Today i had the pleasure of Pete's company for a few hours this morning. He brought alone various bits from his boxes of tricks, the blue thing, the Platinum interconnect and the wood and ball bearing cones.
First up was the Platinum interconnect. I currently run a variation on Petes ribbon silver interconnects using his 5mm ribbon for the return, with a twisted pair of Chtis Venhaus 5n silver in cotton for the hot silver soldered to homegrown audio solid silver pin RCA's.
There's definately a difference to my interconnects and also if memory serves me right to his Au/Ag, which i still feel sound better in my system than my current wires.
To my taste the Platinum IC's didn't offer an improvement over my current IC's, but they do offer a different presentation. I couldn't really pin them down, his Au/AG's sounded sweeter than my wires on last audition, whereas the Platinums just sounded different, a little more rounded, as i say i can't pin it down, but there wasn't the synergy i've heard from previous changes.
Not one for me, but if they fit with your set-up then the change could be worthwhile.
Next we moved onto the Blue box. The snake oil dispenser. Frankly i have no idea at all what this unit does, but it does something, and in my system it was found to be beneficial.
It takes time to 'warm up' come on song, whatever you care to call it. The effect was more noticable after returning to a closed listening room after a ten minute break than it was with it turned on previously for ten minutes.
There was a noticably sweeter air to the sound, a bit more deliniation around voices and instruments in the mix. Definately an improvement, similar in scale to realising that you've wired the polarity the wrong way for those few CD's that sound god awful unless you reverse the speaker polarity.
it's a blue LED in an alloy box that rattles when you shake it, it draws marginal current, it doesn't get warm, it appears to have no method of action, but act it does.
Even if the effect it causes is purely psychological in source, it definately has an effect. Maybe it would be more accurate to say it allows you to hear a difference in the sound, whether it physically changes anything or not. For me that is the acid test, i percieve a difference, therefore there is a difference, i trust my ears.
£700 though...mmmm
And last but by no means least, little oak cones with ball bearings on them.
With the balls mounted top and bottom there was a tightening of the sound. With the balls just on the top of the cone the sound was tighter,fuller and simply more musical. On a cost basis, i can't fault this, the cones stayed, Pete left, with some replacement 11mm balls in his pocket and a set of 3 balsa wood & carbon rod feet that have the exact opposite effect to the cones.
I know the blue LED snake oil dispenser is contentious,no doubt due to our inability to explain its apparent action. Maybe it does nothing physical at all, maybe it's a mains cleaner, maybe it beams signals of joy straight into your brain, but it does let me hear a difference, whether one physically exists or not.