[Review] Getting animated

Tones ...I suggest before you prevaricate further you have a read of the instructions ...

can't say more than that .....

As to your assertions...nobody has made you do anything...

I'm only highlighting the short comings that you've made public ...if there were none then there would be no comment ...

you clearly want everyone to know the unit was not effective in your system ....thats fine no problem with that. But if you've done the usual man thing ...as a last resort read the instruction manual ....

That then begs another question ...what did the dealer say when you rang him to ask "why is it not working in my system"...you did contact him didn't you ?

If I borrow a piece of kit and it doesn't do what it says on the box ...my first port of call is the instructions then the dealer then the maker.....stands to logic.

you have completely missed my point ....

I think its fantastic that tones has tried the unit ....

just that I can see a number of reason why it could possibly have failed ....It would not be doing tones or myself or any of the other readers justice if I were to offer my opinion ....just as you have done...............remember thats all they are not a jot more ..just opinions ........ if you don't like my posts don't read them !

its not rocket science ....I never both with some of the drivel posted ..so why should you
Exactly. It's precisely because the differences are tiny, so tiny that some people think they may be in their head rather than reality, that there's any dispute about the effects of this sort of device at all (likewise cables, power leads, stands, magic disks, etc etc etc etc). If the differences were major they would be uncontroversial.

-- Ian

I haven't heard this light thing though Zanash has offerd to show me in a few weeks time - but I put my hands up to starting the lathe controversey (at least I may be partially to blame). In this instance (with the lathe) the differences weren't tiny. BUT. . . isn't it the cumulative progression of improvements which makes the experience of listening so satisfying when you realise that things simply sound - dare i use the word 'nicer' - or more 'musical' or more 'satisying'? I know many who thnk supertweeters are a super con - tomy mind they have sigificantly improved several systems Ihave heard and a latest prototype pair I have been listening too have a subtlety (maybe read small) impact on sound which makes for a very pleasurable listening experience. Sometimes - subtlety wins every time dontcha agree and n Hi Fi when you are looking at improvements at the higher end isn't this the area where the return diminishes yet the sum of the parts is greater. I hope that makes sense:) ?
Tones ...I suggest before you prevaricate further you have a read of the instructions ...
I'm sorry, Pete, nobody except yourself is prevaricating. Everyone can see that, except your goodself.

I'm only highlighting the short comings that you've made public ...if there were none then there would be no comment ...
Yes, you did, there were none. The problem was, they didn't accord with your desires, so you had to create some.

you clearly want everyone to know the unit was not effective in your system ....thats fine no problem with that. But if you've done the usual man thing ...as a last resort read the instruction manual ....
You really don't get it, do you? That was the first thing I did when I got the thing home, to make sure I'd understood all Herr Baschung's directions. I was unclear as to how to do the phone bit. The instructions explained that well.

That then begs another question ...what did the dealer say when you rang him to ask "why is it not working in my system"...you did contact him didn't you ?
No, I didn't and I have no intention of doing so, until it goes back. Even assuming that it did work, if it requires this amount of mucking about, I'm not interested. In addition, the horrendous price charged means I want an instant miracle, not groping around in an attempt to find something, anything it does. CHF1198 will buy me the whole of the Gardiner cantata series. On the one hand, I get some the greatest music ever written, forever to savour and enjoy, on the other hand I get a funny aluminium cylinder that shines a pretty-coloured blue light and does nothing else. No contest.
In this instance (with the lathe) the differences weren't tiny.

I'm prepared to bet money they were :-)

I haven't seen anything in any of the lathe threads suggesting it's unique among these tweaks in actually doing something that's audible. But, just as with Phonosophie's LED box, if it makes you happy to trim your CDs, be my guest.

-- Ian
You prove my point. Everyone has ears, but not everyone agrees on the effect of the lathe (as the threads about it show). Ergo, if it has an audible effect, it must be small, otherwise there would be no disagreement. Exactly the same applies to the "Animator", cables, stands, power leads, etc.

The best tweak, of course, is a good room, a very good pair of speakers, some kind of source(s), and a very large collection of interesting music. Once you have all that mucking about with tweaks straining to hear small improvements seems like a neurotic waste of time, to me at least.

-- Ian
The best tweak, of course, is a good room, a very good pair of speakers, some kind of source(s), and a very large collection of interesting music.

Agreed. Room, speakers, plus reliable electronics/turntable, in that order. All you really need by way of music is 'Arkology' by Lee 'Scratch' Perry.
If I borrow a piece of kit and it doesn't do what it says on the box ...my first port of call is the instructions then the dealer then the maker.....stands to logic.

Whereas if I borrow a piece of kit and it doesn't do what it says on the box, I take/send it back. Same as if I try on a pair of trousers and they don't fit; I'm not about to get involved in discussions with the shop or manufacturer about it, either they fit or they don't fit.
Tones ...why have you not sort the advice of the dealer .....I would imagine that he would only be too willing to help you ...after he thrust all those items on you ....

how do you think "I'm straying from or evade the truth" [the definition to prevaricate]

There are a number of points you have raised, that I have taken issue with ....

the latest ....

No, I didn't and I have no intention of doing so, until it goes back. Even assuming that it did work, if it requires this amount of mucking about, I'm not interested. In addition, the horrendous price charged means I want an instant miracle, not groping around in an attempt to find something, anything it does. CHF1198 will buy me the whole of the Gardiner cantata series. On the one hand, I get some the greatest music ever written, forever to savour and enjoy, on the other hand I get a funny aluminium cylinder that shines a pretty-coloured blue light and does nothing else. No contest.

I assume this is one of your funnies .....

you've just gone out of your way to a dealer who lends you the gear...you get it home and you can't work it/won't work/ doesn't work ...

and you want us to believe you won't call the dealer to ask advice ..... come on we were not born yesterday.

it doesn't work because you appear to have missed a step in its instillation ..accidentally or deliberately ...only you know.

Its quite clear in para 5 of the instruction what you have to do if the unit is not working .... if you say you read the instruction you must have read this.

was this the dealer ?


I only ask as the web site has all the information you need to set the unit up
Whereas if I borrow a piece of kit and it doesn't do what it says on the box, I take/send it back. Same as if I try on a pair of trousers and they don't fit; I'm not about to get involved in discussions with the shop or manufacturer about it, either they fit or they don't fit.

I agree ....once you checked the instructions and if you don't understand them, then you ask shop keeper from whom you purchased the item.
Whereas if I borrow a piece of kit and it doesn't do what it says on the box, I take/send it back. Same as if I try on a pair of trousers and they don't fit; I'm not about to get involved in discussions with the shop or manufacturer about it, either they fit or they don't fit.

It's very important to keep all doors, windows and curtains closed when trying on a new pair of trousers.

-- Ian
I agree ....once you checked the instructions and if you don't understand them, then you ask shop keeper from whom you purchased the item.

Well, some thing plain don't need instructions. Take interconnect cables; connect one end to the source and the other end to the amp. If no improvement is detected, return to sender. Now, I don't know how complex or otherwise the instructions are for the Phonosophie LED box, but let's assume I'd read them, understood them and implemented them. If I could hear no difference, why on earth would I want to be bothered with ringing someone up to ask why it wasn't working? Surely I'd just think 'ah well, back to the drawing board' and get on with my life?