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Jer.. Gundam,

I bought the Yamaha NS1000M today! :D
Heavy beast, nearly killed me!

So far not really happy with them in my room, think they sounded much better at the dealer!
I have to use them on the floor... my crappy floor broads made them sounds a bit boomy. High and mid are great. I am looking for some low stands to put them on, may move them to a bigger room.

Hi Ken,

What a coincidence! Have you got any tips on how to set up the Yamaha? What stands do you use? I am still can't make up my mind on how to set those mid & treble control.



Great purchase!

They weigh a hefty 34Kg each....

And yes, they need to be mounted on low stands... Otherwise the bass will bounce you out of your room!
Ok here's were I get flamed, but hey I got say this The apogee's yes they are great without question (The scintilla's superb), but the Yammy 1000's every pair I have heard have sounded pants, even with quality kit heading up the front end and amps and even with the mystical **** as well, sorry I just can't see what all the fuss is about sorry.
Hi Jesse & Gundam

The Yamaha NS1000M's are one of the most fussy speakers to set up and get the best out of that I have ever owned. I was totally off target with the placement of them until I received a copy of the Owners Manual, (if you want a copy, PM me with your e-mail address), I installed them and I could not understand what all the fuss was about. I would never of envisaged that they are to be set up close to the rear wall. This goes against everything I thought that I knew. But it is correct.

They need very good stands, I am lucky that I have the contacts to be able to have made what I want. I ended up with an open frame of 25 mm square tube on the top and bottom with 4 pieces of flat bar connecting the top and bottom frames together (1 at each side and two accross the back). All fully TIG welded. They have downward and upward spikes, due to the weight of the NS1000M's I also made the stands so that the spikes can be adjusted whilst the speakers are in-situ. All metal used was stainless steel, powder coated in a metallic graphite black (a bit like a metallic black car) total cost £75.00.

The NS1000M's are not a plonk down, play and be amazed type speakers, they need to be worked at to get the best out of them, it took me 2 -3 weeks. But they are so responsive to other system components, they are an amazing 'tool' for determining changes even to cables, in which I am not a big believer, (but that is another subject) they will teach you a lot about your system components.

As for setting the mid and high controls, trust your ears grasshopper. Don't think that it is 'wrong', 'incorrect', or that you have 'faulty hearing' if you need to turn them down (or up). I have the Mid at minus 2 and the high at minus 3. A word of caution, at the minus 3 level, in my system, the high changes markedly with the smallest of movement, even half of the thickness of the marker line on the control is the difference between 'right' and 'wrong'.


You will not get flamed by me because we don't both like a particular product. If there was a 'right' component for all tastes the audio world would be very boring. I have been around long enough to realise that two people will never hear the same sounds from the same gear, no right or wrong, just different opinions.
Listen Guys WM was only being polite, now he knows yer weak spot he will no doubt make reference to it when you disagree with him :)

Ken I liked yer last comment, but will you shout next time so Bub can hear it. :)
Ken & Gundam,
I feel Annalogue is just being a mischivious wooden spoon!!!
Agree with you on being able to identify with small changes in presenation on them yes (we used to use a pair for the same purpose when we first started, we sort these out specifically as 1000's are spot on for being particularly transparent ).
Also on the resting place, the stand is almost as import and the speaker itself with these I believe (ours came from a studio and had a rather robustly constructed stand also). (one pair we listen to are on **** as well (2 studio set ups and 3 home, including some rather nice valve amps/pass labs X series/AA capitol/dcs delius stack/meriadin 588/studio digital amps and a rather special valve pre)
Placement, as with any speaker is very important, so perciverance is key
How they sound to me, grey/matter of fact, non involving, not particualry 'real life' sounding either, however they great for listening for small changes in either recording mixing or equipment changes, which is what they were designed for I believe monitoring. This is a case for me of the legend being somewhat better than the product (which is a appilable to a lot of equipment not just these)
However the Apogee's are a different matter, Ken what other amps have you tried with the Apogees besides the Krell?

I have tried, Krell KSA50S, KSA 100S, KSA 200, Classe' - numerous, Rotel Michi RH-B10(the big 200 watter), Audio Research 115 (I think that was the number, 100 watt + Valve jobby), I have even driven the ribbons with a modified refurbished Leak Stereo 60 (gorgeous).
Not posted on this forum for ages: heres what kit I've got now:


Rega P3/Elys
Yamaha KX393 cassette
Pioneer PD9700 CDP (supported on squash balls which made a big improvement)
TAG McLaren 60i integrated amp
Project Phono Box SE
Acoustic Energy AE120 speakers
all wired up with Van Damme interconnects from SCSI Bobs and QED Silver Anniversary.


Marantz CD-48
Sony MDS-JE530 minidisk
A&R Cambridge A60+
RAM Monitor 100 speakers on Atacama stands
Compaq PC with loads of WMAs and a cr*p internet connection!
All wired up with Van Damme / QED.

Also own:

Nytech CTA 252 XD II receiver
Nytech CXA 252 Power amp / Active Crossover
Arc 101 Active / Passive Loudspeakers

A&R Cambridge A60ap
A&R Cambridge SA60x power amp / active crossover
ARC 050 Active / Passive Loudspeakers (if anyone knows where I can get the passive crossover "brick" for these please get in touch)
QED 79-Strand cable

Nytech CTA 252 XDII reciever
Gale Mini Monitors
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Ok i'm just putting this image here so you can have a laugh at my system.

analoguekid said:
very nice what makes you think we will laugh, although the mess around made me smile coudn't you have at least put the untidy stuff out of shot

Erm the mess makes it real, I might take some pictures when i have it setup in a diffent room.

The speakes are the newest addition to my setup but personally i think that the amp and cdp require a smirk.

Speakers - Tannoy Mercury MX4-M
Amp - Technics SU-A707
CDP - Technics SL-PG390
Tuner - Yamaha TX-480L ( Not in picture )

Speaker Cable - Cable Talk 3
Int - QED Qunex 2 + IXOS104

Stereo amplifier.................................................ââ'¬Â¦Plinius 8100
AV Amplifier (& for rear amplification).......................Harman Kardon AVR4500
Centre/Rear centre amplifier..........................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦....Arcam Alpha 8p

CD player..................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦....................Sat upgraded CD Fix upsampling player
Freeview box...............................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦...Philips DTR1500

DVD/DVD-A/SACD player.......................................Pioneer DV747a
DVD recorder.......................................................JVC DR-M10
VCR................................................................ââ'¬Â¦Panasonic NVFJ710
TV...............................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Panasonic TX28PL1c

Front speakers...............................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦JM Lab Electra 905
Centre speaker..............................................ââ'¬Â¦...Mordaunt Short T1000
Rear bipolar speakers....................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦..Mordaunt Short 903s
Rear centre speaker......................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Mordaunt Short 304
Subwoofer........................................................Ruark Logrhythm
Headphones.................................(for pc mixing).Sennheiser HD565 Ovation
...............................................(for music)........Sony MDRCD780
Digital Piano (you gotta have it)....................ââ'¬Â¦.....Roland FP5
DJ Mixer.........................................................ââ'¬Â¦Behringer VMX100

Hifi rack.........................................................ââ'¬Â¦Target VR6
TV/main stereo bits rack................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Veda debut Z030

DAC to Plinius stereo amp.............................ââ'¬Â¦....'Bullet'-ed Black Rhodium Oratorio
Subwoofer to Plinius " "................................ââ'¬Â¦...Black Rhodium Concerto

Digital leads
DVD to av amp...................................................Black Rhodium Scherzo
Xbox to av amp...................................................Ixos 1051

Speaker leads
Front...............................................................Townshend Isolda
Centre/Rear/Rear centre...............................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Black Rhodium AST150

Video leads
Freeview to dvd-r (s-video)..........................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦..Straightwire Scart
DVD player to AV amp (s-video).....................ââ'¬Â¦...Black Rhodium Scarlet
AV amp to TV (s-video)...................................ââ'¬Â¦Ixos 403
Mains leads
Extension block/mains conditioner..................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Black Rhodium Supermains 25
IEC leads.......................................................Blackcurrent by
CD player IEC lead...........................................Black Rhodium Supermains 25 Rhodium Plated

Lounge system (all my cast offs basically)
Amplifier.........................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦..Yamaha DSPA492
CD player......................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Kenwood DP4090
Tape deck.....................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Denon DRW750
Tuner............................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Sony STS770es
Speakers......................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Mordaunt Short MS30i Classic
Freeview box................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Sony VTXS800
TV................................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Sony 21" mono
VCR...............................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Panasonic NVFJ685

Freeview to amp...................................................Ixos 3.5mm to 2 phono
CD player to amp..........................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Black Rhodium White
Tape deck to amp..........................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦crap freebies
Tuner to amp.................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦QED Qnect 2

Speaker wire.................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.QED Silver Profile 12

Study system................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Sony LBT109
Speakers..............................................................Monitor Audio R252
Speaker wire.................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Triangle Flat OFC

Kitchen system
Reciever.........................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Sony STRKSL60
Speakers.......................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.LEAK Mini Sandwich
Speaker wire..................................................ââ'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦Ã¢â'¬Â¦.Black Rhodium T50
nothing wrong with techincs gear (i have a bit of a soft spot for it actually). i started off with a technics integrated (which my parents still use) and was bwfh'd into getting a mini system a while back and again chose a technics. i'd love some of those big technics mono blocks with the HYAWGE vu meters on them just for the looks alone.

last bit of good technics stuff was the SUA900mk2 integrated amp in middle 90s. The last of their stuff was very very boring and unmusical.

aside possibly from the SUC3000 and SUA3000 pre/powers which were about £2k each.
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tbh the amp i'm quite happy with though, although at times i feel it lacks power.
infact its the second technics amp i have had and i gave teh old one to my parents also and considering what that had before it was 100x better.

the cdp though I will be looking to change soon.
Hmmm ok, heres an image of my system, it turned out really blurry for some reason :mad:


will try get more loaded on when i have spare time, no broadband in my area!!!

Hey analogue, i know what ur thinking! Having both pairs side by side is a no go zone in the realms of hifi, its gona cause thickening of mid bass and colouration etc etc! But to my surprise, it didnt cause any sonic nasties at all! When i 1st got my tannoys the m53 were moved completley to the side of my room. Things sounded sweet and it took me a couple of weeks to position the tannoys(actually it was only yesterday i discovered an even better position :o ) The the front of the missions are level with the tannoys but more toed in as they are further apart. Oh yeh, 4got to say-after the 2 weeks i had to move the missions somewhere that wouldnt completely kill their own sound 4 AV and disrupt the tannoys. I started off with them about a fot away from the tannoys but that meant they were literally in the corners of my room and i couldnt open my wardrobe door! So i figured i had to compromise and move them closer to the tannoys. To my surprise it didnt affect the sound at all! Left them there eversince and im still very happy with the sound.Bit of a pain when i want to reposition the tannoys tho coz the mission have to follow and they aint v.light :D


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