Cable manufacturer
I think his 'scientific' approach is lacking a little bit. don't you?
If I read this right you are comparing Zanash to the cartographer? The cartographer had sound scientific evidence, I see none in this case so far. For the sake of this country's children I pray you aren't a science teacher!![]()
Yes his scientific approach is absent rather than lacking, but the beginning of a 10,000 mile march is the very first step . . . . . . . .
I wasn't comparing Zanash to the cartographer at all Antony, I was highlighting how obstinate and blinkered the scientific community can be at times to it's own detriment.
To round off my contribution to this thread I will say this; I gather evidence, weigh up all the pro's and con's before condemning anything and keep the "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy firmly in mind as a good sceptic should. What I do find on many forums is this overwhelming sense of "guilty until proven innocent" mentality from the naysayers without a shred of supporting evidence beyond mere supposition and that isn't an objective thought process at all because it's that same mindset that in the past threw women into lakes so that if they sank and drowned they were innocent, or burned at the stake if they floated. I still see the same baying for blood these days when an "unconventional" product comes along and it's that attitude I find difficult to comprehend. History is littered with "unconventional" products that the cynics freely scorned at the time but we now use everyday in our lives, so an open mind is essential, but not open wide enough to let your brains fall out either.
I don't care one iota what the final verdict is on this gizmo and if it is proven to be a con then have your pound of flesh by all means. Will you praise it if not? Nah, totally out of character

I believe this thread has rightfully burned itself out now.