[Review] Getting animated

OK, I still think you are under the influence of the blue light, but... :newbie:

I'm not under the influence of anything, mate.

I listen to stuff, decide if its doing soemthing useful. The blue light thing is mega out of my ££ reach... if it wasn't I'd look further into it (before I parted with cash).

It did have an effect though...or shall we say some thing else happened at the same time......but thats strecthing coincidenses too far for me.
Deluded is the proper word - I don't mean that patronisingly as English isn't you are native tongue (if it is tell me to eff off), but its a good word.

A typical use might be "Anyone who thinks this thread retains anything of interest for the majority of members, is surely deluded."

.....right, deluded.

i got the gist of what you were saying any way...

i'm not quite sure why i should be...?

any way i feel this old ground.


.....right, deluded.

i got the gist of what you were saying any way...

i'm not quite sure why i should be...?

any way i feel this old ground.

Sorry, I wasn't saying you were deluded. I was just saying that's the proper word ... as opposed to delusioned ... ah, which isn't :)
just one point...

tones mentioned it's available for about £450.

zanash (post 1) mentioned it is £750.

if anyone actually does want to buy one of these things, it would seem to make sense to avoid the UK distributor and buy abroad.
Forgive my intrusion, but there seems some confusion as to the effect being an illusion, a matter of delusion. There has been a profusion of comments with no real conclusion. I assume there is no collusion and the effects were heard in seclusion, and so are worthy of inclusion in this debate.
We can discount nuclear fusion, but the answer is no foregone conclusion; and we want no-one's ego to suffer contusion.
So, unless I'm deluded, this discussion's concluded.
Forgive my intrusion, but there seems some confusion as to the effect being an illusion, a matter of delusion. There has been a profusion of comments with no real conclusion. I assume there is no collusion and the effects were heard in seclusion, and so are worthy of inclusion in this debate.
We can discount nuclear fusion, but the answer is no foregone conclusion; and we want no-one's ego to suffer contusion.
So, unless I'm deluded, this discussion's concluded.

(nice one)

but..........you wanna bet?
Tones...I feel sure you can come up with soemthing here?

.....preferably from a fairly neutral point of view.....?
Tones...I feel sure you can come up with soemthing here?

.....preferably from a fairly neutral point of view.....?

It has been concluded
Folk may be deluded
And others have hooted
We ought to refute it
But others have brooded
And then pondered, ââ'¬Å"Could it
Perhaps now be mooted
The problem is rooted
In folk who aren't suited
To perceive the good it
Is doing? Denuded
Of meaning this crooked
Thinking should be booted
And, ground underfoot, it
Will not be disputedââ'¬Â
And then it's computed
Comes joy undiluted
And not at all muted
From those now recruited.
just one point...

tones mentioned it's available for about £450.

zanash (post 1) mentioned it is £750.

if anyone actually does want to buy one of these things, it would seem to make sense to avoid the UK distributor and buy abroad.

£489 at today's exchange rate. Should anyone want one, I'd be happy to buy it for and ship it to them for the cost of the device, plus postage and packing. Remember that Switzerland is not an EU member and customs charges may apply.
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tones ,isnt that a bit rich offering to take money off people for something that doesnt work. ;-)
Just to bring this thread back to the original aim.........

to tell the forum members about a very odd item that does very odd things.

I made my way upto the vale of pickering to visit a chap ....who has to my astonishment a parallel history....ie a public servant that through a virus rather than a roads accident has the same problems and suffers the same medication as myself!

his kit sb+ korato kta100 ..shahanian obelisk's [supposed to be fussy but sound fine to me]

Any way back to the point I played all the usual "can't possibly have an effect " mods and tweaks .....

fitted Davidf's ball iso feet to the sb+ and its powers supply ....wow who'd have thought it would have had any effect !

swapped his van dam ic for three of my different flavour.....each clearly showed an improvment and very obvious difference.

swapped out the dnm speaker cable for my cotton jobbies ...

then down to the blue light ..... ho hum can't win them all ....

But I'll let ian do the write up ...if he has a mind
tones ,isnt that a bit rich offering to take money off people for something that doesnt work. ;-)

Today i had the pleasure of Pete's company for a few hours this morning. He brought alone various bits from his boxes of tricks, the blue thing, the Platinum interconnect and the wood and ball bearing cones.

Next we moved onto the Blue box. The snake oil dispenser. Frankly i have no idea at all what this unit does, but it does something, and in my system it was found to be beneficial.

It takes time to 'warm up' come on song, whatever you care to call it. The effect was more noticable after returning to a closed listening room after a ten minute break than it was with it turned on previously for ten minutes.

There was a noticably sweeter air to the sound, a bit more deliniation around voices and instruments in the mix. Definately an improvement, similar in scale to realising that you've wired the polarity the wrong way for those few CD's that sound god awful unless you reverse the speaker polarity.

it's a blue LED in an alloy box that rattles when you shake it, it draws marginal current, it doesn't get warm, it appears to have no method of action, but act it does.

"...there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent" (Lk.15:7 (NIV))
Tones ....did you find the missing instructions and if so did you do as specified ?

What missing instructions? They were at home. As previously stated on several occasions, I had complied with them absolutely. I checked them, and yes, I had followed them faithfully. To make sure, I even got the thing out of the box again and repeated them. To no effect whatsoever. It goes back on Saturday.
Having just had a very interesting visit from Pete (Zanash), I have to report on my experience with the blue light. Although, now I think about it, I wonder if Bobs' theory is correct about Pete having to be there.

So, to sum up my blue light experiences aside from the other tweakery that abounded yesterday when Pete brought his boxes, about which I will post later;

Following a good get-to-know your system day-long session, Petes' time of departure beckoned, and he produced the aluminium 'thing'. I would not describe myself as gullible in any way, although I do profess to have been surprised by how my system was flattened by a slightly off-song power cord (more of that in t'other thread).

My room is somewhat open, having 4 doorways off it, only one with a curtain, the rest door-less. Therefore whatever 'filling', 'rearranging', 'charging' or ... could conceivably take time to happen. we shut the windows and doors in the rest of the house, to minimise airflow. Tension building? It wasn't for me, as I just wanted to appease Pete and let him say he had shown it again. I was prepared to nod wisely and politely smile, then explain to my wife about the very polite odd man that had been visiting.

We played a track with the machine switched off, paused the music and switched it on, positioned 'correctly'. To give it chance, it had 5 minutes of warmup in silence, then the track was replayed. Initially there was a definite change, which got more emphasised over the next couple of minutes.

Just as I was about to explain what I had heard, my 12 year old daughter, who knew nothing of my days events, walked up to the front door. We shut off the music and the blue light and I asked her to sit next to me on the sofa for an experiment. She is used to being tested by her eccentric father; her mother long having given up on it. So, she knew nothing of any blue devices, or what we were doing. As far as I am aware, she does not read hifi fora at all, or converse on MSN with older men who have odd hobbies :eek:
So we had an innocent victim; now to work. She was played a track, and sat patiently but attentively listening. Pete then switched on the alloy thing, gave it a couple of minutes and replayed the track, all other parameters unchanged.

The results - she immediately asked if I had turned up the volume; it appeared quite a bit louder. After listening to the track she described more bass and a clearer, more followable sound, with detail she had not heard before. These are the exact changes I was about to relate to Pete when she turned up.

It has convinced me; my daughter describes it as Alien technology (too much Dr Who methinks), and my wife thinks we are mad (she would take no part in it). There is something happening, but I know not how. It is a very obvious change for the better, in my system, as it stands, in my room, on that day etc etc. I am certainly not going to spend £750 on one, but were it in a pretty component sized box and plugged into the sound-chain, then it would appear to be a very good value upgrade for an already expensive system.

I'm not sure where that leaves my credibility; I was certainly a little dubious of Petes' sanity just from reading the threads. Whilst I may not still be fully convinced of his mental state ;) (only kidding Pete), I am won over by the device. I hope to have it repeated on a return visit when I have sorted the rest of my system, but i see no reason why the effect should not be heard by everyone.

And no, I have never put special little pieces of paper in strategic places around the room or on components. That is going too far, or is it, Mr Belt? Who can be sure of anything any more?

The problem is that, as the experiments show, for there to be an effect Zanash has to be there.

thats just plain stupid ... its not funny or clever and show a disrespect for the listeners who have taken the time to invite me into there homes.

Bob......... I notice you've not responded to my offer to bring the unit over for a dem.....but you still continue to deride the item ...bit of a corner your painting yourself into ? just suppose the unit actually works as speedy says ...where does that leave your credibility ?

Thanks Ian....thats a very clear and concise post depicting the events of late Wednesday afternoon.

Why would anyone not believe this account ....?

lets ask the naysayers do you believe the account by Ian [speady] ...its a simple yes no answer ....I will assume that a no post means a no ...

Remember you need to think very carefully about this.....for reasons that will become apparent.

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