Show us Your Kit!

Welcome Chris - so, going by your system, you'd be a believer in source first then? :D

X-box as transport to Chord DAC64...ouch! :cry:

I just got my DAC64 a couple of days's wonderful!


The source has always been a problem in my system.

I started with the musical fidelity 3d (nuvista), it sounded good in the shop, not too keen on the way in sounded in my room (too brittle at the top).

Sold it

Then i started using on Arcam Alpha 5 plus (oldie but goody). The output card started to go and was left with the Xbox.

I decided to buy a Musical Fidelity a3.24 (£450 s/h) which could upsample all my music and thought xbox games would benefit. One problem, it brought back hard top end.

Sold it.

Bought a DAC64 mk 2 a few days ago too. (£1350 s/h, HiFi for sale). It has been an absolute revelation to my system. SWEET.
Never heard music produced like this before.

Unfortunately now i need to sell it (see classifieds). That damn taxman.

One thing is for sure. A DAC64 will be returning. Oh, and i might try a better transport (SCD-1).

***EDIT*** Kept the DAC64 sold the MF a300cr. The Tag Transport about to land.
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On a flat earth you can see the edge

  • Rega P9/RB1000/DV XX-2 - turntable
  • Dynavector P-75 - phonostage
  • Naim CDS2/XPS - CD player
  • Naim NAT02 - tuner
  • Naim NAC52/Supercap - preamp
  • Naim SNAXO/HiCap - active crossover
  • Naim NAP250 x 2 - two poweramps
  • Naim SBL w NACA5 - speakers and cable
  • Hutter rack
  • home made speaker stands (10mm glass, nuts & ball bearings)
  • Dedicated Memera consumer unit with seven separate 6mm2 T&E spurs terminated in Marinko plugs straight into the back of the boxes. (no nasty switches)

Moving soon and will upgrade mains cables

Other stuff
  • Loewe Melos 28"
  • Rotel 938? DVD
  • Sony VCR
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I put this on another thread but then got confused as to why It asked for a list here, but being new I didn't wish to upset anyone (yet) so:

Nain Cd 3.5 (Hicapped)
Linn Axis/Akito/'K9

Naim NAC102 pre flatcapped and NAPSC'd
Naim NAP180 power

Naim SBL's

Kimber high current powercords throughout, kimber PBJ mains cinterconnect for the power supplies to cd/pre, attenuated Kimber KCAG interconnect between cd and pre, Kimber silver streak interconnect between pre and power amp. Kimber 4 TC speaker cables. Mana through out including under SBL's

Other stuff:
Yamaha processor being fed from a Pioneer DV646a, B & W centre and surrounds. Big Toshiba TV.
Seem to have forgotten to do this so far, so:

CDP: Wadia 861 (actually 860 + 1 upgrade)
IC: M/F NuVista (actually 2.5m long - all they had left)
Amp: LC Audio Patriot V100 (pwr pre needed) - 100W class A, or 20W classA -> 120W A/B
Speaker cables: 3.5m Townshend Isolda DCT
Speakers: Meadowlark Heron-i
Supports: couple of bits of MDF and a few inner tubes
Power: Trichord Powerblock 1000 running both amp and CDP.
Trichord power lead on CDP, standard kettle cable on amp.
Also: connection through 5-way switch-box from TV (Sony Nicam), VCR (Panasonic) and cable digibox (NTL). Currently connected byh swapping RCA I/Cs - but plan on getting AES/EBU balanced I/C for CDP and then using the input switch on the amp.

Miscellaneous not currently in service
Turntable: Pioneer PL12D £45 in 1976(?) (captive I/C)
Cart: Ortofon VMS20E mkII
DAB Tuner: Psion Wavefinder -> PC (Mesh 550MHz Athlon) -> Creative SB Live! 1024, although mostly now feed in radio (R3, R4) from the NTL digibox. Next step is to put in digital feed from PC to Wadia.
Also 512kbps internet connection for streamed radio etc.
Headphones: Technics RP-F800 (Xmas present sometime)

Other bits now sort of redundant - effectively constitute a 2nd and 3rd system if I ever got around to plugging them in - or main components should really be heading for the 2nd hand sales:
CDP: Meridian 508.24
CDP: Philips CD473, £239 in 1988
Amp: Musical Fidelity M3
Tuner/Amp: Technics SA200L, £161 in 1979(!!)
I/C: DNM reson
Speaker Cables: UBYTE-2 (DIY from TNT website)

Tape: JVC KD21B £100 in 1979(?) - NOW DEAD

Also redundant speakers:
Monitor Audio R352, £237 in 1988 (actually now sold to bro, but still squatting)
Rogers LS6a (from about 1989)
Celestion Ditton 15 (from about 1972)

Room: main area 12' x 16', through open plan archway (by LH speaker)to similar sized neighbouring room and stairway.

Music interests: Broadly classical orchestral and opera (mostly excluding 1750-1800) - I particularly like Wagner/Strauss/Mahler and a warm-to-neutral sound. Also bits of blues (Howling Wolf, Hooker, Holliday); jazz (Mingus, Ellington, Goodman); classic rock (Floyd, Genesis, Queen, U2) some newer stuff (Verve, Portishead) and ambient/electronica.

Oh dear - here we go for the forum's worst system!


Marantz CD6000 OSE LE (currently broken)
Denon TU260L II tuner
Cambridge Audio A500 amp (cough)
Cambridge Audio P500 power amp (shuffles embarrassedly)
Wharfdale Diamond 8.2 speakers

JBL Superconductor 2 interconnect (CD/int)
Townshend Isolda DCT budget interconnect (int/power)
Townshend Isolda DCT speaker cable

Yup, so the cables are waaaaaay more expensive than the rest of the system. Sheesh. Given that I'm broke, I'm stuck with this lot for a while although I am going to try and sell the amps and get something better second hand. Shouldn't have bought a power amp with such a low budget system, but you live and learn.

Home cinema

Panasonic PTAE100 LCD projector (800+ hours and still not dead - touch wood!) + Hoya FLD filter
Yamaha AX630SE
Crappy Packard Bell speakers
Terrible free speaker cable

Some Kef eggs would be nice to beef up the sound, but the DVD picture quality is amazing. (The PC is Radeon powered and I'm using Zoomplayer with the PowerDVD video codec and ffdshow filter).
What's wrong with this Cambridge stuff? You reckon it's worse than my Musical Fidelity e10? (my system is on the top of this page) I'm interested because I could get a p500 for not much at a local shop and I'm looking for some more power. My e10 is 2*40 watts @ 8 ohm. I guess I'll have to look somewhere else...
Hey Onno,

I guess the Cambridge Audio is okay, but I hate the fact it doesn't take banana plugs. I've had to go back to using cheapy Gale speaker cable as it's unterminated.

For the £300 I spent on both CA amps, I could have just got a better integrated instead.

How much is the shop selling the P500 for? I am going to sell mine too.

My system :

Meridian 500 CD Transport

Meridian 518 Digital Pre Amp

Meridian 566 24bit DAC

Meridian M60 Active Speakers

All connected with LAT International balanced interconnects

I love this system, with the 518 I am able to drive the M60's direct from the DAC which really does sound very good :D
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Just noticed i havent posted here :rolleyes:

Source -

Rega Jupiter 2000

Scheu Platter on Slate plinth, Jung super reg on PSU.

Denon TU260L

Amp -
John Shearne Phase 2

Phono stage - Hagtech Cornet, NOS Mullard's, Mcap+ audionote copper foil caps, Holco resistors.

Speakers -
Dynaudio Contour 1.1/Dreadnaught's

Stand -
TNT Flexy Rack with stone slabs

DPA Black Slink CDp
Atlas Explorer on phono amp
L'argent on tuner
Origin Live rewire on RB300

Gutwire G-Clef on amp
Eupens on Phono stage and CDp
Olsen mains block
DIY Dual Choke Filter

in pipeline -
Dedicated spur on 6mm2 SWA with metal clad disty unit and sockets
some form of room treatment when i work out what i need:( (probably eigth nerve)
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New here so here's the Perceptive System


Meridian 200 Transport (Trichord Clock Mod)
Merdian 203 DAC5
Chord Prodac Digital Interconnect
Arcam 10DRT DAB Tuner
Cobra 2 to....

In the Middle

Naim 62 (modded to be line only)
SNAPS (recapped/dual rail)
Naim 140
NACA5 to.....

The Back End

Shahinian Arcs

Firm believer in better electronics before stands, so no equipment rack!! and Shahinian have their own view on stands. Mains supplied by a 'PerceptiveWorks' mains distribution panel

Some other odds and sods lying around.

Mr Perceptive
my system:

turntable - Rega p3 rb300/elise

CD Player - Rotel rc-855

Pre amp - Rotel rc-850

Power - Rotel rb-850

Speakers - Living Voice Auditoriums

Cables - NACA5, Chord something (cheap), unbranded.

when funds allow I will look into sorting out the cables and then either the amp or cd player

Here's mine

DV xx2
DV P100 phono

Densen 400XS

DV L100

DV HX1.2

O'Heocha ISO5s (on Mana, Base, Chipboard and Pulsar Points, mainly for storage)


BP'd Mic cable ICs and Isolda speaker wire

3 Spurs

Various RPG Foams

Love it! Won't change anything (apart from TT, pre and the speakers).

I also have a Rotel 1070 and AE1s with a 32.5/110 in between (soon to be replaced by Densen DM10).

I gave away my Home Cinema. It was crap.

Wanky wires - no way - but Tom and I would love to pop over if the offer's still there. You're about 10 hours drive from me AFAIR?
Originally posted by Alex S
Wanky wires - no way - but Tom and I would love to pop over if the offer's still there. You're about 10 hours drive from me AFAIR?
Alex, I didn't think TW was that far ;) takes me 3 usualy, offer is still there no probs, and bring you wanky wire as well ;) I up to full strength now on the system, so should be interesting Tone
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Alex would you be up for trying some of our 'Musical wanky wires' in stead of you bulleted mike cable for a few days, would like to see how the TWR boys find it? WM

TWR - Tunbridge Wells Riders - a very fine group of men but I'm not one of them.

LD (Lone Deranger)