 357 Magnum PI in 1998. This used the Magnum theme as it's base.

Also a popular 80s tune that I play at various retro gigs that gets them going is the Theme from the A Team. What a tune & what a programme. :D

Can't remember the A-team theme off the top of my head but I'm sure I'd recognize it :D

My favourite 80s TV theme tune has to be the one for The Professionals. I used to think it was a top show, a real "quality" bit of TV drama but I watched some re-runs recently and thought, hang on, this is SHITE :(

Originally posted by michaelab
There was record in 1998 that sampled the Nightrider theme. It was by Busta Rhymes called Turn it up/Fire it up. It was a big hip hop record at the time. I have a feeling that's where the idea for sample on the Punjabi MC record came from as this track has been around for some time.

I understand the Punjabi MC track has been about for 4 years.
Right, now I'm confused :confused:! Not sure which of those 2 tracks it is that I have in my mind. Must be the Bustra Rhymes one I guess, as 1998 would be about right. I distinctly remember a pub night out with some guys who I use work with in Hammersmith and they were playing said tune on the jukebox and it was definitely in the charts then as well.

Originally posted by michaelab
Can't remember the A-team theme off the top of my head but I'm sure I'd recognize it :D

My favourite 80s TV theme tune has to be the one for The Professionals. I used to think it was a top show, a real "quality" bit of TV drama but I watched some re-runs recently and thought, hang on, this is SHITE :(
Yes, the A-team, rememebr the theme tune and the programme well. Saturday afternoon with Mr T aka B.A. Baracus, Hanabal, Face and Murdock!

I never realised how sh!te the sets in Doctor Who (and Blakes 7 too whilst we're on the subject of tacky 80's sci-fi) were until I saw some re-runs the other night :eek: Speak about low budget and don't sneeze too hard otherwise you'll blow a whole in the tinfoil covered cardboard walls. :) Did think that Tom Baker was probably the best Doctor though, better than Pete Davidson. Theme tune was cool too, one of the great products of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop full of swirly analog synth sounds. :cool:
Originally posted by michaelab
Can't remember the A-team theme off the top of my head but I'm sure I'd recognize it :D


:banana: :drum: :guitar: :elephant: :gould: :techno: :PRaT: :band: :music:

Doopy doo woo, do do dooo, doopy do woo, do do do doo, ...... do do do do do doo doo dooo doooooooooo

Check out which has several versions of the theme.

As for nightrider, there's been a few tunes that have sampled it that I can think of. At least 2 Jungle/D'n'B tunes. No doubt there's a few old hardcore with it in there somewhere too. I think one of my mates may have even played about with it once.
Hi Henry

I think the version you have heard will be the Busta Rhymes one. This was a big hit & was popular around the clubs, pubs & bars.

The A Team was pure class. Here was a programme that four odd looking blokes beating the hell out of lots of baddies. The amazing thing was that no one got killed even though there were plenty of bullets & explosions.

My faves was B.A. & Murdoch. BA could make everything out of anything. I'm sure he made an anti aircraft gun ot of a few bamboo shoots & leaves. :cool: Murdoch was just mad. Sticking with the 80s theme, they even had Boy George & Culture Club in the show as part of the plot.

As for Dr Who, the best (or worst) years were in the 60's & 70's with the like of Jon Pertwee & Tom Baker. There was plenty of bad acting. Blakes 7 was a 70s show as well which I enjoyed at the time. I too have seen these recently & marvelled at the standard of acting & the quality of the sets.

All good stuff.

You youngsters....I always found Patrick Troughton to be one of the better Doctors - just the right air of mystery and potential mischief without being a clown (like either of the Bakers or Davison) - whereas Hartnell (whom I can just remember) seemed just too much the old duffer.

Leela and Jenna though....they were the ones that kept you watching...aah, those were the days! :groupies:

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Originally posted by GrahamN
You youngsters....I always found Patrick Troughton to be one of the better Doctors - just the right air of mystery and potential mischief without being a clown (like either of the Bakers or Davison) - whereas Hartnell (whom I can just remember) seemed just too much the old duffer.

Leela and Jenna though....they were the ones that kept you watching...aah, those were the days! :groupies:


For the record Peter davison was/is my favourite Doc. His era also had the best theme version with those 80's style guitar synths at the end of the prog.

They are going to be making a new animated Doctor Who to be released on dvd and on the net in November for its (would you believe it!) 40th anniversary. Richard E Grant is the actor whose playing the Ninth Doctor (who was the eighth then I know do you?). Also check out my homepage at you may be surprised.

Oh and the pedantic in me wishes to point out that Nightrider had a K in front "Knightrider"! Theres an 80's style AOR band called Nightrider, not heard them though. There just managed to get the damn thread back on topic!

PS I always fancied Cally (Jan Chappell) from Blakes 7 over Jenna!
Paul(?) McGann.

Cally was always too severe (or was that what you were after ;) ). I guess I always liked Jenna's aura of glam rock - she always looked like the day job was in an Abba tribute band :D. Still didn't do it for me quite like Leela though.

I'll go for Cally as well. Very nice. :D

I do remember seeing Paul McGann on that one of those one off specials a few years ago.

I must admit my fave was Jon Pertwee with his Dandy appearance. Also it had the Brigadier who seemed to be as think as two short planks.

Jumping to back to the 60s, didn't Peter Cushing play the Dr in a film with Bernard Cribbins? or was it Roy Castle?

Back to the music, I have a disco version of the Dr Who Theme by a band called Mankind. I have this on 12" blue vinyl. :cool:

Originally posted by SCIDB
Back to the music, I have a disco version of the Dr Who Theme by a band called Mankind. I have this on 12" blue vinyl. :cool:
Oh right, I've not heard that. :)

I thought you were going to mention The Timelords 1988 hit "Doctor In The Tardis". Seemed be the obvious one to mention given the current context. :)
Bosh bosh bosh loadsemoney

Yep, it was Paul McGann not Richard E Grant who did Dr Who, and Blakes Seven - sorry guys, but I saw an episode on UK Gold last September - I was mightily unimpressed to be honest - well poor...
"A-ha" ;), just when you lot thought this thread had safely withered away..! :p :JOEL:

For those who have cable or satellite TV. a note for your diaries:

Sky One, every Tuesday evening at 8pm, for the next couple of weeks...

They're re-running the "Pop Years" series - each programme recounts a particular year in pop music history (from 1980 thru 1999). They covered 1980 yesterday, so for the next few weeks it's gonna be an 80's fest. :MILD:

Didn't realise that the followers of the New Romantic movement were known as "Blitz Kids" in the early days. So called, because they were named after the "Blitz" club in London where bands such as Visage played and the music and fashion styes were deemed to have emereged from.

They also covered: disco - The Nolans :rolleyes: :) and Ska/Two Tone - The Specials who I didn't realised re-incarnated themselves as the Speical AKA a few years later - never made the connection, Madness and Bad Manners.

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