Room Measurements

So the plan seems to be to use the crossover as a three band graphic, whilst ignoring the fact that you have a multiband parametric to hand.

I'd have to agree with Oedipus, it strikes me as a very strange idea indeed, and is likely to lead to more problems than it solves. A crossover is carefully designed to seemlessly blend the outputs of two drive units across a specific band of frequencies. What happens when you change the level of one drive unit?

I look forward to reading what happens when you have managed to get this computer thingy to work!!
Okay well first I should say sorry for the slopes thing I was thinking merely of the LF and HF roll-off slopes. I would completely agree that you don't want to mess with the others.

What is wrong with quoting from Dickasons Cookbook? Is he wrong?

Anyway I think the main issue with passive crossovers is that they are load dependant. That on its own is enough to make active far superior.

They are dependent on the output load of the amp. If it were designed for a near zero output impedance and then you put it on a output impedance of a few Ohms like many valve amps, the frequency response will change. They are dependent on the drivers impedance. Many do not even use Zobel correction networks. Even if there is a Zobel network this wont change the fact the impedance radically changes with temperature. Run the speaker hard and oh dear the crossover points have changed! How about inductor induced distortion....

Look I am not an expert on crossovers and I am not here to tell you to use active crossovers. Use what you please. I was just saying there is nout wrong with slightly adjusting the crossover to match the room. Ideally crossover slopes and levels should take in to account the acoustic environment the drivers are in. Just as you should build a crossover AFTER putting the drivers in the box and taking measurements, not before and just hoping it will work.

I do think it is a little pointless when there is a room EQ system sitting right there though ;) Get them to match the the crossover points then use the DEQ2496. If there is more or less than expected room gain though, this might need adjusting slightly.
Not exactly. Remember the custom crossover has other stuff built in - its just you can only adjust the level which it makes sense to do. I may well then apply some eq to the bass.

PMC would doubtless do it - at a cost of £500! I suspect the required corrections will be very minor.
I assume the purpose of this exercise is to optimise the quality of sound you're getting from your system, in which case setting fire to your PMCs seems like the easiest approach, and is guaranteed to produce positive results.


-- Ian
Your usual nonsense SSB - I have yet to hear you suggest anything better (that I havent already heard and dismissed). Anything constructive to add this time?
Should a response be forthcoming I'd expect the word Harbeth to feature and rightly so in my humble opnion. Have you entertained this brand at any stage?
Indeed. They are not a million miles away from pmc, spendor, atc etc and of course that accounts for the animosity!
brizonbiovizier said:
Indeed. They are not a million miles away from pmc, spendor, atc etc and of course that accounts for the animosity!
I grant you that they are in the ball park in as much as they are intended for monitor use, used as monitors, etc. However I would suggest there are big differences between both the philosophies and results of these monitor/monitor orientated brands. I think you're wrong to conclude any and every contradictory opnion is born out of insecurity, jealousy or politics. It might just be Ian's honest opinion born of experience.

Edited to add: so have you looked into Harbeth seriously at any point?
I'm not the one with the harsh system, dude.

It's easy, just buy any speakers that aren't rubbish, job done.

My current weapons of choice are Tannoys, the bigger the better. I understand you live in a very tiny flat, so maybe something smaller would be required. :-)

-- Ian
sideshowbob said:
My current weapons of choice are Tannoys, the bigger the better. I understand you live in a very tiny flat, so maybe something smaller would be required. :-)

-- Ian
Ian just as an aside, what Tannoys are you using and what are you driving them with?
And then there is bull****. Yes not every opinion is born of insecurity - its just that ians is. As evidenced by his rather silly posts trying to get a rise out of me. I have listened to all the monitors - I prefer PMC, followed by spendor, tannoy, harbeth and then ATC and then B&W.

The system is no longer "harsh" (and never was it was just too bright sounding and that made Shellac a bit more than poor Tenson could bear!) - the treble level was a couple of clicks too high and this was reflected on the sounding we did at the time. This has now been remedied. I have heard big tannoys and liked them but they are not neutral enough. Arent your harbeths a bit warmish too?
brizonbiovizier said:
Yes not every opinion is born of insecurity - its just that ians is

Oh dear, you're not very good at reading people are you? The reason you get targeted for wind-ups is because you're so easy to get a rise out of. Relax.

Speaking seriously, I do genuinely believe your turntable is probably very good, your White Noise electronics (now sold I see, although a couple of months ago you were claiming that nothing finer could be found) quite inadequate to the quality of the turntable, and your PMCs almost certainly the weakest link in your system. But you do like to insist you've heard all the alternatives and know best, so you'll probably never work out that some of the advice and opinion you get on the forums and in real life is worth listening to and exploring, even if you end up disagreeing with it in the end. Your loss.

hi Greg, I'm using a nice pair of Tannoy Lancasters (15" DC version). Still sorting out the rest of the system, but it will be the Michell into the Gaincard into the Tannoys.

-- Ian
Ironic - given that I am not wound up at all but you think that I am. Which is doubtless why you persist. I dont take anything on hifi forums seriously at all. My comment about you was a windup and you seemed to have missed it. I dont think you are insecure about your purchases you just like baiting me - you find it fun. I am happy to indulge you.

The WNA pre is as good as any active pre but not as good as a passive which is as it should be. I always wanted a passive but my triamped arragement precluded it. The WNA phono has gone solely as it has an opamp output and overloaded trying to drive the django.

The replacement will be a Borbely Audio unit (at least for the time being!).

The speakers are by no means the weak link in the chain. You may not like them but I do so they are staying.
Ian, damn well said!

Mr Browntrousers, get a life and chill out. many people have tried to tell you that over the last few months, many people also get a rise from you. Quite often when a lot of people tell you that you are wrong it does actually mean that you are wrong.
First we had the organ grinder and now we have the monkey!

I am perfectly chilled out - the rest is in your imagination.
hey BBV,

I'd try to ignore those nasty people - at least until you've worked out how to plug your doophry into that computer thingy Tenson recommended.

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