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Nice racks, and I mean the stands... :p

Do you carry the speakers back and forward when you want to watch DVDs... :JPS:
Originally posted by lowrider
Do you carry the speakers back and forward when you want to watch DVDs... :JPS:

Ahhh, the listening room has B&W 703's (A 3 way design with FST midrange & 2 bass drivers) whilst the living room has B&W CDM7NT's (A 2.5 design with mid-range and single bass driver).

I wouldn't like to carry those about all the time :eek: ; I'm faaaar too lazy for that :MILD: !
Two Ash Design racks in Rosewood, hmm can feel a self-Appreciation club coming on here. ;)

What are the layers between the transports and what CD racking is that, looks really nice BTW.

edited due to massive typo!
Originally posted by Philip King
Two Ash Design racks in Rosewood, hmm can feel a self-apparition club coming on here. ;)

What are the layers between the transports and what CD racking is that, looks really nice BTW.

Thanks Philip :) .

Ash Design racks are v. nice, aren't they ?
Garyi (a fellow Z/G member) uses Ash as well. They also have great W.A.F. which is always handy.

The stuff between the transports is just some marble floor tiles I picked up cheap. I'm really just using them to seperate the units until the CDT-2 (on top) goes to it's new home.

The CD racking is from IKEA (I need more but have no room to put them up :( .) and can be found here .

They are very sturdy and suprisingly compact. Highly recommended :).
I am saving for an Ash design, my floor is cherrywood, so it should match beautifully... ;)

I would prefer the metal work in black, but they dont make it... :rolleyes:

Also, they dont say the clearance between shelves, I need about 21 cms for the bottom and 16 for the top... :MILD:
Originally posted by lowrider
I am saving for an Ash design, my floor is cherrywood, so it should match beautifully... ;)

I would prefer the metal work in black, but they dont make it... :rolleyes:

Also, they dont say the clearance between shelves, I need about 21 cms for the bottom and 16 for the top... :MILD:

Hmmmm, maybe the Cosmic 3 I have is a little tight for your needs as I have about 36cm of usable space [in total].

The Cosmic 4 has an extra 10/15cm of shelf space so that may be more appropriate for your needs.

And if you want the metal black........paint it :MILD:.
Hi Antonio,

After having a quick measure I'm not sure that they'll be enough clearance for you. I currently have a 24cm lower level and a 11cm upper one, with 1cm deep glass.

"21 cms for the bottom and 16 for the top... " looks like it mat not fit, sorry.

Worth mailing Ash and getting a more accurate answer though.

As an aside, you do get a customer service questionnaire when you purchase one with some odd questions on. e.g. Favourite super hero??
The Cosmic 3 is the only possible solution, the 4 is too high and too narrow... :rolleyes:

36 cms, if that doesnt include the shelves, its ok, the power I want is 17,5 cms, bottom shelf, and the processor is 14,4 cms, middle shelf, everything else is smaller, 2 cms clearance should be enough, as it is open all arround... :MILD:
Antonio, I think you may be mistaking the

Cosmic s4

Size: (HxWxD) 635 x 800 x 550mm
Glass size: (WxDxH) 670 x 500 x 10mm

with the Cosmic 4

Size: (HxWxD) 635 x 1100 x 550mm
Glass size: (WxDxH) 970 x 500 x 10mm

(Don't let all that NAIM gear put you off ;) !)
You are right, I didn't see that wide one, still too high, I plan to put the large CC2 on top, and the plasma behind on a stand... :rolleyes:

As I have the window behind, I should not make it too high, or I will ruin the living room... :(

I never heard any NAIM gear, just the wars over here, so it doesnt put me off, and it looks quite nice too, actually their center speaker is one of the nicest looking I have ever seen... :MILD:
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Classe CDP .5 CD Player
Nordost Solar Wind Balanced XLR Interconnect
Krell KAV-300i Integrated Amplifier
Nordost SuperFlatine Gold MkII Speaker cable
Leema Acoustics Xavier Loudspeakers
Soundstyle 4-shelf rack
Russ Andrews YellO extensions
Russ Andrews Classic Powerkord (Wattgate IEC & Superclamp)
2 x Isotek Isoplugs


Toshiba 36ZD26P TV
Pioneer 757Ai DVD Player
Scorpion Cables Coaxial I/C
Scorpion Cables Component Cables
Supra ZAC Optical I/C
Pioneer AX5i Receiver
Nordost SuperFlatline Gold MkII Speaker Cable
Kef Q55.2 / Kef 100c / Kef Q55.2 / Kef Q15.2 Speakers
Velodyne Digital Drive Series DD-15 Subwoofer
Atacam Equinox 2-shelf Rack
The Umbilical Mains Cable
Russ Andrews Classic Powerkord (Wattgate IEC & Superclamp)
2 x Russ Andrews Silencers
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Forgot to update my 'kit' list:

1 x Sony CMT-CPX1 Micro System
1 x settee
1 x remote control
1 x bottle of liquor


Demonstrations available. Please book in advance in order to avoid disappointment.

Quality of music and conversation cannot be guranteed.

Blindfolds not provided.

Kind regards
My kit

I have been posting for a while so I have to show my kit to share my "hi fi " point of view.

Turntable: Technics SL-1210 MK2, Shure MX97.
Integrated: NAD S-300 .
CD player: Creek CD53. (the first picture shows my replaced NAD C541i)
Deck: Yamaha.
Headphone preamp. Behringer.
Speakers: Paradigm Studio reference 60 (Will be updated soon, nevertheless great speakers).
Interc. RCA: Audioquest Python (balanced), Audioquest Diammondback and Ecosse Maestro.
Speaker wires: Audioquest Mammoth Biwire.

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Originally posted by cookiemonster
Forgot to update my 'kit' list:

Demonstrations available. Please book in advance in order to avoid disappointment.

Quality of music and conversation cannot be guranteed.

Cookie forgot to mention his in-car system. I didnt have an opportunity for have that demo'd either, but I can confirm that he seems to prefer a nice light blue Pugeot rack to the cute black Mana that I have now sat his Denon 610 tape rack upon.
Playback Sources

T/T Rega Planar 2/Rega 250/K9
CDP Audiomeca Obsession
Tape Nakamichi DR3
MDP Sony 555ES
DAB Videologic/Pure 601
FM Creek T40 and Sony 920
Dac Musical Fidelity X-Dac V3 into X-10V3 Line Buffer both powered by an X-PSU V3

CDP Marantz CD5000
MDP Sony 940QS

Pre Nad C160 > Rothwell Attenuators >
Power 2 Nad 218THX's bi-amped

Triangle Zerius 202
Monitor Audio ASW210 Sub

Cans : Senns HD600


Speaker Cables : Mithril Ultimate and Qed Silver Genesis
I/C's : Cambridge Atlantics, Pacifics, Audio Synthesis and Orpheus

Power Cables : TNT Merlino's
Mains Boards : Olson Sound Fantastic (2 off)
Suppressors : Net Audio Noise Suppressors

Stand : TNT Thingy (that I can't remember the name of)

Future Upgrade Paths

1. Supertweeters, Townsend or Tannoy
2. Buy more cd's
4. Er, that's it (I think)
5. No it's not - mains regeneration

AV System

Widescreen : Sansui 32"
Amp :Yamaha 5540RDS
DVD :Toshiba 2109 DVD
Fronts : Dynaudio Audience 40
Centre : Paradign CC170
Rear : Dynaudio Audience 10
Sub : Wharfdale Topaz 10
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Originally posted by mr cat
my humble kit -

just as an update - I've just got myself an Nad c350 - which I haven't had chance to try, it's stuck in a hotel with me!:MILD:
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Rega P25 w/ Dynavector Karat 17DII cart
Shelter 216 MM/MC phono stage
Accuphase 270v preamp
Aura PA200 power amp (on the way out within the year)
Harbeth Compact 7 ES-II speakers
Cable courtesy messrs Canare, Belden, Furukawa Denki and.... Cardas although it's actually cheapish Cardas studio cable.
Almost everything sits on top of a flat-pack coffee table that wobbles. Placement is currently between the speakers :( will have to wait for the next room reorg to sort that out.

System #2
Denon 1650az CDP
PC with Audiophile 2496 soundcard and 200G SATA HD
Luxman 501s integrated
Spendor 3/1p speakers @ approx 40cm from ears :D
Cable courtesy Canare and Belden

G5 or iPod
Sony Betcam or DV deck
Behringer 16-channel mixer (with pointless 5-band EQ)
Nakamichi Stasis power amp
ProAc Tablettes / Sony "pro" headphones