Show us Your Kit!

Alco and Marcus,

The player is a Simaudio Moon Eclipse. Simaudio are a Canadian company who have been around for 20 years and have quietly been producing really good kit.

IMO, having heard both players, the Eclipse does everything a Naim CDS3 does but better and a lot more besides. is fabulously well built (miles better than anything else I have seen including the CDS3) and is cheaper than the CDS3 to boot.

I honestly think that the flat earthers/ Naimies out there should check this brand out.
Looks like you're getting a half decent system there, Neil. All you need now are some less wimpy speakers and you could be "cooking with gas":D

I was delighted to provide Robbo with said item as part of my down sizing:cry: :cry:

It's a damned good player, I haven't heard anything that I prefer, it offers the detail retrieval and staging of the top US kit with the timing and pace of the best of British.

I will have to replace it at some point, but I doubt I will find anything better. I still have the pre/power and I have to say, the Sim "house sound" is about as good as solid state gets to these jaded ears.
All you need now are some less wimpy speakers and you could be "cooking with gas"

Thanks Graham, what would you suggest?

Hi Markus,

Like many posters here, I generally baulk at buying new kit due to the horrendous depreciation and wide selection of quality s/h kit that is usually available. However, the Eclipse is so good that I would probably consider buying it new. Thats quite rare for me!

Regarding the price I paid, I think it is rather indelicate to discuss these kind of things, however a search of the buy and sell forum may help you with the information you seek:)
equipment as per sig

been a member several days now, really happy with my setup especially for what i paid for it,
Denon AVC-A1D
MF X-Ray cdp
Tannoy definition D900
Tannoy Profile 638
Dali Sc5 Centre
JVC DVD x555bs(el cheapo)
Sony Trinitron Widescreen
Ixos gamma master
Ixos gamma bi-wire
Van Medevoort Centre cable
Granite Base Plinths fro D900

PC Bases Terratec DMX6 soundcard.
I'm new around here so apologies for butting in.

My equipment:

Meridian 206b as transport
Chord DAC 64 - recently bought and loving it
Michell Argo/Hera pre-amp - still the best for me
M F A300cr power amp - circa 235 watts/channel into 8 ohms
Dynaudio Contour 3.3 - also recent purchase and loving them
Various cables - all about to be up-graded - a tumultuous task

Question: looking for a new transport to complement the DAC 64, or good CD player to act as a transport - any ideas or combinations that work. The posted article from Rob Watts on optical versus digital connection was interesting and I have alreasy got a Nordost optical cable on order.

BTW, I used to share a house with Rob Watts (and Adrian Walker) in Cardiff just before they set up Deltec (to become DPA). Used to see him regularly, but over recent years haven't seen the old blighter.
Hi BB,

Welcome to the forum!

So you were mates with Rob Watts? I met him a couple of times at their factory when I took my dpa kit over for repair/upgrade, he's a very intelligent guy. I am an ex dpa user now buy had many happy years with their kit. It's a shame dpa are no longer around.

Regarding your transport question, there are a number of guys on the forum who run a dac 64. It may be worth putting up a separate thread about this.

Cheers, Robbo
My kit...

Just swapped the silvergey metal fascia of my Sonneteer amp, for a black one, yesterday...:rolleyes:


My System

Below are my current Lounge and Bedroom systems

System One


CD Player: Naim CDI
DVD Player: Pioneer DV-575A


Pre Amp: Exposure XVII
Power Amp: Exposure XVIII
Headphone Amp: Rega Ear
Processor: Yamaha DSP-E800


Main Speakers: Epos ES-14
Centre Speaker: Epos ELS-3C
Rear Speakers: Epos ELS-3

Ear Speakers:

Headphones: Grado SR-125


Television: Panasonic TX-32PS12 (32ââ'¬Â ââ'¬â€œ 16:9)


CD Player to Pre Amp: Chord Silver Siren (DIN-RCA)
DVD Player to Pre Amp: Chord Chrysalis
DVD Player to Processor: Chord Codac1 Silver Plus
Processor to Pre Amp: Cable Talk Broadcast
Pre Amp to Power Amp: Cable Talk Reference (XLR)
Power Amp to Speakers: Cable Talk Talk III (4mm Banana Plugs)
Processor to Rear Speakers: QED Micro (4mm Banana Plugs)
Processor to Centre Speaker: QED Micro (4mm Banana Plugs)

Equipment Stand: Alphason (Not Sure Of The Model)

System Two

Component System

Mini System: Sony HCD-GPX5


Televison: JVC AV21F1EX (21ââ'¬Â ââ'¬â€œ 4:3)
DVD Player: Scan SC-2000


CD Player to Integrated: Chord Calypso
Tuner to Integrated: IXOS 104 Custom Connect
DVD Player to Integrated: IXOS 104 Custom Connect
Integrated to Speakers: Naim NA5 (4mm Banana Plugs)


Mini Disc Walkman: Sony MZ-R91
CD Walkman: Sony D-E401
MP3 Portable: Apple IPod ââ'¬â€œ Colour 20GB
Mini Disc Deck: Sony MDS-JE510
Cassette Deck: Technics RS-BX404
Video Recorder: Panasonic NV-SD240
Games Console: Sony Playstation 2
Speaker Cable: Naim NA 5 (Not Terminated)
Interconnect: Tech+Link (3mm-RCA) x 2


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As promised a couple of photos from the King household.

Having recently moved from sunny Brighton to a snowier Sweden I'm still playing around with speaker position. Also having gone from a regency flat with 3 meter high ceilings and a listening position of around 4 meters from the speakers I'm now fully benefiting from active crossovers for that infinite amount of tweakablity.

Cheers, PK
Arrr lost the attachments!

too big, (RTFM )

To those not having read my post in the newcomers section kit is;
Source - Wadia 20 Transport
DAC/Digital Volume Control - Wadia 25
External Active Crossover - Harmony Design
Power Amp - 4 out of the 5 channles of a Rotel 1095
Speakers - Hard wired Roksan Ojan3x
I/C Cables - Cable Talk Broadcast 4
Speaker Cable - Cable Talk 4.1


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Yeah you could say that WM, kinda like removing a large vail from infront of the sound!, then again I thought that when I got the Perpetual stuff, repeat ad infinitum....:)
Wadia Trans, fat boi Rotel Power Amp and an AshDesigns AV rack in Rosewood. A man after my own heart :) .
My system

Just registered so I'm listing my kit on this thread,

Naim 3.5cd with old style Hicap(updated)
Icon Audio ec34-a valve amp(EL34's)
Nakamichi bx-125e tape deck
Quad FM2 valve tuner
Audio note AZ2 speakers
Audio note/Nordost/Kimber cables
Audiophile Base platforms(excellent)on Soundstyle table

I am currently very happy with this system but always looking out for bargains!
Question for other valve users,I have experimented with different valves but cannot notice any difference in sound quality between them, am I on my own here or is the difference very small?:confused:
Audio Analogue Puccini
Rotel RCD-1070
Planar 3
QED and Kimber wirey stuff