[Review] Getting animated

shame you heard no difference ...must have been much like when you tested one of my cables ......[that everybody else can hear except you]

at least you got of your bottom and made the effort ...good on you!

As for your verse don't call us we will call you.

so that one against and 30 for ......

So the question is .....are you going to believe tones who can't or wont hear things like ic cable/cd lathe/room animator/green pen/ mains cables etc, or are you going to believe those people who really didn't have to post or pass any comment ? I know who I'd believe.

You have made a great deal about setting up ...but you seem to have either missed or ignored the vital information that the unit must be in a room with little to no air movement.....considering all the things that you have taken great glee in writing about ...why have you not mentioned this ?

How strange the one thing that will prevent the unit from working properly...you've chosen not to pass comment on....I also bet that you have a large listening room could it be open plan ?
I also bet its been nice weather and you've had a few windows open....

just coz tones can verse
don't mean were peverse
more though, we can hear!
than what the silly old goat ....... can
Nice review Tones.

There is a single blue LED in the centre of the upper face and a power input for the 6V power supply in the side

Any idea whats the current / power consumption of this thing is?
shame you heard no difference ...must have been much like when you tested one of my cables ......[that everybody else can hear except you]

at least you got of your bottom and made the effort ...good on you!

As for your verse don't call us we will call you.

so that one against and 30 for ......

So the question is .....are you going to believe tones who can't or wont hear things like ic cable/cd lathe/room animator/green pen/ mains cables etc, or are you going to believe those people who really didn't have to post or pass any comment ? I know who I'd believe.
So, like Antonio, only people who share your view are entitled to any credence?

You have made a great deal about setting up ...but you seem to have either missed or ignored the vital information that the unit must be in a room with little to no air movement.....considering all the things that you have taken great glee in writing about ...why have you not mentioned this ?
Because I adhered strictly to Herr Baschung's instructions that the windows be closed (which is my normal practice anyway, so that I don't annoy the neighbours). So, the room was closed the whole afternoon, and for the test.

How strange the one thing that will prevent the unit from working properly...you've chosen not to pass comment on....I also bet that you have a large listening room could it be open plan ?
I also bet its been nice weather and you've had a few windows open....
See above. You have lost your bet, and another substantial slice of your credibility. The room is not big, about 4-4.5 M square. in the basement.

Pete, with respect, I think people would give you more credence if you didn't affect your "bitter and twisted" tone with everyone who thought differently from you. By all accounts you're a regular guy (apart from some odd beliefs:D ), so why not be that? Do you really feel so threatened by the nasty sceptics that you have to hit the sarcasm button every time?

just coz tones can verse
don't mean were peverse
more though, we can hear!
than what the silly old goat ....... can

A devout believer called Zanash
Tried sceptical Tones hard to banish
By producing some verse,
But his efforts were worse
And quite simply lacking in panache
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nice one tone ...so why did you forget to tell us the important bits ?

just to remind you ....you know the bit where the deal outlined the fact that a draft and large open room effect performance ...?
Even if it wasn't - 0.03A x 6 v = 0.18w to 'treat' maybe 500m^3 of space tops. 0.3mW/m^3 is supposed to do something to the environment that has audible effect?

NO. No way. Whatever happens to people in the presence of this thing, it's not down to manipulation of the air in the room. Although 30mA is about right for running a blue LED...
nice one tone ...so why did you forget to tell us the important bits ?

just to remind you ....you know the bit where the deal outlined the fact that a draft and large open room effect performance ...?

Was there really a need to? I adhered to the instructions given to me by the Swiss distributor as to its use, otherwise the test would have been meaningless. Actually, curiously, he wasn't as fussy as you about closed windows, but having noted your earlier comments about windows and doors, I kept everything closed.
For goodness sake, it was a joke.....just how many ;) ;) ;) does it take?

Could've been worse Rob, he could have been answering at his level:D.

Another joke Antonio and no, you can't refer to my level now. It won't be original and in any case it's higher:D.
So, like Antonio, only people who share your view are entitled to any credence?

What credence do you mean, I never heard this thing, I never mentioned any credence, other than my believe that you, and some others, dont give any credence to those who dont share your view... :confused:
shame you heard no difference ...must have been much like when you tested one of my cables ......[that everybody else can hear except you]

just to be fair Pete, I tried them, and whilst being impressed by the excellent construction, and generosity of the trial, they sounded the same as the others I have.

I only mention because you said -everybody- and whilst I'm not especially important in the scheme of things, I'm a somebody. :)
Magical thinking:
effectively this unit is drawing negative[bad] energy from the room forming a "sink" this lowers the bad therefore there's more good energy ...making the room [and all its content] feel better, work better etc.

The downside is if the unit becomes "contaminated" by a bad energy ...it will make the room feel bad .....

Rational thinking:
0.03A x 6 v = 0.18w to 'treat' maybe 500m^3 of space tops. 0.3mW/m^3 is supposed to do something to the environment that has audible effect?

NO. No way. Whatever happens to people in the presence of this thing, it's not down to manipulation of the air in the room. Although 30mA is about right for running a blue LED...
let's pay pete to crack his open, cos now i'm really intrigued.

i honestly perceived more space around instruments and better decay and i didnt wnat to hear anything.

for the record,petes cables,yeh sounded different, the cd flux stuff, no difference, cd pens, no difference,the cd lathe,disc dependant, some superb, some nothing.
I think the amount of current it draws says enough for me. As I said a few pages back, if it draws only about enough to light a blue LED then that is pretty strong evidence that it is only a blue LED.

As Tones said, it sounds more like a New Age approach to tweaking given what the translated literature said, and the comments about it sounding like there are crystals in it. Thats fine, but it should be sold as such, not sold as a high tech bit of kit with a good grounding in the accepted physical world. Hey, it would sound more impressive to say it is based on the principles of metaphysics!

P.S. And for the record I heard no difference with Zanash cables in my system.