Tones ...they did not work for you ........period
do you understand the difference ?
just because they didn't work for you does not mean that they don't work full stop. It just means you were unable to hear them for what ever reason ....
True, but applying both experience and science persuades me that they don't work.
A bit like the cable that you borrowed from me and said it sounded no different to the one you were using ...thats fine as far as it goes but you forgot to say you weren't using the freebie out the box as you had led me to believe [and you failed to correct my misunderstanding through out our communications] .... as a while later you posted the type and make of the cable in another thread....I don't have a problem with that, I just now know were your coming from.
Sorry, I don't get that. I did indeed A-B test your very nice IC (if I were in the market for such things, I'd buy yours) against a freebie that came from a Japanese cassette recorder and there was no difference. I can't remember what exactly was said, but I think you might be confusing the fact that I said that your IC was every bit as good as an absurdly expensive Nordost Red Dawn (which also sounded the same as my Japanese freebie)
If you are saying this effect did not take place inference you are calling all those people who have heard it and been sufficiently moved to posted liars not semantics its logic.
I'm sorry, but that's plain wrong. "Lie" means something told with the deliberate intention to deceive. I don't believe that either yourself or any of the other gents who say they heard a difference did such a thing. I accept that you believe you heard what you heard and honestly reported it. The point of argument is whether that difference was there in reality or not. I believe the latter, you believe the former. Everyone's happy with honour intact and unimpugned.
I repeat ...are you saying the thirty plus people on twenty or so different occasions in eighteen different systems, who I've shown this device to are all deluded ....?
Deluded only insofar that they heard something they consciously or subconsciously wanted or expected to hear.
Am I so persuasive I've deluded the silly dolts into hearing things that aren't there......and if so to what point ?
No, and I would never call them silly. They are audiophiles, and therefore they have a certain mindset, which makes them prone to believe this sort of stuff, largely as a result of manufacturers' and magazines' downright deceptions. I know, I was once a believer too.
I'm by no means perfect....but I don't tell porkies and I only post from first hand experience.
That I accept completely.
I have said again that I don't agree with the makers claims ....I also think its a huge jump to make ....but the unit works
As long as you think it works and are happy with the results and feel that it's money well spent, that's all that matters, and good luck (and listening) to you.