Rega P25 w/ Dynavector Karat 17DII cart
Shelter 216 MM/MC phono stage
Accuphase 270v preamp
Aura PA200 power amp (on the way out within the year)
Harbeth Compact 7 ES-II speakers
Cable courtesy messrs Canare, Belden, Furukawa Denki and.... Cardas although it's actually cheapish Cardas studio cable.
Almost everything sits on top of a flat-pack coffee table that wobbles. Placement is currently between the speakers

will have to wait for the next room reorg to sort that out.
System #2
Denon 1650az CDP
PC with Audiophile 2496 soundcard and 200G SATA HD
Luxman 501s integrated
Spendor 3/1p speakers @ approx 40cm from ears
Cable courtesy Canare and Belden
G5 or iPod
Sony Betcam or DV deck
Behringer 16-channel mixer (with pointless 5-band EQ)
Nakamichi Stasis power amp
ProAc Tablettes / Sony "pro" headphones