[Review] Getting animated

"thats just plain stupid ... its not funny or clever and show a disrespect for the listeners who have taken the time to invite me into there homes."

I think it was just meant in light hearted jest, Pete.

Ians review surely says the unit is doing something....just more in some rooms (houses) than others.

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Tones .....what a shame you've now run out of time ...

you will not have time to follow the instructions that are posted in one of my earlier posts..yes they were in german but your supposed to be able to read that ?

the translation is from babel fish is

CARE In order to receive the maximum effect of the equipment, we recommend, to store the area audio Animator once in the month for some hours (best over night) in the refrigerator (optimal temperature + 3° to +8° Celsius) a putting you the space.

It means in english

that if the unit is not working as expected it requires reactivation/refeshing over night in a fridge between the following temperatures +3 +8 deg C.

this passage is on the instructions sheet pdf on the web site I provided a link for .... and in one of my earlier post

these instruction were provided to me by word of mouth by the dealer ....and I imagine are on the printed sheet that came with the unit.

Still you'll be able to honestly say you tried the unit but it had no effect in your system .....and hide the fact that didn't bother to follow the makers instructions. You'll be fine as long as nobody else knows......but if the cat gets out the bag

[this is an equivalent hypothetical example ]

Bit like borrowing a cable ...from a dealer taking it home and connecting it to an amp but never switch the selector switch over to it ....you can safely say it made no difference! your not telling porkies... as the cable sounded no different to the one you had in previously .... but is it a correct response ?
"thats just plain stupid ... its not funny or clever and show a disrespect for the listeners who have taken the time to invite me into there homes."

I think it was just meant in light hearted jest, Pete.

Ians review surely says the unit is doing something....just more in some rooms (houses) than others.

dave ...so was mine ! tongue in cheek doesn't come over very well ....
Does anybody live near Sheffield, who has a hifi and also full measurement kit (scope, microphone etc?)

Would like to see any effect measured.
As above, measuring the output of a hifi with and without the 'animator' present.

If it's doing 'anything' it will be measurable.

Certainly a good microphone is capable of picking up more than a human ear.
As above, measuring the output of a hifi with and without the 'animator' present.

If it's doing 'anything' it will be measurable.

Certainly a good microphone is capable of picking up more than a human ear.

YOu said what you want WITH.....

I don't know anything about this Chris!

What had you got in mind?

Frenquencies? Db? watts? other?
Someone asked a question earlier in the week ...about if there was another way of telling if the unit was creating an effect ...other than the blue tell tail being on.......

on several occasions the unit has created a slight discomfort in certain listeners...ian found it "jarred his nerves" I've felt as if I'm going to get a headache ...sq225917 felt his sinuses effected .....

of course these are anecdotal in the extreme ...I certainly don't feel the effect each time I set the unit up .. but often enough to make me wonder....

other than that and of course hearing your system sound better than it has ever done I don't know......

As to setting up a measuring session .....sound interesting has anyone suitable fascilities that isn't hundreds of miles away ?

still had no invites from the "none believers" [except tenson who's too far away]
you will not have time to follow the instructions that are posted in one of my earlier posts..yes they were in german but your supposed to be able to read that ?
I can - clearly you can't...

CARE In order to receive the maximum effect of the equipment, we recommend, to store the area audio Animator once in the month for some hours (best over night) in the refrigerator (optimal temperature + 3° to +8° Celsius) a putting you the space.

It means in english

that if the unit is not working as expected it requires reactivation/refeshing over night in a fridge between the following temperatures +3 +8 deg C.

this passage is on the instructions sheet pdf on the web site I provided a link for .... and in one of my earlier post

these instruction were provided to me by word of mouth by the dealer ....and I imagine are on the printed sheet that came with the unit.

This is one case in which your obviously highly active imagination has failed you. No, they weren't. The instruction sheet that comes with the unit makes no mention whatsoever of temperature. The piece which you mention is on a separate data sheet and says as follows:

Um die maximale Wirkung des Gerätes zu erhalten, emphehlen ([sic] - they mean "empfehlen") wir, den Raum-Audio-Animator einmal in Monat für einzige Stunden im Kühlschrank zu verwahren

Optimale Temperatur ist +3° vis +8° Celsius. Setzen Sie den Raum-Audio-Animator auf keinen tieferen temperaturaus, da das Gerät sonst Schaden nimmt

(In order to achieve the best effect from the device, we recommend that you put the Animator once a month in the fridge for a few hours.

The optimal temperature is between 3° and 8°C - don't do it at lower temperatures, or you could damage the unit).

In other words, it does NOT mean in English

that if the unit is not working as expected it requires reactivation/refeshing over night in a fridge between the following temperatures +3 +8 deg C.

It is an occasional measure and that only for the "best effect", not to make it work. Small wonder the Swiss dealer never mentioned it. OK, this is perhaps a failure on the part of the manufacturer to put this on the instruction sheet, but this clearly reflects that this is not of vital importance. Moreover, it has nothing to do with activation/reactivation, and it is not required to start the unit.

In other words, Pete, you have just completely exposed yourself as a humbug - and, despite your protestations to the contrary, as a major teller of porkies. You accuse others of distorting things, while you furiously (and clearly deliberately) distort and twist things as hard as you can go if they're not in accordance with your particular desires and expectations. You have just proved to all the world that you are totally untrustworthy. I for one shall henceforth ignore totally everything you say.
Still you'll be able to honestly say you tried the unit but it had no effect in your system .....and hide the fact that didn't bother to follow the makers instructions. You'll be fine as long as nobody else knows......but if the cat gets out the bag

In other words, Pete, you have just completely exposed yourself as a humbug - and, despite your protestations to the contrary, as a major teller of porkies. You accuse others of distorting things, while you furiously (and clearly deliberately) distort and twist things as hard as you can go if they're not in accordance with your particular desires and expectations. You have just proved to all the world that you are totally untrustworthy. I for one shall henceforth ignore totally everything you say.

Tones, I think you've had an excellent manner throughout this. I also believe you've tried the unit according to the instructions and honestly reported back on what your heard.

Pete, I really think you need to step back and not try to police what people post in this thread. Also the somewhat offhand tactics in trying to discredit Tones opinion is giving your words significantly less impact. Just keep doing what you were at the beginning of this thread - giving demos, getting people to post opinions. You'll never get everyone to agree all the time and trying to do so just turns most folks the otherway.
lol Joe

In room measurements would be fine, if measured in identical conditions with and without the animator.

The most important thing is to change just one element (the animator) in order to ensure a fair test.
I think you may have read too much .....into my post. I have no intention of discrediting tones ...what mileage would there be in that ...he's made the effort to get a unit to try ..all credit to him ....

I may have come over a little sarcastic so I'll appologise ....sorry mate ......

May be You should read some of the posts from my perspective ....

I've traveled up and down the country to a number of very nice people who have graceously allow me to stick the unit into their systems ......they have then post what they heard .

For some wally to come on and then post that they can't possibly have heard what they have, how aroggant is that?

I have no intention of policing peoples personal opinions ...in fact you can check my post history and see it me standing up for people who have a different opinion to the herd.

What I wont stand for is someone who was not present ..telling me what I am and am not hearing. If that's not convenient or falls out side your sensibility well that your problem.

Why is it ok for other people to imply I'm not telling the truth ? ....but when I question someone about following the makers instructions I'm accused of discrediting someone ..when they have achieved it all by themselves.

All I've done is simply present the facts ....I won't say that I've not found some of the comments hurtful ...because I have.

Everything I have said can be verified by the people present ...I have not exaggerated or twisted any of the results ... all the effects can be repeated and reproduced...

I'm happy enough having people thinking the unit has no effect ....thats there opinion It does grate that none of the naysayers appears to be willing even to listen to the unit. The one person who has tried has failed to follow the simplest of instruction......weither by accident or design ..only tones knows that. I know what I think but thats my own opinion.

I am allowed an opinion ?

and whats all this about ... looks very much like a spoilt child mentality ?

"In other words, Pete, you have just completely exposed yourself as a humbug - and, despite your protestations to the contrary, as a major teller of porkies. You accuse others of distorting things, while you furiously (and clearly deliberately) distort and twist things as hard as you can go if they're not in accordance with your particular desires and expectations. You have just proved to all the world that you are totally untrustworthy. I for one shall henceforth ignore totally everything you say."

you forgot to add "in your opinion" ...

perhaps tones you would like to express a few words on speedys post ....

is he tell porkies too ?

Are you still dismissing out of hand the testimony of all the people who have heard the unit work and then bother to take the time and effort to post?
Someone asked a question earlier in the week ...about if there was another way of telling if the unit was creating an effect ...other than the blue tell tail being on.......

on several occasions the unit has created a slight discomfort in certain listeners...ian found it "jarred his nerves" I've felt as if I'm going to get a headache ...sq225917 felt his sinuses effected .....

of course these are anecdotal in the extreme ...I certainly don't feel the effect each time I set the unit up .. but often enough to make me wonder....

other than that and of course hearing your system sound better than it has ever done I don't know......

As to setting up a measuring session .....sound interesting has anyone suitable fascilities that isn't hundreds of miles away ?

still had no invites from the "none believers" [except tenson who's too far away]

Although I have never seen this unit in the flesh, much less sampled it's effectiveness or otherwise, I am still trying to puzzle out what alleged mechanisms are at play within it.

The clues are there though; a closed/sealed room, reports of sinuses being affected and possibly headache inducing effects, the effect on a rising plume of smoke, the low voltage/low current draw, the blue light may have (but not a blue LED) all point to one likely candidate that might be responsible, but then the theory goes unstable when it's said the unit is totally sealed and the sound (not unlike sand) of rattling within the unit when shaken, but that might conceivably be part of a two stage process. The blue LED I don't think is of any consequence beyond indicating that the device is active. Are you sure it is an LED? The device to test my theory costs more than this forum's collective spend on hi-fi toys, so it remains a theory :(

As for conducting objective measurements, I doubt if what I'm thinking along the lines of could be measured with a scope and multimeter. The big problem with using those and/or a dB level meter is that the effects of for example cable changes rarely manifest themselves in an increase in sound levels and I don't know of any one electronic measuring device that can put a quantifiable value on "deeper soundstage, more presence, airier midrange, tigher more solid less boomy bass", etc., etc., which are all the adjectives us audiophools tend to apply to our successful tweaky type endeavours, because the ear/brain interface is considerably more sensitive and complex than a box of electronic measuring circuitry.
lol Joe

In room measurements would be fine, if measured in identical conditions with and without the animator.

The most important thing is to change just one element (the animator) in order to ensure a fair test.

yes I agree what should be audible ...should show up .

Some ideas

the unit should be tested both on ,off, and out of the room. It would also be prudent to see if those present can hear the change as well the instramentation logging any changes.

has anyone got a suitable venue ?......

again effem eloquently put ......

what type of gear were you thinking of ?

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