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still the same...

My system is still the same. Only just made a new system-pic.
(got bored on a rainy Sunday afternoon :D )


Still looking for a better looking/sounding rack though, but it's pretty hard to find something that suits my needs/taste. :rolleyes:
(most system supports ar too tall,too deep, or have too many platforms)

I'd love to get my hands on something like this:


But even though it looks rather simple it seems to be even more expensive than a Naim Fraim! :(
(and there's also no dealer in Holland)

Alco :MILD:
merlin said:

Put simply, it isn't typical hifi. I lie on the sofa, listening almost in mono, and connect with the music in a way nothing else has allowed me to. It's all about texture, warmth, and above all a rythmic presentation that forces me to keep listening, despite a complete lack of the usual hifi niceities.

I've had offers on them, but I'm scared to lose them. I have a suspicion I won't get the same enjoyment from anything else. But most hifi buffs would turn thir nose up. I suspect bub might like them though!
Sounds just like my approach. I hate sweet spots, it gets me all uptight, straining to listen for the imaging, which, nine times out of ten, I can't hear anyway - because it isn't actually there. Music should be enjoyed not endured.

I think your JBLs would be just great. Shame you live so far away - I'm sure you'd like the ATCs.

The best approach, Mana-wise, for the JBLs would be to contact JW direct and see if he'd make up a bespoke pair of stands for them - he'll need the footprint dimensions. Setting-up is a pain, but richly rewarded with the sound quality you will get.
Alco said:
I'd love to get my hands on something like this:


But even though it looks rather simple it seems to be even more expensive than a Naim Fraim! :(
(and there's also no dealer in Holland)

Alco, they turn up regularly enough used. You might want to try
Alco, they turn up regularly enough used. You might want to try
Thanks Markus,

I knew the site, and check it on a regular basis. (about once a week)

I've never seen that rack though...

Strange. There seem to be two there right now (Copulare Sial). What were you looking for?
I've seen them Markus, but they are quite different from the one I showed in the picture.
The one on the first picture, with the Krell gear on it, seems to be higher and has got the bottom shelf lower than the one I showed.
So, the space between the two shelves is much larger.

The other one is only a power-amp table, and it's even in blue.

Perhaps I should've said: "I'd love to get my hand on this" instead of "something like this" :cool:

I guess I'll just have to forget about that rack and search for something that's easier available.
(in Holland!)
Copulare racks are mostly custom order. Finding one that looks exactly like the one on the website might indeed take some time. But Copulare have sold quite a good number of them, so you should find one eventually.

I have a 2 tier Couplare Ariel ref in black, just been professionaly repainted (Gloss black, 2 pac glasrit), crome spikes caps, new quatz sand, and leather spike guards, I'm open to sensible offers Wm, size wise it takes 480mm deep/wide components with ease, 230mm height between layers
wadia-miester said:

Retail is about £1200ish, cracking looking piece of kit too :)
I've found something else now that suits my tastes better thats all.
Are you at liberty to tell us what you settled on, the absence of a response tony will lead us to think you have moved over to the angle iron side.
Bradders said:
Amazon Model 2
Morch UP4
Sumiko Evo III
Very nice!
Does that combo sound transparent but lively in a Clearaudio way or transparent but slightly flatter in an SME way?
Or, does it approach the warmth and musicality of a Verdier with the Morch?
Not quite as lively as a Clearaudio, but by no means flat, very rhythmic and plenty of detail - a very 'solid' sound when compared to the LP12 it has replaced.

And a very nice set up you have there too. I used to have an Ear phono stage - it was lovely!


Current System

My current system,

Linn LP-12/Lingo/Aro/Arkiv

Phono Pre Amp
Dynavector P-75

CD Player
Toshiba SD-900e DVD Player

Input seclector
Niles PS-1

Pre Amp
Cymer Valve RCA Clear top 12AU7 Point to point with choke power supply[

Power Amp's
Cymer Custom Mono Block SEP 300B X 4 choke power supply 45watts

Quad ESL-63 on custom stands

Next up-grade new Cd Player



Update News

Sonneteer Byron CDP (Transport)

Chord DAC 64 (mark2)

Sonneteeer Alabaster Amp

Spendor S3/5 SE Speakers

Chord cables (Sig. digital, Anthem & Odessy 4)

Isotec mini sub and elite mains leads

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