Show us Your Kit!

Very cute system Richard.

Does the Nait have the phono stage - I can't imagine you being without the vinyl for long!

Hi Rob - the little Nait does indeed have the phonostage, and from memory of my old CB one, it's pretty good.

How long without vinyl? Good question, although that's governed really by how long I have to be living in digs. I really would like to scratch the Garrard itch at some point in the future though so that may be my next vinyl port of call.
Some better pics now the light's improved...


Made a few line upis
Ortofon Rondo Bronze (borrowed..big step up from Denon 304)
Michel Iso HD + Hera PSU phono stage into
Sumo Athena Pre
Pair Edison 12 stereo valve power amps
Snell Es on Pirate Stands.
Cables Nordost Blue Heaven (Bass)
Chord Rumour (treble)
Furakawa, cat 5, and 'unknown' interconnects..
Soon to add DV 17d2 from ZG forumite..
Oh yeh, forgot the important bit..
Cranfield Rock with Morch UP4 tonearm (arm replaced Ittock - 'swings and roundabouts..')
Hello. Just joined.

Present kit.

Gyrodec mkiii with QC power supply.
Rega RB300 with Origin Live counterweight.
Audio Technica OC9ML/II.
Rega Phono.
Pioneer 400x amp.
Mission 752 spkrs (original version).
Teac VRDS7 cd.
Kimber PBJ interconnects.
Audioquest speaker cables. (BC3 I think.)

Regards Paul.
Ricochet - just wanted to say ...welcome to Zerogain !! !

What great 3 posts you've done ... welcome and please stick around and keep posting... you've got such a brilliant listening/home cinema room there... top stuff...

Again, great to have you on-board :)
Affordable, but very enjoyable, my simple system.


(Nait-5i, Squeezebox Classic + DACmagic, Naim n-Sats)

Just been playing with a Canon 5D MK2 in its video mode - something I am getting into, so here's my first effort with I Movie to. Didn't have a proper jib so some of the panning is a little juddery - cheers philip

cheers philip
Just been playing with a Canon 5D MK2 in its video mode - something I am getting into, so here's my first effort with I Movie to. Didn't have a proper jib so some of the panning is a little juddery - cheers philip

cheers philip

That's fantastic. Great clip and lovely quality (to my humble eyes!). :)

Well, the downsize of my little music centre is complete - I managed to keep the turntable in the end by moving all the kit onto one shelf. Sadly there was just no way a trio of power amps, pre-amp and phonostage psu was going to fit on onto this, so we have the little Nait doing its thing instead...


I have a Dyna P75Mk2 arriving in the next couple of days. The 640P is very good indeed (better than it has any right to be at the ££) on MM input but does very strange things with the SPU, sounding bloated and muffled. It's not a happy pairing.
my kit#3

Hi again.
A further update because a new "baby" (the Oppo) has just arrived.:)

Amp: Primaluna Prologue one (tubes: NOS Mullard ECC83, JAN Sylvania 5814A, Russian current production Genalex Gold Lion KT66)
BD/SACD/DVD-A/DVD player: Oppo BDP-83
FM Tuner: Denon TU-245
Loudspeakers: Audio Note AZ-two
Interconnects: Ecosse Nu Diva (from the CDP), Van den Hul D102 III (from the BDP), Monster Interlink 400 MkII (from the tuner)
Speaker cables and jumpers: QED XT-400
Mains cables : Wireworld Stratus 5² (to the amp and the cdp), QED Qonduit (to the BDP)
Block: Tacima CS929

LCD-TV: Panasonic - TX32LX70F (connected to the Primaluna with Wireworld Terra 5² interconnects)
Hi folks!

Merry Christmas!

May all your audiophile wishes come true!

My (nearly) all tube setup:
Naim CDI
McIntosh MR67
McIntosh C20
Leak TL25/Plus monoblocks
Martin Logan CLS

Cables for main rig:
Nordost Red Dawn
Chord Anthem
MIT Terminator

My AV setup:
LaCie MiniHub 500 GB
AirPort Express (soon to be replaced and directly wired)
Audio GD DAC19Mk3 and Moodlab Dice
Naim NAIT 2
Magnepan MMGW
BK electronics XLS 200 DF

Cables for AV setup:
Chord Chrysalis, Crimson, Cobra
Chord Rumour


New to this post - but here's a snap of some of my gear

In the listening room:

Marantz CD10
Arcam Black Box 5 (with an Apple iMac running Apple loseless files or high quality Spotify)
Philips CD460 (no really)
Mission PCM 7000
Townshend Avalon/Rega RB300/Goldring 1042 - modified power supply
Panasonic SV3800 professional DAT recorder

Audio Research SP7
Krell KSA100 MKII
Yaqin MS-300B (amazing Chinese valve amp, exceptional transparency and depth to sound stage, 9.5w class A. Well worth trying for the money)
Quad 34/405 Mk I

Quad FM4

EPOS14 plus matching stands
Magneplanar SMGa
Castle Durhams (surprisingly good considering their age - £50 on ebay!)

Various interconnects and cables

AV (living room)

Pioneer LXB70A Blu Ray
Apple TV
Cambridge DVD 89
Onkyo SR875
Virgin V+ HD cable
BW surrounds

Picture to follow....


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New front end..
TD124 Mk1 (modified by previous owner to run at 33 minus a lot of tackle downstairs)
In a granite plinth atop 4 Atacama SE24 speaker stands..
Standard RB300 doing duty and 2 Rega spacers just right for ex-
"Slammed 50" Dynavector Kaarat 17D2.
Not using suspension..cut the plinth myself (done 124s b4 as well as Garrards).
Keeping Original Rock/MorchUP4, Denon 380 off the ockey at the moment..
Dv17d2 is criticised for lack of bass but im happy with it in this respect in the Rega. Remarkable lack of surface noise.
Also took me 2 weeks to find the cantilever/stylus assembly!
Things have taken a turn for the thermionic - managed to persuade a muso mate of mine to part with his rather nice WAD KaT34 power amp. It just about fits on the shelf...


Sounds very good with the NVA passive pre (I think the 34's configured for passive) and drives the Royds very nicely - no slurring or bleaching, even at high volume. :)

Just need to do a bit of tube-rolling - reckon the rectifiers will be the first to get changed. It's running Mullard ECF80's & JJ EL34's.
Richard, I cannot keep up :)

Change the rectifiers for these:

Higher current capability and much better life and reliability than standard 5U4 tubes. These have ribbon filaments and resist flash-over far better than standard rects.
The 34/6650 WAD amps stress the rectifiers, hence the pair.

The 34 chassis probably has the cutouts behind that aluminium front panel for a selector and volume pot - should you want to reduce the box count and convert the amp to integrated.
Thanks for the tip Rob - much appreciated. :)

I've been trying to prise this amp off Ian for a good 12 months now, and finally managed it today. It works a treat - and sounds (from a slightly faded memory) not too dissimilar to the little KEL I onced owned. Lovely. :)