A test of the Room- and Audio-Animators
Executive Summary: I tried it. It didn't work. To those who heard it work, I think you've been sold a pup. If you're happy that you haven't, I respect your right to enjoy it.
Read further at your own risk. WARNING, there's rather a lot of it (it's great what you can do on a daily train journey between Zürich and Basel)ââ'¬Â¦
Sometime during last week, I found that the local agent for the Phonosophie stuff is in Oensingen, a village on what was the old Basel-Bern main road before the Autobahn and the tunnel through the Jura. Our village is on that same road, so that made me decide that I had to try one. So I drove over there on Saturday (pretty drive ââ'¬â€œ on a good day (which it wasn't), you get a great view of the Alps as you crest the Jura and swoop and loop down the other side, especially if you do the Passwang road, beloved by all the local motorcyclists.
The shop was a surprise ââ'¬â€œ mainly AV, selling the big flat TVs the Swiss love, and the main electronics brand is Onkyo, although it does also stock the full range of Phonosophie equipment (which looks quite reasonable). But then that reflects the Swiss general lack of interest in two-channel stereo. However, in the window was the Room Animator, plus one of Herr Gläss's infamous ââ'¬Å"lathesââ'¬Â. Clearly Herr Baschung, the shop owner, believes in tweaks. He was typical of Swiss hi-fi dealers, very friendly and welcoming, and couldn't take enough trouble to explain ââ'¬â€œ insofar as he could (see further hereinunderââ'¬Â¦).
First of all, I found that there was an entire family of products, the Room-Animator ââ'¬â€œ this thing, costing a heart-stopping CHF1198 (about £492)
then theAudio-Animator, a curious gold baton:
costing a minor coronary-inducing CHF648 (about £266)
Within the last few weeks has come a Cable Animator (not yet on the website), which is adapted to be clipped to a cable to do ââ'¬â€œ whatever it's supposed to do. This has the form of an aluminium cylinder, about 5 cm long and 1 cm diam. Finally, there is coming a power board for your hi-fi. All of these work on the same principle.
Which is what? Here the confusion starts - nowhere is this stated. The literature that comes with the Room-Animator states in large capitals
(The Artkustik Room Audio Animator is not an ââ'¬Å"esotericââ'¬Â product, but one that works according to pure physical regularities).
The use of the word ââ'¬Å"Gesetzmässigkeitââ'¬Â (regularity) seems odd (Markus?) ââ'¬â€œ it is
not the usual German word for physical law. On the English language website, however, Phonosophie does use ââ'¬Å"lawsââ'¬Â, even though what's written is nonsense (electrons only move in matter during chemical reactions and when passing an electrical current ââ'¬â€œ the whole physical universe relies on electrons otherwise staying exactly where they are). Moreover, I'm glad to see that the thing doesn't contain unnatural matter, including (naturally) a naturally-occurring blue LED:
The Room Animator works purely according to the laws of Physics (the ordered movement of electrons in matter) and depends on the use of natural matter. It contains only naturally-occurring materials.
Whenever we listen to the music from a HiFi system, we need air in our room to transmit the sound. The more evenly arranged is the ââ'¬Å"sound conductivityââ'¬Â of the air, the better the acoustic behaviour of the room.
In practice this means: increased dynamics, high resolution, more detail and improved spatial definition, a more accurate bass rendition, and a more live feel to the musical rendition.
The piece on the Audio-Animator is bigger, and even more nonsensical:
The performance shows more energy, no matter how loud you listen. Also reveals more width in the sound stage, which is no longer restricted in scale.
The bass has more swing and more rhythm ...the brushed hi-hats seem to be more subtle.
Hands on piano sound
Guitar strings are enunciated, have more context...
Seems to take on increased air and precision.
In total an easier, airier, lighter and smoother sound has been attained.
Hörerlebnis / Marco Kolks
Music pulses with animation, is livelier and fresherââ'¬Â¦
The triangle in Liszts first piano concerto (Katchen, Decca) attained almost 3D room qualities, the piano stood out with a more contoured sound.
ââ'¬Â¦ allowed the individual instruments of the string section to be show themselves much more clearly.
hifi & records / Ludwig Flich
The ARTKUSTIK AUDIO ANIMATOR is used to reduce material stress. Using the regularities of physics. It transfers the structural order of crystals to each object, in its proximity. Regardless of which material it is made of plastic, wood or metal.
All that needs to done is to pass the AUDIO ANIMATOR just over the surface of both sides of the CD.
The same applies to records, tone arms and system components.
Its even worth leaving the AUDIO ANIMATOR on top of the CD player the whole time.
Cables and speakers can also benefit from `treatment'.
The word ââ'¬Å"Quarzââ'¬Â (quartz) proudly features on the Audio-Animator. Quartz, crystalline silicon dioxide, is the most common of minerals ââ'¬â€œ sand is mainly fine quartz. Bigger SiO2 crystals are much desired for their aesthetic appeal and also by New Age believers for their alleged healing ability ââ'¬â€œ here's a piece from Wikipedia that describes it well:
The contemporary usage of the term New Age was popularised by the American mass media during the late 1980s, to describe the alternative spiritual subculture, including activities all the way from meditation, channelling, reincarnation, crystals, psychic experience, to holistic health or environmentalism, or belief in anomalous phenomena, or for others ââ'¬Å"unsolved mysteriesââ'¬Â such as UFOs, Earth mysteries and crop circles.
Many people with a New Age perspective also adopt complementary and alternative medicine. Some rely on New Age treatments exclusively, while others use them in combination with conventional medicine. This approach is regarded as completely compatible with New age belief in the unity of mind, body, spirit, and the emphasis on things of a natural origin. Some noteworthy New Age techniques are , Ayurveda, homeopathy, rebirthing, reparenting, Past life regression, Primal therapy, neurolinguistic programming, the Feldenkrais method, iridology, auras, and the use of crystals in healing therapy
So, it sounds as if this stuff is the extension of New Age to hi-fi. Herr Baschung described to me that the use of the Audio-Animator caused the materials to ââ'¬Å"relaxââ'¬Â. I was very proud of myself that I didn't burst out laughing in his face. Your tonearm should ideally be infinitely rigid ââ'¬â€œ do you want it to relax in any way? Ditto the grooves in your record ââ'¬â€œ I had this mental image of the PVC relaxing so much that it all sags into the grooves, filling them up. It ties in with the advice given to the user of the device. To paraphrase the original German:
There are several parameters why an effect isn't immediately evident: one is tense and doesn't follow the music [Are you listening, Ivor?]
When you are inwardly calm and the equipment and music carrier are to some extent decorous[don't look at me, I didn't write it!]
and stable, a comfortable atmosphere occurs and the positive effect of the Room-Animator is clearly perceptible .
You are even told to test it with a ââ'¬Å"melodic piece of musicââ'¬Â! The message appears to be that both you and the material, be it the record/CD, the equipment or, in the case of the Room-Animator, the atmosphere itself, must not be ââ'¬Å"tenseââ'¬Â, but relaxed. You are invited to buy the analogy that, as you hear better when you are relaxed, so your equipment/recordings/atmosphere perform better in this state. This is total piffle, but then the accessories end of the hi-fi industry runs on total piffle.
One of the oddest suggestions seems to indicate some sort of electromagnetic effect. You listen to a piece of music. You then pause the music, ring a number on your mobile telephone and set the phone on the Room-Animator (without covering the LED), leaving it there for 5-10 seconds. You then turn off the phone and unplug the Room-Animator and play the music. According to the literature, most of the positive ââ'¬Å"effectââ'¬Â will have been destroyed. At this point, I was watching nervously for the arrival of the three witches from ââ'¬Å"Macbethââ'¬Â...
New Age believers believe in strange individual electromagnetic fields, auras and whatnot. So, putting it all together, it seems to me that what we have here is New Age applied to hi-fi. As I said elsewhere, it's reminiscent of Peter Brock's infamous ââ'¬Å"energy polariserââ'¬Â, fitted to his modified Holdens and claiming to make the car run quieter and more economically.
Anyway, Herr Baschung, apparently never before having been confronted with someone with chemistry/materials science background and a lifetime spent in working in professional science, was very keen that I test them. He
begged me to take the Audio-Animator as well! So I did.
The Room-Animator is a sealed flat cylinder of brushed aluminium, about 120mm diam. and 35mm high. There is a single blue LED in the centre of the upper face and a power input for the 6V power supply in the side. It's quite heavy, and there is the sound of a smallish amount of light granular material (such as sand) moving inside when it's shaken.
The Audio-Animator is a 140mm long, 38mm diam gold-coloured cylinder with silver-coloured end caps. It is quite heavy and when shaken it makes the same moving granules sound (only more so ââ'¬â€œ one could imagine oneself doing the samba around the room shaking a couple). The mode of operation is that you pass this over whatever you want to enhance - recorded medium prior to playing, tonearm/cartridge, speakers.
Both devices come in nice little wooden boxes with sliding lids. Along with them came reviews of both products in a little black book, both paeans of praise written by a Marco Kolks, apparently a writer for a German magazine called
Hörerlebnis, and apparently determined to prove that German hi-fi journalists are not to be outdone in sheer unadulterated nuttiness by their British and US counterparts (see above).
When I got home, I fired up the ESL57s as I usually do, ready for a Saturday evening's listening, and at the same time I turned on the Room-Animator according to instructions, in a place where the beam from the blue LED could reach the ceiling. I then left it for about 4 hours while I went about my usual Saturday afternoon activity of molesting innocent pieces of wood in the garage. So, back for the test, using my standard test disc, the marvellous Pinnock recording of Handel's ââ'¬Å"Water Musicââ'¬Â, the CD and LP of which I've owned for over 20 years and every nuance of which performance I know. It sounded great. I unplugged the Room-Animator. It sounded just as great. In fact, it sounded just the same. No nuances that I could even use as the basis for an imagination that something had changed. It was just the same.
I tried the mobile phone trick. Also no change.
I then tried waving the Audio-Animator over the CD in the tray (feeling very grateful that the wife was in the garden and the younger ladies were out and about). And it made precisely no difference.
The advice on the instructions is ââ'¬Å"if you don't hear a difference, try again.ââ'¬Â I guess you are expected to wear yourself into acquiescence, possibly aided by the fact that you'd spent a bomb on this thing.
So, the only conclusion to which I can come is that this is yet another example of snake oil. I'm sure that Herr Phonosophie believes in it and that it's the real deal (well, I hope he doesââ'¬Â¦), but I'm not.
My personal belief is that this Phonosophie stuff is pure New Age and therefore total hooey. However, I respect you folk who heard a difference, and if it enhances your listening pleasure to use such devices, go for it. However, this is one expensive difference. At that price I'd demand the orchestra to magically appear before me in person.
And so, let's all stand and sing The Phonosophie Song:
Blue, blue, my light is blue
Cost me a bomb, but what could I do?
Red, red, my account's dead
But better sound, what more need be said?
Ray, ray, forget naysay-
Ers, diff'rence great, indeed night and day,
Quartz, quartz, it takes the warts
And all from music, cannot be rort
How it works, we have not a clue
But work it does, we have heard and it's true.
Beam, beam, it makes eyes gleam
Blue LED, kit sounds like a dream
Sound, sound, that, pound for pound
Makes for an upgrade really profound
Those who say, it can't go this way
Don't want to hear what's plain as day.
Green, green, and quite obscene
With envy are those sceptic has-beens
Black, black, s'not goin' back
When it's switched off, apparent's the lack.
It's heard by all, not just in the head
Even my wife, who is both deaf and dead.
Blue, blue, next comes a new
Gold magic wand and cable ones too
Grey, grey, I'll hear all day,
New Age of sound, don't care what folk say!
Mind you, my personal song would be:
Well ma baby caught me list'nin',
To a weird blue light today,
Well ma baby caught me list'nin',
To a weird blue light today,
So she tossed both it an' me out
An' as I landed, heard her say.
See ya later, Animator,
It's so vile, such a pile
Of a fluid whose creator
Was a legless long reptile.
There's no way ah'm gonna share life
With a crazy audiophile!
So ah begged her for forgiveness
An' ah said ah'd seen the light
So ah begged her for forgiveness
An' ah said ah'd seen the light
An' she said, ââ'¬Å"Ah'll forgive this time
Long as the light yo' saw was white!ââ'¬Â
Donna what ah'm gonna do now
With all these crystals that I got
Donna what ah'm gonna do now
With all these crystals that I got
An' they don' seem to be healin'
Where ah landed on mah bot!