Seventh Veil

Originally posted by Tom Alves

Do you want the TWR crossing forum boundaries or is that a personal invite and where are you? I'm always up for a laugh although I don't travel well at the moment.

Tom, I would like the TWR boys to come along and listen to their bigger brothers later in the year, when I move, but yourself and Alex S (he did say he was free after the 19 th of july) are more than welcome
I've had DBL's, even with proper power on they are very 'ok', I may be able to do a shoot out between my Belcanto and 2 Nap 500's that's always worth a giggle (They modded up and can accept single ended inputs).
You can report you finding across forum's regardless of weather you dig it or not :) , it may not float your boat, it may, but you will get to hear that 'other kit' playing music rather well.
Gloucestershire, but I'm sure I can russle up some reasonable nosh and drink. Wm
Originally posted by 7_V
BTW, that's some nice kit you've got there. How do you rate the cd transport & DAC? Are you anywhere near Surrey?
Strangely enough, I actually use to live in Surrey (and commute into London for work), but that was a few years ago and I've since taken the decision to move out of the rat race. :) However, I do still make it out to London and the home counties on a reasonably regular basis from my new base in the deepest South West (Devon) - mainly for hi-fi related excursions it would seeem too.

Anyway, yes back to the other question... I do really enjoy my CD transport and DAC. I can't see myself wanting to upgrade the DAC, probably not even to the Elgar (or anything else) even if I had the money, but on the other hand I don't feel that I've yet gotten/heard the best possible sound that there is to gain from either the DAC or the transport yet. There's a couple of internal mods I plan to make the the transport in the future. I have compared the DP90 against a Verdi and liked the Verdi a lot, but the DP90 was second hand and was 2/3 the price of the Verdi - I didn't have anywhere near enough money for a Verdi! :( Hopefully though, the proposed mods will elevant the Accuphase to another level or 3 above what it currently is when funds allow. :)

Im sorry if my post appeared rude.

However, this is a public forum, and freedom of speach is key to its success I think.

Do you offer them in an alternative veneer (like a maple or a walnut?) .. also are they supplied with a grille?

It is the row of button drivers that make it look like a big wooden remote control to my eyes... (sorry).. would be nicer with a cover IMO.

The construction used in the floorstanding units is truly impressive though.

I read a review in stereophile of some boat-backed floorstanders with a similar construction of sandwiched MDF. Im sure it makes an incredibly rigid structure.

Good luck with your product

Originally posted by bottleneck
Im sorry if my post appeared rude.

However, this is a public forum, and freedom of speach is key to its success I think.
Absolutely Chris, you've got to say it as you see it (or hear it). No problems. Mind you, it was your comment that persuaded me to post on this forum and , now I'm here, I'm glad that I did.
Do you offer them in an alternative veneer (like a maple or a walnut?) .. also are they supplied with a grille?
Trouble is, I've got to make some pretty tight radii and I'm told that the American Walnut is the best for this. I am also offering the speakers in black piano finish.

I'm also looking at rounding the corners of the baffle to tidy up the appearance a little. No grille though - maybe an acoustically transparent sock to slip round the outside? I have to say though that most people seem to like the look. You'll always get exceptions though, that's human nature.
It is the row of button drivers that make it look like a big wooden remote control to my eyes... (sorry).. would be nicer with a cover IMO.

The construction used in the floorstanding units is truly impressive though.

I read a review in stereophile of some boat-backed floorstanders with a similar construction of sandwiched MDF. Im sure it makes an incredibly rigid structure.

Good luck with your product
Yes they're quite rigid and I'm sure that panel resonances are reduced when you don't have panels.

Thanks for your wishes, Chris. I'm sure that you'll get a full report on the sound quality soon, on this forum. Taking a bit of a risk going to a Naim man aren't I?

PS: Should I get back to you when I've sold enough to afford to get the appearance restyled by Pinafarina?

Well, he did wonders with the Peugot 406 - a car that would appear a lot more humdrum without his input Im sure.

Personally, yes, I think an acoustically transparent sock (as an option at least) may be preferential for some... well those dont like the look of the drivers anyway.

The american market seem to have a greater market penetration of speakers with multiple small cones. Pipe Dreams spring to mind. Are you selling much to the US?

Other unusual features (to me anyway) are the use of multiple small drivers per se, and using the speaker stand as a transmission line in the standmount you have.

Care to tell us more?

All ways nice to have input from manufacturers.

Dont worry about having a demo by a NAIM user (Tom). I think the people on here know that all of our opinions are based on the sum of their own experiences, and will differ for all.

Funny, the more I read about people on here, and in magazines the more I can understand viewpoints and opinions...

take for example hifi world's love of Michell turntables... the fact that David Price has an Orbe does reflect in the magazine I think. Im not indicating editorial bias, more opinion forming a direction.

Originally posted by bottleneck
The american market seem to have a greater market penetration of speakers with multiple small cones. Pipe Dreams spring to mind. Are you selling much to the US?
I've only just started, Chris. I think it will take a while before sales start trickling in. I am going out to Colorado in September to try and kick-start things out in the colonies.
Other unusual features (to me anyway) are the use of multiple small drivers per se, and using the speaker stand as a transmission line in the standmount you have. Care to tell us more?
Actually, that's my old design. The new one is a sealed box design and uses a separate subwoofer (or subwoofers).
Dont worry about having a demo by a NAIM user (Tom). I think the people on here know that all of our opinions are based on the sum of their own experiences, and will differ for all.

Funny, the more I read about people on here, and in magazines the more I can understand viewpoints and opinions...
Well, I'm not seriously worried. Every speaker designer has to choose the compromises he makes but we all have to make compromises. I think that's what makes it such an interesting field.

Coming from the SBLs, I'd guess that Tom will say that he likes certain aspects of my design but prefers other things about the Naims. Then, after I've left, he'll have a good sob (my Kleenex mansize tissues could be useful here) :cry: and take out the SBLs for burning. :lol:

Seriously, it's about the truth isn't it - the search for the true sound of the recording, truthful designs, truthful reviews. That'll do me.

Love that 406 shape myself.
Originally posted by 7_V

Coming from the SBLs, I'd guess that Tom will say that he likes certain aspects of my design but prefers other things about the Naims. Then, after I've left, he'll have a good sob (my Kleenex mansize tissues could be useful here) :cry: and take out the SBLs for burning. :lol:

Seriously, it's about the truth isn't it - the search for the true sound of the recording, truthful designs, truthful reviews. That'll do me.
Well to be fair 7V taking SBL's apart, isn't very hard to do, and as SL2 (£5k sic) are only good for redecorating, seems a bit of a sure fire bet I reckon

Now there lies the cunudrum, Truthfulliness is next to Hifi-ness a definate no-no for our earthy cousins :) and the warts and all presentation, may pose a proplem for 'less capeable electronics'
Sorry counld resist ;) WM

PS Tom is a genuinely nice guy, who is fair :) just has a questionable choice of Boxes :)
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Well to be fair 7V taking SBL's apart, isn't very hard to do,
Oh yes they are. They may not be round but they time better than anything I've heard so far. For me that's important.

PS Tom is a genuinely nice guy, who is fair just has a questionable choice of Boxes
You redeem yourself, just ;)

Seriously if I like these speakers and I'm quite prepared to, they're sealed after all, I'll have to find a job to buy them but and it's got to be a big but, they'll have to rattle my cage more than SL2s and not just play round earth h-fi. Problem is I want it all.

Even if they don't do it for me I will recognise that they'll do it for someone with lesser sensibilities like WM

Don't fear 7-v. I'm really looking forward to this. It should make a pleasant change
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Originally posted by Tom Alves
Oh yes they are. They may not be round but they time better than anything I've heard so far. For me that's important.

Tom, where do you get this Idea I like hifi?, you are going to be in for a little shock on this one, strange as it seems I can't do any thing unless it times and can do bass, not just dry lifeless mono noting thin and veiled bass, that's alledegey fast, I mean Bass so tight, that it squeaks when it walks, and fast enough to worry starship enterprise redlining, but let produce cohesive and groovy music, with ease.
I also don't do dry :( textrural realisum and presence count as much as tight controlled bursts (of bass) and pin point timing, anyway, I digress, I hate dryiness :mad: WM
Then you ain't heard my SBLs :D Surprisingly round. Come and listen.:JOEL:

But 7-V may yet prove me wrong :)

ever noticed I'm a keen defender of SBLs
Originally posted by 7_V
Wait until you see the next auction in this series (tee hee). :D
A CD of my favourite opera? Just hope it's not a photo of Birgit Nilsson after having completed the dance........ :elephant: :WMarrives
Originally posted by Tom Alves
Then you ain't heard my SBLs :D Surprisingly round. Come and listen.:JOEL:

But 7-V may yet prove me wrong :)

ever noticed I'm a keen defender of SBLs

I do you deal Tom, Come here first and I will trundle down to Kent when when I next see JJ (in the next 4 weeks), see if you can persuade me that the last set of JBL's I heard were a bad set, I think thats a fair Tom, as I do zip across the country on a regular basis, I don't eat children any more and I'm in my human forum for at least 18 hours a day :) Tone
Originally posted by wadia-miester
strange as it seems I can't do any thing unless it times and can do bass, not just dry lifeless mono noting thin and veiled bass, that's alledegey fast, I mean Bass so tight, that it squeaks when it walks, and fast enough to worry starship enterprise redlining, but let produce cohesive and groovy music, with ease.
I also don't do dry :( textrural realisum and presence count as much as tight controlled bursts (of bass) and pin point timing, anyway, I digress, I hate dryiness :mad: WM
To get that sort of bass is going to take that sort of room.

Whatever the speaker, as we go lower in frequency the room becomes more and more, 'part of the box.'

Hey, I know that you know this already but I just thought I'd mention it.

Steve, the room does play a huge part in the proceedings, without question :) however a full surporting cast, of decent cables and an amp the 'Grips the drivers' and say look sunshine, you've gunna play my way mate, does add a little spice, plus having a very well designed transmission line speaker array, that just does biz, also helps a touch too :)
I'm moving soon, I'm building a purpose room, dedicated mains with wall mount 5 kv trannies , and 2 B/c's mono'd with a pair of Blue Heron 2's, a room with in room. but my current room is far from ideal, and there are more things I could do, but I have the right mix and it plays music. :) so I'm lucky for sure, can't argue.
But I can tailor the sound to suit (no to the extent that Merlin can with his tact, but enough to surprise.
I have herad tighter faster bass, but only from a JL audio W7 12" driver in a sealed cabinet .6Cubic meters powered by a 1kw,class 'T' without switch mode psu, if you can't do the cabinet, do SPL (so I've been told)
Anyway, what do you cross them over at, do the subs do lower mid bass as well?, is it more for a yuppie life style product better than the usual suspects in that group, or a different slant. WM
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Anyway, what do you cross them over at, do the subs do lower mid bass as well?, is it more for a yuppie life style product better than the usual suspects in that group, or a different slant. WM
No, it's not a yuppie lifestyle product (but boy would I like the Porsche market) but it's not totally without compromise either. I have a basic belief that the speakers should fit into the room and not vice versa.

So, I have designed the best sounding speaker I could, but room friendly. I've tried to make them small, attractive and also able perform well in a variety of listening rooms.

Because of this last requirement I decided that I had to separate the bass. It's just too tricky in most rooms to find a position that is good for soundstage, midrange and bass at the same time.

The Little Awesomes come in at 100Hz with a 4th order filter. The Nonsuch 4s use the natural sealed box response to slope off below 100Hz. There are no components between the amps and the drivers except cable.

But you know what? If you look at the enclosure construction for the Nonsuch 4 two things should strike you. First, that I'm just a little crazy and second that these speakers represent a very serious attempt.

Well good luck steve, and I know you put a lot of time and effort into this project, and if you can win over a Naimie, and not just any mind you, you on a winner mate :) cheers WM
do i get commision % for starting this thread ;)

Sound like a interesting idea, and the effort gone into the construction is impressive.

was this No#1 in the ebay series? :D

Good luck with it, I look forward to hearing MOre :D