[Review] Getting animated

Sideshowbob ....I suggest you contact

[email protected].

they will be delighted to answer you questions, as I can't.

Given that every "explanation" you have posted from Phonosophie has been utter nonsense, why are you suggesting they are worth speaking to? They're clearly just making it up as they go along.

Audiophiles seem to have so little curiosity about how things work. How strange.

What were you were testing with the smoke test? It's a really simple question, yet you haven't answered it yet. You went to the trouble of posting what you'd seen with a joss stick, and suggested that this may throw light on how the device works with audio. How? All I'm asking about is this specific test.

-- Ian
Melorib....thats not the first time this has been mentioned , but I'm at a total loss to see any connection.

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SSBob, i think the point is that everyone wants to know how it works,if it actually does anything ?
SSBob, i think the point is that everyone wants to know how it works,if it actually does anything ?

No, the point is what was the smoke test designed to demonstrate?

It's not a complicated question.

-- Ian
Does anybody know what the ideal circumstances are for transmitting sound through air?

I would guess still over moving air; having a conversation (outside) when the wind is blowing is more difficult then when the air is still.

Do humidity and temperature have an affect? Anything else?

A question I have been meaning to ask is whether listeners think there is a concrete improvement or a relative one. People on here often say (well sometimes) that there system sounded particularly good at a particular time of day or night. Upgrade or change one of your components and it may be possible to say it now sounds different to the way it did before all the time.

Given that Pete has spent more time with it than anybody; does it always make the same level of improvement at home, or are there some days when the change is more noticeable than others?
It's not a complicated question.

-- Ian

Exactly, it isn't a complicated question and its one thats already been answered. Pete used the smoke to test the claim made that the air is affected to by the unit - it is.

I've no doubt you've already read something to that effect in previous pages of this thread. So I'd suggest your looking for an answer that nobody can give.
Do humidity and temperature have an affect? Anything else?

yes, a untidy room so I am led to belive!

having ben knocked out for the last 2 weeks with a viral (chest)infection...I am (esp) guilty of that just now!

A question I have been meaning to ask is whether listeners think there is a concrete improvement or a relative one. People on here often say (well sometimes) that there system sounded particularly good at a particular time of day or night. Upgrade or change one of your components and it may be possible to say it now sounds different to the way it did before all the time.

if concrete - night/day and relative = suble.....for me it was relative.

in the trial pete did at my place....the plug ws pulled on the kit a couple of times to for demonsttion purposes, th e sound immediatly became (for me) some nioticeable THINNER, the sound less weighty, the bass reduced and less well defined.

I think I am irght in saying the unit takes 2 mins to switch off...and on.....(although I believe it can be done instantly by mobile phone....is that right Pete?). So this on/off experiment was less pronounced for me....though still noted/observed.
No, the point is what was the smoke test designed to demonstrate?

It's not a complicated question.

-- Ian

do we agree that sound travels by wave prorogation through air ?
do we also agree that mostly air is transparent ?
do we also agree that smoke is minute particles suspended in air ?
if you have answered yes to all the above.....

then you know why ......

suspending visible particles in air ie smoke allows you to see the flow and movment of air.....its commonly used in wind tunnels .

I don't claim anything other than the observations seen.....these appear to a number of viewers to be connected in some way the "animator" being either off or on.

I see you've not bothered to follow the advice offered ...

Why don't you ask the importers or the makers of the device how it works, I even gave you the email address !

but if you think I'm going to take a large hammer to the unit, just to see whats inside your going to be sadly disappointed ....

and here is a little further reading
especially 2:3 flow visualization in the wind tunnel link

to answer davidf

yes a mobile phone does negate the effect when used within 2-3" of the animator [the unit must then be unplugged]

The unit if switched off....the room takes about 20 minutes to return to "normal"...but its clear after about 3-4 minutes if music is playing that somethings happening....this as dave suggests it start to sound "flat and uninteresting".....

everyone who has had been in the room has heard this ....
do we agree that sound travels by wave prorogation through air ?
do we also agree that mostly air is transparent ?
do we also agree that smoke is minute particles suspended in air ?
if you have answered yes to all the above.....

then you know why ......

suspending visible particles in air ie smoke allows you to see the flow and movment of air.....its commonly used in wind tunnels .

But, Pete, what it doesn't show you are sound waves. Smoke particles do not let you see the compressions and rarefactions that are translated into sound in our heads when received by our ears. Not surprising of course as the propogation velocity of sound at sea level is 760mph, allowing it to traverse the average living room in just under 0.02 sec. Air currents have little effect on these, unless they're very fast (as in hurricane force), something not generally encountered in the average living room. So, even if your device did have some sort of effect on air currents, this is not the same as saying that it has an effect on sound waves moving in that air. The wind tunnel is a completely incorrect analogy.
So, even if your device did have some sort of effect on air currents, this is not the same as saying that it has an effect on sound waves moving in that air.

This is true, but if the device has some sort of effect on air currents it does mean that it isn't just a blue light in a box. Which is what I thought the point of the smoke exercise was.
I mentioned the Q-Link pendant as a cheaper alternative to the animator a few pages back melorib. It's based on the same advanced rabbit foot technology so will work just as well. Give it a try.

I missed that, sorry... :newbie:

I always wear it, maybe I should try with and without... ;)
I've never claimed that I was trying to see sound waves....

please reread....

It was tried to see if there was any way to tell if the air was being effected.

and plainly yes it was......the effect is repeatable in different rooms and changes with the unit being on or off.....This is an observation made by all those present, its not something I've made up.

I don't claim to have any answers...so why do you think I have ?

Mosfet ...you said you had not tried the Q link ...now your telling us that it works.. are you being economical with the truth again ?

But of course your what your really saying is that this is all a lie

Why is it that you think jackotrades, ianr, DavidF, Uncle Ants, sq225917 [sorry if I've missed anyone] are not telling the truth ?

What have they got to gain ?
Absolutely nothing, just a heap of grief, from the likes of you ...

These people are putting there reputations on the line so wallies can take pop shots and you can even be bothered get off your ar*es to get demo.

IMO Seems like its the typical Naysayer response...I'm right I'm always right ...oh and no I don't need to even try it as I know it won't work ...or if I can't hear it, it doesn't exist, so I must riddicule it.

This must be too much of a challenge to your cozy little world ..where cables make no difference, the cd lathe doesn't work, cd flux doen't even clean the cd properly, green pens have no effect, the animator doesn't work, isolation feet have no effect, and don't leave out power cable.
I've never claimed that I was trying to see sound waves....

please reread....
No, you didn't, nor did I say that. I said that there was not necessarily any correlation between the movement of smoke in the air and the poropagation of sound waves - please reread...

I don't claim to have any answers...so why do you think I have ?
Didn't say you did have, merely making an observation.

But of course your what your really saying is that this is all a lie
Pete, with respect, you'd make a better case if you kept all your toys in the pram. Nobody that I can see is calling anyone a liar. There is merely a discussion as to whether anything really is happening. Nobody is objecting to people's subjective assessment that something is happening.

What have they got to gain ?
Absolutely nothing, just a heap of grief, from the likes of you ...
If they have grief, it must be self-inflicted.

These people are putting there reputations on the line so wallies can take pop shots and you can even be bothered get off your ar*es to get demo.

IMO Seems like its the typical Naysayer response...I'm right I'm always right ...oh and no I don't need to even try it as I know it won't work ...or if I can't hear it, it doesn't exist, so I must riddicule it.
Pseudo-emotive responses and carelessness with the facts don't advance your argument at all.

This must be too much of a challenge to your cozy little world ..where cables make no difference, the cd lathe doesn't work, cd flux doen't even clean the cd properly, green pens have no effect, the animator doesn't work, isolation feet have no effect, and don't leave out power cable.

Now put your toys back in the pram, please. I personally have tried most of the things you mention, and no, they don't work and I'm not afraid to say so. But I would never deny you your cozy little world in which they do work. If that's how you want to spend your money, that's entirely your affair. And with respect to the Animator, there are indeed some things that are obviously so supremely silly that they can be immediately rejected as snake oil. It sounds all very New Age, the power of crystals and all that nonsensical hokum. However, as I say, and I'm sure that it goes for all the other sceptics, if you personally like snake oil, why worry about what we think? Go for it and enjoy it, and ignore the nasty naysaysers.
This is true, but if the device has some sort of effect on air currents it does mean that it isn't just a blue light in a box. Which is what I thought the point of the smoke exercise was.

True, but the Animator folk are going one step further and saying that it has some sort of effect on sound waves. What I'm saying is that this is one huge and totally unsupported extrapolation.

What a boring, close world, you live in... :bookworm:

Not really, Antonio, I find it a world refreshingly free from unscientific, New-Ageish mumbo-jumbo. Best of all, it's a world that gives me more money to spurge on Gardiner cantatas, rather than throw it away on reptilian-derived oleaginous hydrocarbon liquids. However, as I say, if these things enhance your personal listening experience, I'd be the last person to deny them to you.
I personally have tried most of the things you mention, and no, they don't work and I'm not afraid to say so..

Tones, I am just curious to know whether thats a blanket statemnt covering every body or your own personal experiences from trying these things.

ie to be clear, are you making the statement "different cable materials and possibly different methods of audio support (ie vibration damping ) can't possibly have any sonic effect (for any one).?


are you making the statement that they don't make any noticable difference for you?


have i missunderstood you entirely?




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