Well, so much for "mostly settled"....
The RCD-991 has just gone in favour of a marantz CD16, and this is being used as a transport into an M-audio SuperDAC, with a few mods.
This leads to the slightly odd situation, with (at new rrps) around £3k of digital front end and speakers forming a system around a £270 amp...
It doesn't work amazingly well, and the amp is clearly the weak link in the chain. It doesn't lack for power, but with some amps borrowed from work, things are rather better...
Other mods to the digital front end are forthcoming, and I'll get a DVD player too....
To quickly recap:
Marantz CD16 => M-Audio Superdac 2496 => Omiga Spitfire => Rotel RA-971mkII => Tara RSC Prime => Meadowlark Kestrel Hotrod.
Digital cable not yet finalised, SuperDAC will also connect to optical out on Terratec Aureon (when it arrives!).