[Review] Getting animated

I think his 'scientific' approach is lacking a little bit. don't you?

If I read this right you are comparing Zanash to the cartographer? The cartographer had sound scientific evidence, I see none in this case so far. For the sake of this country's children I pray you aren't a science teacher! :)

Yes his scientific approach is absent rather than lacking, but the beginning of a 10,000 mile march is the very first step . . . . . . . .

I wasn't comparing Zanash to the cartographer at all Antony, I was highlighting how obstinate and blinkered the scientific community can be at times to it's own detriment.

To round off my contribution to this thread I will say this; I gather evidence, weigh up all the pro's and con's before condemning anything and keep the "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy firmly in mind as a good sceptic should. What I do find on many forums is this overwhelming sense of "guilty until proven innocent" mentality from the naysayers without a shred of supporting evidence beyond mere supposition and that isn't an objective thought process at all because it's that same mindset that in the past threw women into lakes so that if they sank and drowned they were innocent, or burned at the stake if they floated. I still see the same baying for blood these days when an "unconventional" product comes along and it's that attitude I find difficult to comprehend. History is littered with "unconventional" products that the cynics freely scorned at the time but we now use everyday in our lives, so an open mind is essential, but not open wide enough to let your brains fall out either.

I don't care one iota what the final verdict is on this gizmo and if it is proven to be a con then have your pound of flesh by all means. Will you praise it if not? Nah, totally out of character :D

I believe this thread has rightfully burned itself out now.
true enough...

Unfortunately not. Advertising on the Internet does not need to comply with certain standards of truthfulness or substantiation. Trading Standards can investigate and prosecute but usually only do so where they are alerted and consider it in the public interests to do so. However should anyone see anything in print, like a catalogue or advert, PM me.
If this beats my CD lathe thread, then damn it, i shall resurrect the pros of lathing Cds. What goes around comes around.

Anyone for trousers?

Congrats Frank - a masterful contribution - I really will e mail you with my news. Bravo.
Who's going to believe a talking head?

Re-Animator (1985)

"And now you're going to tell me what you're after...."
"just a man. . . . an ancient race."

Once Upon a Time in the West.
Sergio Leone 1968
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bloody hell, i've just discovered the thread. where should i start, can someone quickly digest it into the few sentences?
It mostly when like

"I tried this device and I heard an effect"

"Did you, that's interesting"

"Holy heck, it costs HOW much?"

"I don't personally see how it can work. I have tried using my electronics knowledge but I cannot find an objective explanation"

"Perhaps this device is using a new technology?"

"I don't think so. Any one know what's inside it?"

"It's sealed up and the manufacturer isn't revealing anything either"

"Well my perceptions say it is doing something, but can't quite figure out what though"

"Has anyone else tried/heard this device?"

"I did and heard no difference!"

"Fair enough. A sample of two isn't enough though"

"Well give us a decent sample so we can at least get a statistical measurement if nothing else"

"OK, so we end up with 30 for and 2 against, what do we do then?"

"That shows it merits further investigation. Any one work in a lab or have access to one to run some tests on it?"

"I do. Can I have it for a few days and let you all know what I can about it"

"What if you cannot find what is causing this effect, or you find it's nothing more than a box with an LED in it and it's a con?"

"Well if it's con you can bet your sweet a** I'll be letting as many people possible know - good job we have forums for this - so they don't get fleeced. But let's not prejudice the outcome of the tests or jump any fences before we come to them shall we?"

With a few interesting posts along the way like

incase Tones was unlucky and got a faulty unit that wasn't working ,is there a quick test to tell if it is functioning as it should. (Apart from the blue LED being on )
incase Tones was unlucky and got a faulty unit that wasn't working ,is there a quick test to tell if it is functioning as it should. (Apart from the blue LED being on )

good question ...thanks

can I think about that ...........

I'd like to just say ........all who heard it [30 plus ] could tell with in a few minutes ....

but you want more than that .....

I'm off to see another victim today ...so we will see if that throws something up.

Just an observation .......the people who seem to be shouting loudest[ in general]that it can't work are precisely those people who have not heard it.

I consider their views to be inconsequential....I do how ever value the views of all and I mean all who have taken the time and effort to listen to the unit. But do I care ...actually yes all those wallies that have spouted off without the slightest experience should look very closely at the own motives ...as its certainly not the advancement of the understanding how this may or may not work. There appears to be a malicious element that want to denigrate ideas or equipment, that fall out side there cosy closed world. It's no surprise that none of the naysayers have even bother to pm to see if I can bring the unit over.......speaks volumes.

effem......very well put
im off to buy quartz and an led and print money, i couldnt give arats ass whether it works or not, i think theres enough punters on here who would buy one if it was cheap enough.

and nayway pete how much discount did you get for becoming the uk marketing arm...?
the people who seem to be shouting loudest[ in general]that it can't work are precisely those people who have not heard it.

There's no need to try this device zanash. It's one of many examples of selling the suggestion dupe, writ large in 4ft high letters.

Admittedly not as cynical (the correct use of the word) as cancer-curing healing crystals or special magnetic credit cards which claim to remove the nicotine from cigarettes. It's not and never has been foolish to be taken in by a suggestion dupe; it is outstandingly foolish to consider you cannot be fooled.

Your own predisposition toward magical thinking and lack of critical intelligence will not allow you to see this, so further exchange of opinion is rather pointless (if there ever was a point). Have fun with your 'room animator'.
There's no need to try this device zanash. It's one of many examples of selling the suggestion dupe, writ large in 4ft high letters.

Admittedly not as cynical (the correct use of the word) as cancer-curing healing crystals or special magnetic credit cards which claim to remove the nicotine from cigarettes. It's not and never has been foolish to be taken in by a suggestion dupe; it is outstandingly foolish to consider you cannot be fooled.

Your own predisposition toward magical thinking and lack of critical intelligence will not allow you to see this, so further exchange of opinion is rather pointless (if there ever was a point). Have fun with your 'room animator'.

I would have thought this debate has gone on long enough to make this note a bit unnecessary.

Its now well esbalished that there are two distinctly opposing arguements being put forward.
I would have thought this debate has gone on long enough to make this kind note a bit irrelevent (and also a bit insulting). Its now well esbalished that there are two distinctly opposing arguements being put forward.

The note is pretty much guarenteed to generate ill will.

Thats what they want, obviously envious of those who can hear... :SLEEP:
You think you wouldnt think so, but you are delusioned, mistaken... :NADowner:

Deluded is the proper word - I don't mean that patronisingly as English isn't you are native tongue (if it is tell me to eff off), but its a good word.

A typical use might be "Anyone who thinks this thread retains anything of interest for the majority of members, is surely deluded."