Show us Your Kit!

Yes, Bob at Inspire is a top bloke. I actually sold my LP12 to buy the Eclipse; it just sounded better to me. Far more coherent, less coloured, but with that sense of 'propulsion' that the best Rega decks have. The SME/Ortofon combination is superb - I love it. I'm on a massive 2nd hand vinyl buying spree at present, and re-acquainting myself with my existing collection.

My system is staying now - journey's end...
The Eclipse is well out of my price bracket and I've always liked the "Linn" sound. I must buck the full "Linn" trend as I really like the Linn/Origin Live Silver combination much better than my old Linn/Ittok one. My journeys at an end now - it's called an empty wallet!
Yes, Bob at Inspire is a top bloke. I actually sold my LP12 to buy the Eclipse; it just sounded better to me. Far more coherent, less coloured, but with that sense of 'propulsion' that the best Rega decks have. The SME/Ortofon combination is superb - I love it. I'm on a massive 2nd hand vinyl buying spree at present, and re-acquainting myself with my existing collection.

My system is staying now - journey's end...

Hi Theo,

Nice looking stuff! I notice a silver (gold?) disc in the background of your picture, What disc is it?

"Selling England by the Pound", Genesis (oh no, outed as an old progfan)

It looks like a US disc as it is on the Atlantic label. Genesis were on the Charisma label in the UK at the time.

Is it an original one?

Hi All

Just joined the forum! Based in South Derbyshire, UK & currently off work with a bad back - so thoughts have turned away from photography & back to music & hifi for the time being.

Musical tastes very varied, so my system needs to cope with most musical styles. Also strapped for cash (not least because photography isn't a cheap hobby either), so I have challenged myself to get the best possible sound for the least money.

Yamaha CDX993 (£70 ebay)
Rotel RC972 pre (£90 ebay)
Rotel RB971 power (£1.74 ebay) - rather a good bargain buy!!
Acoustic Energy Aegis Evo 3 (£82 ebay)
Thorens TD125 Mk 2 (£54 ebay) + Acos Lustre arm
Thorens TD160 + SME 3009 Mk 2 (parents - free)

Both turntables are in the loft due to lack of space in listening room.

2 x Belden 19364 DIY mains cables
1 x home brewed mains cable using individually shielded cores of 5 x individually enamelled twisted 0.71mm copper, all braided a la TNT twisted snake.
1 pair NVA sound cords (CD to Pre) - about to be replaced by a pair of silver braided jobs (0.5mm wire x 3)
1 pair silver braided ebay cheapo interconnects (pre to power).
1 pair DIY solid copper speaker cables - same idea as Anti cables, but 1.5mm and using basic enamelled copper magnet winding wire.

Having played with a variety of cables both in my system and a friends, I am convinced as to the merits of getting the cabling right (which CAN be achieved on a budget if one is willing to read, experiment and do a bit of DIY) and that £n spent on the right cables can yield greater sonic advantages than the same £n spent on different electronics.

I hope to be able to join in with cabling discussions in due course!
Just Acquired


Amp - Jadis Orchestra reference
Speakers - Proac Response D18
Source - Naim Cd5xs
Spkr Cable - Proac Signature Black biwire
Interconnects - Transparent Audio MusicLink Plus
Power - Shunyata Copperhead and Diamondback chords
Conditioner - Shunyata Hydra 2

amp - Denon AVR 3806
Source - Denon DVD 1920 and Sony DVP NS51P
Spkr Package - Kef KHT 3005 limited edition
TV - Panasonic 42PV70 plasma
Spkr Cable - QED micro XT
Sub Cable - MITerminator 5
Video Cables - Beldon component cable, QED Quinex, QED digital (electrical), QED analogue interconnects
sealion's Main set up

Amplifier: BAT Vk-60 with (8)WESTINGHOUSE 6sn7 gtb Nos +(4)stock Ulianov 6C33b tubes.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): BAT Vk-5 with (2) 5881 Jan SYLVANIA Nos + (8)SIEMENS e88cc Nos tubes.
Speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 SE monitors, on Dynaudio STAND2.
CD Player/DAC: Audio Analogue MAESTRO,Digital Sound Processor.
Turntable/Phono Stage: THORENS TD850 with MAGNEPAN Unitrac-1 arm + DV Karat 17D2 MkII cart.
Elac MIRACORD 660 with stock arm + ORTOFON 520MkII cart.
Clearaudio BALANCE phonostage (balanced XLR outputs).
Other Source(s): Hitachi HiFi VCR.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 1.Kimber MONOCLE XL.
2.Kimber SILVER STREAK Xlr, from pre;

3.Kimber SILVER STREAK Xlr, -19dB attenuated, from CD deck;

4.Kimber HERO from TT;

5.Kimber SILVER STREAK xlr from phono pre;

6.Kimber HERO from VCR.

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Rotel RLC-1050, fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.
SOUND ORGANIZATION rack + Dynaudio STAND2 for spkrs.

Tweaks: Power amp BAT Vk-60 directly fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.

Room Size (LxWxH): 10' x 13' x 9.5'
Room Comments/Treatments: Bookshelves, curtains and goatskin rugs on 90% of floor area.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): M U S I C!
sealion's Living spaces setup

Amplifier:2x Musical Fidelity E-300, in mono mode for HF and MF;
---------->2x Vincent 991 mono amps for LF.

Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Musical Fidelity E-200.
Speakers: KEF 103/4, 2x bi-amplificated (1 pair MF E300 mono + 1 pair Vincent 991 mono ).
CD Player/DAC: MF, Deck CD E 600.
Turntable/Phono Stage: ELAC, Miracord 660H, stock arm with Ortifon 540, MkII cart;
-------------------------->PIONEER, PL-L50, stock arm with an Ortofon OMP10 cart;
-------------------------->MF Phono Stage, MM & MC capable, with variable settings; dedicated to be fitted into provided space of E 200 pre as an upgrade.
Other Source(s): Pioner K7, CT-3070R;
-------------------->Sony VCR SLV SF-990.

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 1. Kimber MONOCLE X for LF+MF;
----------------------------------------->2. Kimber 8TC for LF;

----------------------------------------->3. Kimber HERO elsewhere.

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Rotel RLC-1050 fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.
Tweaks: ---
Room Size (LxWxH): 18,5' x 12,5' x 9,5'
Room Comments/Treatments: Common furniture, rugs over 90% floor area (handmade wool) and curtains.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): M U S I C!
System Goals/Comments: Enjoyment.
System Strengths: ---
System Weaknesses: Some hardware to be bettered.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony KDL 46Z4500. HardDiscDrive Recorder .
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: ---
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): ---
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer DV717.
Other HT Gear: HardDiscDrive Recorder SONY,HXD 1090.
Comments on HT System: To be started yet.
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Hi Guys new to ZG
Ready for ur comments! Constructive ones and sucker punches welcome:)

Source gear:
Sonus music server due to be modded throughout
Dell multitouch pc
Qnap server
Valab platinum 4395 Dac

Anatek CM-01 passive pre and psu
Anatek MB-50 Monoblocks Class A

Monitor Audio RX6 On spiked out granite plinths
Monitor Audio FB210 twin 10" class A/B subwoofer
Gunna sell these want to upgrade!

Audio cables:
Deltec Black Sixteen Speaker and Black Slink Jumpers
Deltec Black Slink Interconnects
Dalkey Audio Bullock Digital Coax

Mains cables:
All Siver Sounds with 15 amp round pin plugs
Silver Sounds mains spur

Other bits:

Custom design Optimum post rack with Target 10mm glass with every shelf spiked out

All components on Foculpods
My current stuff collected on a budget. The arrival of our first child has stopped any upgrading at the moment. Sorry for the quality of the photos. The family compact camera is past its best and the lens is filthy.

Its all kind of just dumped at the moment until we get the house decorated and sorted.

Thorens TD160 with new baseboard and internal deadening.
with original (but rewired) TP16mk1 holding a Denon DL160.
Arcam Alpha 9 amp with phono module.
Arcam CD72t
Bargain Hitachi FT5500 Tuner

All on a Sound Organisation rack using NVA Sound Cord I/Cs.
Speakers are Rega EL8s connected up with Cable Talk 3.1 cabling.

Baby monitor, telly and other not so important stuff :)




My interim setup in Nicosia


A brand new LG Full HD TV is driven by an old Shuttle PC running Windows XP. The DVI video output goes into the TV HDMI input and the audio goes by USB to by Beresofrd Caiman DAC which drives my rebuilt Quad 405-2 and by 25 year old MB Quart floorstanders that shipped without damage from UK.

The TV sits on a cabinet from the 1950s that came with the house.

On the right speaker you can see a Seimens hybrid DECT/IP phone that gives me free or cheap international calls.

BBC iPlayer only delivers TV to UK IP addresses, but £5 per month buys be a VPN connection

It works very well so I won't be spending £3000 on a 4m Sat Dish and I can take the Shuttle PC home - it has a DVB-S Tuner so I can use it as a PVR in Southampton.

I will come back with a HTPC with BluRay that will cost rather less than a MacMini.

??? ââ'¬Â¦ 20330HT-BD ââ'¬Â¦ 24826.html

For Radio and streaming ripped CDs I use my Squeezebox (which also feeds the Beresford Caiman). The conservatory at the back of the house has a Squeezebox Boom which is great for what it is. To my surprise it works on the WiFi Network through the thick stone walls of this old bungalow.
kit parade

This list embraces some of my acoustic hardware, not everything is in use due to space (house and page!) limitations ...

Signal source media

Hard disk recording - standalone
Fostex VR800 - red book standard, SCSI and ADAT i/o
3 Fostex ADAT ADDAs

For vinyl:
pair of Thorens TD160 Mk1 turntables
Thorens TP16 arms, Rega 250 and SME arms
various MC and MM cartridges

For reel tape:
Revox B77 NAB with remote
Tascam 32 NAB with Dolby
mono Nagra

For cassette tape:
Tascam 112
Tascam 122 Mk III
Sony TC153SD
TOA BA403 - an industrial grade 4 cassette auto-reverse player

For CD
Quad 77CD
an 80 CD jukebox

Phono stage pre-amps
Meridian 201/209 pre-amp/remote
Musical Fidelity X-LP

Line pre-amps
Focusrite Red 2 - never take one apart, you'll spend weeks reassembling it.
Meridian 201/209 pre-amp/remote (see above)

Mixing desks
Alesis 32 - all analogue
Korg 168RC - ADAT

Signal Processors & treatment
Peavey Spectrum Analog Filter
Lexicon MPX100 reverb
Roland SRV3030D reverb
Alesis Nanocomps
Behringer 8 channel valve processor
my philosophy is less is best

MIDI controllers
2 Peavey PC1600x
Emagic Unitor8 and an AMT8
Steinberg Midex 8

Symbolic Sound Kyma Capybara 66 - totally maxxed out with 8 expansion cards
Alesis QS6 and QSR
E-mu Carnaval and Vintage Keys
Peavey Spectrum Analog Synth
Alesis Nanobass
and others

NAD 3020i
NAD 7080 receiver
3 Quad 77s
Quad 707
and others

Dynaudio BM5 nearfield monitors
Monitor Audio MA4s (dismantled)
Optimus Pro X7s - yes, those little wondrous sonic tanks
4 Quad ESL57s with upgraded HT supplies - the only headphones you'll ever need.

Cables, looms and interconnects
Naim NACA5, Neutrik hardware. patchbays, etc and other usual suspects. I also prefer to 'roll my own' using classic BBC type starquad cable, silver solder or crimped metal where possible, I'm not a huge fan of Teflon or PVC, preferring more organic materials like rubber, foil sheathed cable, lotsa air and hand braiding of signal cables.

Think that covers it for now, without mentioning the computers and visual kit either!

Slainte !

sealion's Living spaces setup

Following pics of the rig:

Amplifier:2x Musical Fidelity E-300, in mono mode for HF and MF;
---------->2x Vincent 991 mono amps for LF.

Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Musical Fidelity E-200.
Speakers: KEF 103/4, 2x bi-amplificated (1 pair MF E300 mono + 1 pair Vincent 991 mono ).
CD Player/DAC: MF, Deck CD E 600.
Turntable/Phono Stage: ELAC, Miracord 660H, stock arm with Ortifon 540, MkII cart;
-------------------------->PIONEER, PL-L50, stock arm with an Ortofon OMP10 cart;
-------------------------->MF Phono Stage, MM & MC capable, with variable settings; dedicated to be fitted into provided space of E 200 pre as an upgrade.
Other Source(s): Pioner K7, CT-3070R;
-------------------->Sony VCR SLV SF-990.

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 1. Kimber MONOCLE X for LF+MF;
----------------------------------------->2. Kimber 8TC for LF;

----------------------------------------->3. Kimber HERO elsewhere.

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Rotel RLC-1050 fed from mains with SUPRA's 'LoRad Screened Mains Flex' cable.
Tweaks: ---
Room Size (LxWxH): 18,5' x 12,5' x 9,5'
Room Comments/Treatments: Common furniture, rugs over 90% floor area (handmade wool) and curtains.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): M U S I C!
System Goals/Comments: Enjoyment.
System Strengths: ---
System Weaknesses: Some hardware to be bettered.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony KDL 46Z4500. HardDiscDrive Recorder .
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: ---
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): ---
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer DV717.
Other HT Gear: HardDiscDrive Recorder SONY,HXD 1090.
Comments on HT System: To be started yet.[/QUOTE]
Exposure XVIs !!! You God :D


Just got rid of a long-standing piece of foo (Russ Andrews Purifier Block) and installed a simple, well-constructed 8-gang mains distribution strip (supplied by Mark Grant). Honestly, it was the equivalent of turbo-charging the Exposures! There is a very noticable increase in dynamic "power", better bass control, and it becomes far easier to pick out detail. (I would say more detail, but I can only assume that there must have been mains noise blocking this previously).

It really is quite amazing: the sonic characteristics of the system remains the same, but the presentation is just far sharper (I don't mean bright). I can't believe how much the RA block must have been "sitting" on the dynamics, and how much I didn't need the filtering and "purifying" (oh, the irony...).