Mighty Rearranger
Originally posted by Tom Alves
Do you want the TWR crossing forum boundaries or is that a personal invite and where are you? I'm always up for a laugh although I don't travel well at the moment.
Tom, I would like the TWR boys to come along and listen to their bigger brothers later in the year, when I move, but yourself and Alex S (he did say he was free after the 19 th of july) are more than welcome
I've had DBL's, even with proper power on they are very 'ok', I may be able to do a shoot out between my Belcanto and 2 Nap 500's that's always worth a giggle (They modded up and can accept single ended inputs).
You can report you finding across forum's regardless of weather you dig it or not

Gloucestershire, but I'm sure I can russle up some reasonable nosh and drink. Wm