Show us Your Kit!

My current set-up...

Marantz PS-17SA
Marantz SM-17 x 2 (power amps for centre & surround speakers)

B&W Matrix 803 Series 2 (Left Right)
B&W Matrix HTM (Centre)
B&W Matrix 805 (Surround Left Right)
REL Storm Subwoofer

Chord DAC 64
Project 6.1 Turntable with Sumiko Blue Point Special
Musical Fidelity XLPS Phono Stage
Marantz SA12-S1 SACD & DVD Player
Topfield TF5000PVRt 80G HDD
DGTec 2000A Digital Television Receiver

Marantz PD-5040D 50" High Definition Widecreen Plasma Display

Interconnects & Cables:
Audioquest Gibraltar Bi-Wire (Front L/R + Center)
Audioquest CV-4 Bi-Wire (Rear Channels)
Audioquest Viper (Amp + Power Amp + 6 CH input)
Audioquest Diamondback (Amp + Phono Stage + TT )
Audioquest Toslink & Coax (DAC64)
QED Qunex P75 Coax (Amp + DVD)
Ixos Scart/S-Video
Neotech S-Video + Component
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My Kit
CD Player,
Meridian 602-606 transport and DAC with Trichord upgrades, clock and NC power supply.

Project RPM9 with MC25FL cart.

Pre amp,
Sumo ArthemisIII with phono stage upgrade.

Power amp,
Sumo andromeda III.

Missing Link cryo refferance interconnects and mains with watgate silver plated plugs.
My system is

CD source
TEAC VRDS-10 with Trichord Clock 4 and Never Connected power supply upgrade
MIT digital reference cable
Chord DAC64

Chord Signature

MF Trivista 300

Chord Odyssey cable

Vertex AQ Jaya mains conditioning

Linn Classik Movie DI for films
PMC TB2 centre and PMC FB1 rears
Yes I would say it's well worth the money. Just makes the music sound real so you forget your listening to a digital source.
was your teac player, the one with the dob board and the 2 single rail Nc suppiles?,that was done a week or 2 back?, wait til the clocks run in :)
Bradders, they are rather special I use the odd one or 2 have a thousand and one uses :)
Mine was done about 6 months ago along with a full service and laser pickup replacement so should be good for a couple of years at least.

Would probably be worth recapping.
Not visited here for a long time so here's an update of my system:
Naim CDX CD player
Icon Audio MC34-A valve amp
Monitor Audio Studio 20 se celebrations
Leak Troughline 2 with modern stereo valve decoder (On order)
Naim Nac A5 speaker cable and interconnects.
My Audio Kit:

Unison Research Unico CDP
Pro-Ject Xpression TT
Ortofon MC15FL Cartridge

Unison Research Unico Amplifier
Pro-Ject PhonoBox SE

Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII

JPS Labs Superconductor FX
Chord Company Siren
Chord Company Odyssey

JPS Labs and Russ Andrews

Dual-Xeon Workstation
Harmon Kardon CDP
Marantz DR6050
4G iPod
Harmon Kardon Amplifier

Tivoli Model One

Sennheiser HD25/Bang & Olufsen A8/Sony MDR71/Sony Widescreen TV/Sony DVD/Sony VCR/Sony PlayStation/ Nintendo GameCube/Microsoft XBox/Nintendo Gameboy AdvanceSP/Sega Dreamcast... yes, I like Videogames...
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Gundam you wouldn't happen to be frequenting some other hifi fora under a different nom de plume, and happen to reside mostly in Glasgow?

If so then welcome mate it's great to have you aboard, if not then welcome anyway:)
Hey AK,

How's it going? Thought I'd join this one... Been lurking for a bit... thought I'd take the plunge... Certainly some SERIOUS kit here. Makes mine look seriously low-fi...


Jez... erm Gundam!!!
Kit is irrelevant here Jerry only one or two willy wavers, although we have a few zealots, as long as you enjoy the tunes on yer kit it matters no a jot how much you paid for it, besides your setup is pretty good and well received.

I joined a couple of weeks ago and missed the top thread on the board ââ'¬â€œ Doh!!!

Well here goes;

I am fortunate enough to have two separate rooms; one is set up as a dedicated home theatre one a permanent listening room.

In the listening room I vary between a pair of Apogee Mini Grands (full range ribbons plus twin subs with electronic crossover) and a pair of Yamaha NS 1000M's. Power Amps are a Krell KSA 50S and a Classe' Audio CA200. Pre Amp is an Audio Research LS2 line stage, plus a Sonic Frontiers SF-P1 Phono Stage.

Front ends;

For CD, I use a Krell KPS30i player as a transport, with a musical Fidelity A21 Tri vistor DAC.

For Vinyl, I use an Oracle Delphi with SME V and a variety of cartridges.

I also have two Technics SP 10's that I am working towards new plinths, one will have an Alphason HR100 fitted, the other will have an original Mission 774.

In the Theatre room I have a permanent ceiling mounted Sony CRT Projector, Stewart 96 inch screen, Denon 2800 DVD, Denon 3802 - 7.1 Receiver, JVC Super VHS, Digital receiver and Foxtel (Sky) link. All speakers; mains, twin centres, rear sides and rears are TDL, plus a REL Q 100 Su woofer, all this is mounted in a purpose built cabinet.
Hello Ken,

What do you think of those Yamaha's?

My cousin has a pair, driven by Hafler and Carver amplification... and an el cheapo Sony CDP (and an even older Technics linear-tracking TT). I'm blown away every time I hear them....

I think he's got a true audiophile set-up without having paid the earth for it.


The Yamaha NS1000M's are everything you read about and more. The top end and mid range are sublime. Bass is solid and tight but not as extended as you might imagine with 12 inch bass units.

Maybe it is just my perception after living with the Mini Grands for so long. HIFI News & RR tested the MG's at below 19Hz in a "standard'" 22' X 13' listening room, saying that they have a whole octave of extra useable bass over the Wilson Watt & Puppy's, that takes a lot of beating. But even the Apogee Ribbon's without the sub's have a deeper bass. The Apogee ribbon bass was measured at 38Hz in the same article.

Yamaha NS1000M's have level controls on the Mid & Treble units, which has always been a definite no no for me, however these really work very well indeed. When you see the size of the cross over it is amazing compared to today's minimalist styles.

The Apogee's sound amazing but are way out of my price range for now (and the amplification too). Maybe when I graduate with flying colours....

Joking aside, the NS1000M's are next on my list. I'm sure I can get rid of my Dynaudio's for a good price... and find some space for the Yamaha's in my flat... and some deaf neighbours...

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