Room Measurements

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by anon_bb, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. anon_bb

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    My therapist tells me i am not nasty but mis-understood!
    I know about doophries a bit.
    penance, Feb 27, 2006
  2. anon_bb

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Wiltshire UK
    I dont think it's the product of my imagination that you are slightly over confident in yourself and your beliefs and somewhat dismissive of others and theirs.

    Whilst I think you are probably a decent chap taken in the round I find your approach to be narcissistic; akin to several people I know in person. This trait might be the product of an over praising mother, who knows, but I think this rubs people up the wrong way. I suspect you are largely unaware of this (or maybe dont think it's obvious) so you are puzzled by people's reactions. The natural response for a narcissist would be to dismiss it as jealousy or stupidity....

    Anyone who claims to have buddhism nailed needs to take stock of things IMO. :)
    greg, Feb 27, 2006
  3. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    Actually I blamed it on people wanting a windup to pass the hours.

    I am confident of the fact I am not being wound up and I am dismissive of others attempts to do it as it is clearly a waste of time, if they did but realise it. Hifi simply isnt that important, I am rather calm by nature and I am perfectly secure in my choices. In the name of sportsmanship however I will let them chase a little as they seem to need it.

    My narciscism could also be the product of actual achievement fostering my huge ego :p. I am entirely aware it rubs people up the wrong way and I am not at all puzzled by the reactions it gets from other people who also have large egos that I fail to accord the respect they believe they are due. Like bob. Who no doubt thinks he has got me sussed and thinks he is playing me when in fact it is quite the reverse and I am sniggering as he takes the bait and affords me an opportunity to indulge my interests in psychology.

    A narciscist beleives they occupy a special place in the universe. I do not - my offence is to beleive that noone else holds a special place either.

    All together ... OMMMM! Ommmm! OHHMMM!
    anon_bb, Feb 27, 2006
  4. anon_bb


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Berkshire, UK
    You havent got a ****ing clue mate. SSB is a top bloke and one of the most grounded people I have ever met.
    Robbo, Feb 28, 2006
  5. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    Then why is he being such an ass and trying to derail this thread with his continuing nonsense (which I am taking with good humour)? He just hasnt twigged the real reading tof the situation.
    anon_bb, Feb 28, 2006
  6. anon_bb

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Your the ass that has not twigged.
    As for your 'grinder/monkey' comment, how far off the makr do you want to be, do you see me following Ian around forums or vise versa?
    penance, Feb 28, 2006
  7. anon_bb

    Stereo Mic

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Nail hits head Greg.

    have you worked out how to use that computer thingy yet BBV?

    Just a tip, in future it might be worth waiting to start a thread until you have worked out what you are doing (I'm sure this won't take long given your enormous experience in the field). That way, you might get a sensible discussion.

    Oh and it just might be worth listening to the likes of SSB if you want to increase your musical enjoyment - he really is a level headed guy.
    Stereo Mic, Feb 28, 2006
  8. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    Theres nothing to twig - SSB has been attempting the odd windup for the last year. Its hardly subtle. When it occurs I just correct his statements and hope he gets bored. I have also noticed that when someone starts a windup you always seem to jump on the bandwagon. Not necessarily SSB.

    Now lets get back on topic.

    Yes the problem is the virtual configuration of the sound card. I am buying either a new sound card or a usb mic preamp. As the recording seemed to work I thought it was ok. I soon figured out it wasnt however - all part of the process and worth posting. Especially as it coaxed out your comments based on an erroneous plot ;)

    I am sure ssb is a fine fellow but he overrates his success at winding me up. Moving on swiftly...
    anon_bb, Feb 28, 2006
  9. anon_bb

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    Not very bright are you, 2/10, must try harder :)
    penance, Feb 28, 2006
  10. anon_bb

    Stereo Mic

    Aug 30, 2005
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    My post was on topic. Have you worked out how to use the thing yet or do you need help? It's nothing to be ashamed of.
    Stereo Mic, Feb 28, 2006
  11. anon_bb

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Wiltshire UK
    How amusing. Of the few people I know who have truly achieved something remarkable with their lives, none of them are arrogant and none appear to demonstrate a huge ego.

    Nick, I dont buy this idea that you are lacing all your comments with irony and complex mind games. I just dont think you see the wood for the trees, your vision is fogged by your narcissim. A narcissist considers they "get" buddhism having read a couple of books. A narcissist who considers to have nailed psychology with a passing interest. It's hilarious. "I have a PhD therefore I am". :rolleyes:
    greg, Feb 28, 2006
  12. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    My comment was not addressed at you SM. As I said in my reply I have found the problem and know how to solve it (I think!). I have a new PC and this built in sound card is proving to be a pain in the bottom in other respects too. Tensons giving me a hand as he is familiar with the cool edit pro software and I am not. Once that is sorted then I will post some true plots and welcome advice.

    Greg - I said nothing about having "nailed" psychology or buddhism. In fact I dont think I mentioned buddhism at all so your comments seem slightly bizarre. There is no complex mind game required - I am simply not wound up by events on hifi forums and it amuses me when people attempt these rather clumsy windups so I string them along a bit if I am in the right mood. It requires no great skill as in forums people largely rely on their imagination of others as you are doing now. I plead guilty to irony and it astounds me how it goes unnoticed as I am hardly being subtle. I suspect my approach just doesnt come accross on forums. Now pretty please with a cherry on - lets get back on topic.
    anon_bb, Feb 28, 2006
  13. anon_bb

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Wiltshire UK
    Your memory doesnt serve you very well. I'll dig the link out if I get a spare 5 minutes (yawn)
    greg, Feb 28, 2006
  14. anon_bb

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I think Greg has it spot on.

    Anyway, here's a final attempt to get you to see the wood for the trees, no winding up involved:

    You may want to consider, when you log on to a forum, that you are discussing with other people who are real live human beings, with experience, knowledge, and preferences. Some of these people know more than you and can be learned from. In this case, on this specific subject, oedipus, Robbo, and SM have real practical and theoretical knowledge to give you, based on their experiences with using EQ in their own systems. At least two of them (SM and Robbo) routinely achieve really excellent sound in their own systems (I can't vouch for oedipus, but only because I've haven't heard his system, but he clearly knows a lot about audio, both theoretically and practically, and is always worth listening to). In other words, they know of what they speak.

    You, on the other hand, have spent a lot of money and ended up with a harsh system. You claim swapping in a passive pre has completely altered the character of the system, but experience suggests that must be wishful thinking, a preamp change doesn't alter the fundamental character of one's speakers. You use speakers characterised by a recessed midrange, an almost inaudible top end, and one-note but deep bass, clearly designed for headbangers who listen to rock music at very loud volumes, but are not seeking the utmost in high fidelity. On this particular subject, your experience of EQ is so limited you don't even know how to get your mic working, or spot a wrong plot.

    If you weren't so defensive and, yes, narcissistic, you might end up with a much better hifi, and make some friends in the process.

    I'm an arrogant b.astard, very confident in my own abilities, over-educated, prone to academic point-scoring, but I've learned a lot about audio over the last few years from these forums, and met some really cool people too. Sometimes you need to take other people's advice, accept that other people know things that you don't. It's the only way to learn.

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, Feb 28, 2006
  15. anon_bb

    Dev Moderator

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Ilford, Essex, UK
    Ian, I see you in a whole new light.
    Dev, Feb 28, 2006
  16. anon_bb

    sideshowbob Trisha

    Jun 20, 2003
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    What, hadn't you twigged I'm an arrogant b.astard? :)

    (Can we please turn that silly naughty word filter off?)

    -- Ian
    sideshowbob, Feb 28, 2006
  17. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    Of course you do as it suits your view.

    My system isnt harsh and if it was you wouldnt know as you havent heard it or indeed almost any of the components in it. This isnt defensiveness just a description of the facts - unlike your description of the mb2s which make me wonder if you have actually heard them. The treble was turned too high during tensons visit and on a harsh recording it was too much. The plot taken at that time showed a treble lift but tenson didnt keep it. Its now fine. As for the pre change again you werent there. The difference was like night and day. It removed a problem and this problem was not due to the speakers. Tenson prefers a more relaxed sound. To me his system sounded very good but it was too laid back. That is an issue of preference and not a constructive area in which to comment.

    I have no problem learning from people who have something to say, say it sensibly and respect my personal preferences without waving their willy around. Like tenson, Thorsten etc. However statements like "change your speakers" accompanied by childish and transparent windups get the attention they deserve. You may not like my speakers but I do and they are not the weak link in the system. Please note on the other thread when SM and WM offered sensible advice I took it on board without any issue as they clearly know something and they offered the advice in a constructive way. I would do the same for you and consider I am doing so now. I am well aware of where the limits on my audio knowledge are and I clearly stated them in the previous thread. I fully admit I am inexperienced with eq and room measurements which is why I posted these threads.

    The mic was working the software wasnt due to an incompatibility, my only fault was too post a plot too enthusiastically before checking it through properly. As the recorded track did actually record the noise waveform it fooled me as I wasnt aware it could be taken it from the internal sound card feed not having done this sort of thing before on a new pc with sound on the motherboard. It soon became obvious something was not right. It happens when trying something new. Just a small part of the learning process!


    P.S. The message of buddhism is very simple thats the point. Its nothing to do with reading books or "getting" it. I am not a buddhist BTW.
    anon_bb, Feb 28, 2006
  18. anon_bb


    Sep 22, 2003
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    glad you don't wire stuff up in studios or at gigs bbv.

    :JOEL: :MILD:
    darrylfunk, Feb 28, 2006
  19. anon_bb

    greg Its a G thing

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Wiltshire UK
    A wise man would realise his knowledge and understanding is infinitesimal. A narcissist would say "The message of buddhism is very simple thats the point". :)
    greg, Feb 28, 2006
  20. anon_bb

    anon_bb Honey Badger

    May 30, 2005
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    The wiring wasnt the problem its my damn pc sound card!

    I beleive bhuddha himself said the message is very simple and is the only true piece of knowledge. Everything else is illusary and therefore worth zero not even infinitessimal - thus speaks a narcisist aware of the delusion and pitfalls of ego :p

    A smart man learns a new piece of knowledge every day, but a wise man learns each day that everything is less and less certain. Probably.
    anon_bb, Feb 28, 2006
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