Show us Your Kit!

Hey Alco, that's an awfully nice-looking system you've got there! Matches very well with the rest of the room. And an interesting combination of kit, too - how does it sound?

Hi Alco,

Welcome! :)

I notice you have a pile of LPs in the corner in one of your photos, the debut album from Dire Straits is the one that's in view if I'm not mistaken... :cool: Do you currently use a turntable in your system, or are the LPs just there in the room for decoration now these days? ;)

Had a look at your website too. Very interesting. Looks like you've been into hi-fi a long time and owned a lot of interesting components, especially the planar and electrostatic speakers. I don't speak any Dutch by the way, in case you were wondering, but at least the pictures and equipment names don't need any translation. :D
Hi Henry,

Yes, you're right.... It is the Dire Straits debut album on vinyl you saw on the pic.
I have about 15/20 LP's left. I love vinyl and TT's and thought about getting me a new TT again but their are some facts that keep me from doing it:

1. As I mentioned, only got about 15/20 album's left.
2. My kinda music rarely comes out on new vinyl.
3. s/h LP's are also harder to find in my area, and prices are rising.
4. Now that I've got a CDX, I'm pretty satisfied with the sound of CD, and I'm afraid I'd have to pay quite a price for a decent TT.

Still,...never say never...maybe one day I'll still get me a TT.
(probably a s/h one then)

About 3 months ago I dediced that to continue my website only in Dutch. Before that time people had the choice in the mainmenu, to choose the Dutch languace or my English translation.
Imho it was too much work to translate every page.

But... you got me thinking, I still have the HiFi pages in English, so perhaps I'll make a link to them only, instead of all the pages.

Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp
Arcam Alpha 10 power amp( Running biamped)
ProAC Tablette III speakers on atacama stands
MJA PRO 50 sub
Arcam Alpha 8 CD player
Sony MDS-JB920 Minidisc player
Technics St-GL90 tuner
Daul 721 turntable with linn K9 cartridge
Atacama nexus 6 stands

Interconects- Audioquest ruby, straight wire chorus, qed coax digital lead. Qed silver anniversary biwire speaker cable

Other bits and bobs not really all in use: two old technics tuners, Dead Philips CDp from early 80's, i think its a Cd 104. Arcam alpha 9 amp.speakers- Ae 109, Celestion SL6 , Mission 760i, old sonab jobbies. technics cdp various cables.

Here 's a new picture I took this morning:
(quality of the pic's is not that great though...)


My view while sitting on the sofa.



And the stuff that matters most.... the music.
(just bought the 4 IKEA 'Benno' CD-racks two day ago)

Alco :)
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Those CD racks look rather good. I think I'll invest in a few

Hi Robbo,

I saw 'em at a friends house, some years ago already, and I liked the system very much.

It doesn't take much (floor)space and you can still store many CD's. (180 CD's in one 'tower' )

They're available in different real wood veneers.

Only bugger might be transportation....
They're very tall/high, so they just fitted in the car...

my kit

Naim CD5

Linn LP 12

Quad FM4

Quad II Forties

Quad QC24 pre amp

Naim 112
Naim Flat Cap2

B&W 804's B&W CDM 1 NT

Creek Headphone amp Grados SR SR60

leads Kimber Chord and Van den hul

power Iso Tek Clean Line

power leads Russ Andrews Yello and Classics

Speaker leads Kimber and Van den Hul

plugs and spades WBT
belated kit report:

CD source: AudioSynthesis Transcend (converted Sony)
via SilverBlue digital connect, taking Ncode to
AudioSynthesis Dax Decade
via SilverBlue SQ interconnect, taking pre-amp'd analogue to
AudioLab 8000S, in poweramp mode

all sitting on a 4 tier amp stand from Mana

fed via nondescript speaker cable to
Celestion Ditton 15s, resting on MoPADs & Target 3 leg, 4 pin open stands

* am looking to add tuner

* am currently how demo'ing JM Lab Electra 905 and supplied 2 x 5m PC-DCC speaker cable (FS-2F08 from FURUKAWA)

AV source: Toshiba SD510 & TeleWest Cable
Video -> component cable -> Toshiba 32ZD26 widescreen telly
Audio -> digital cable -> Denon AV2802, for 5.1 etc
........ -> Gallo Micro L/R + Gallo A'Diva centre + Velo VX-10 sub, resting on Gramma
........ -> pre-out -> AudioLab 8000S -> HiFi mains as L/R rears

seats in living room moved about for HiFi (facing fireplace and back to telly) and for AV (facing telly and back to fireplace)

* am changing to Sky and will add Sky+ box

as ever, comments welcomed
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Bloody hell Robbo,

That's looking pretty impressive ! :)

What's the brand ? I've never seen it before...
