[Review] Getting animated

New version of the animator:


Can also excommunicate you should you not believe in its abilities.
Really ................

so without hearing it .....anyone whos says it does'nt work is calling all those who have heard the effect subject to halucination, mass hysteria ,auto suggestion, delusion ....or down right liars in effect.

I will repeat ....people who know me, know I only post if an effect is repeated and benificial. I don't speculate or guess or pontificate I don't diss other people gear. I definately don't tell people there gear crap without hearing it first. I don't tell people they can't hear something when its obvious they know they can.

I think if some of the plonkers on here were to follow even a couple of those points there'd be a lot less arguments.

So why has nobody taken me up on my offer to demo the blue light .......is everyone yitny [colloquial ....means scared sh*tless]
in case it actually does whats claimed?

I repeat I'm happy to show the unit if your in a reasonable traveling distance [50miles or so].......

so either put or shut up as the saying goes....

oh if I get too many offers may need to set up a bakeoff ...any takers ?

I'm going to have another go with the photos.......try a more scientific approach ...

just thought ...can you think how the deq might be able to read the change in the room with the mic fitted ?
pete bring it round here,ill turn the Nikon d80 on it for some propper shots.

you can hear the 840c with its new regs and clock.

tyr the guitar thing with a scope wired to the guitar and also to a mic to see if the difference is electrical or audio. at leats that would tie the effect down into one realm or another.

i don't doubt that you amongst others perceive it has an effect, but like alot of people id like to see if its perception or effect..
Really ................

so without hearing it .....anyone whos says it does'nt work is calling all those who have heard the effect subject to halucination, mass hysteria ,auto suggestion, delusion ....or down right liars in effect.

The consensus seems to be that it is some kind of placebo effect, and that perhaps the people you demoed it to are a bit suggestible (well, everyone is its normal).

So are you saying people who take a placebo pill and show improvements in their condition are 'subject to hallucination, mass hysteria ,auto suggestion, delusion ....or down right liars'?

just thought ...can you think how the deq might be able to read the change in the room with the mic fitted ?

Put it on pink noise generator with the RTA active, mic plugged in and set to slow average. Watch for repeatable changes when the animator is activated. Use multiple mic positions and do it a minimum of 5 times per position.
Cheers ....will give the pink noise a go.....much along the lines I was thinking.

I can live with placebo ......but not everyone knew the unit was in use or even that thats what was being listened to....ie partners of people visited ..that came in and commented at the sound change ...obviously only anecdotal ...but more than one did.

I can't see how a timed decay on a guitar can be a placebo ...if you could explain or even a ration guess ?


pm when your free ....we will arrange something [not this weekend though ]
This has been pointed out to me .....looks oddly familiar ...a snip at £650 ish


Oh Boy


I'd love to know the translation. Maybe something like:

Our Magic Quantal Eminator will:

  • Purify your drinking water
  • Take the bad stuff out of your ciggies
  • Make your drugs proper trippy
  • Take the calories out of your fizzy pop
  • Make your lippy more sticky
  • Make that awful lumpy sofa you bought in IKEA comfy
  • Put some nutrition into your Pot Noodle and make it palatable
  • Give you dirty dreams
  • Pump up your airbed and
  • Make the flowers grow

I can't see how a timed decay on a guitar can be a placebo ...if you could explain or even a ration guess ?
From your post it sounds like the timing was of decay in room 1 with device vs decay in room 2 without device, which isn't proving anything.

Also, you can't be sure that the strings are being attacked with the same force each time.

I suggest you would need a mechnical device to hit the strings to ensure repeatability and some kind of digital recording to compare a large number of samples and do some statistical analysis.
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Just a passing audiophile who resides in the far east, with a fervent curiosity for interesting tweaks, no matter how crazy it seems to be. I was led to here by Zanash posting in Audioasylum.
Have a nice day :cool:

To be fair I think its just a case of guessing the exchange rate rather than a deliberate exageration ... and welcome to ZG, who are you?
Oh Boy


I'd love to know the translation. Maybe something like:

Our Magic Quantal Eminator will:

  • Purify your drinking water
  • Take the bad stuff out of your ciggies
  • Make your drugs proper trippy
  • Take the calories out of your fizzy pop
  • Make your lippy more sticky
  • Make that awful lumpy sofa you bought in IKEA comfy
  • Put some nutrition into your Pot Noodle and make it palatable
  • Give you dirty dreams
  • Pump up your airbed and
  • Make the flowers grow


...........steady on.......;)
yes sorry..... your dead right I used 100 rather than the correct 200 factor to convert...its two years since I was last in japan.

I've added a correction to the original thread

it really is a snip !
Here's another device that provides some explanation

The effect of magnetism and ionization can have some applications not only in audio but other areas too


May not be exactly the same stuff, but it does demonstrate in their case studies that magnetism does have an effect on biological processes.

Check out their wine enhancing coaster... ;-)

http://www.esmotech.com/Mol Burner.html
yes .....I agree

"theres far more in heaven and earth ......horatio" etc..

its just such a bizarre item .....

Even with another weeks worth of listening ....its clear that the effect seems to plateau after 6-7 hours or being left on over night.

Currently the unit is at Uncle Ants ....so I'm hoping he may have something to say when he's had a good play.
I just wonder Zanash, if your device will have any effect if listening with headphones instead of loud speakers. You might want to give it a try and let us know the answer.

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