Show us Your Kit!

datas toys r here...

vinyl...nad 533+ol modded 250:)

cartridiges...denon 304,:D
ortofon mc15, ok...
ortofon 510 yuk
trichord dino preferred it to an isoHR

linn classik
naim cdi:D
audionote dac1.1:)
quad 11s..making way for mission 752s...1st model...nicer

MF a1000 on the way:) may turn into a :mad:
some other mystery purchase coming:D
going to be a member of the club..

world audio kel34 valve amp:)
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i'm going to put a review up in about a weeks time as the one i got was ex-demo and hadn't been used since the 282 and it's ilk arrived. so far, bass is more controlled - room boom has dissapeared, detail is not quite in the moon league but up there compared to the nait but the soundstage is intermittent depending on recording. it's presentation is less sumptuous than the naits a bit more 'warts and all' but it's difficult to stop listening to it or do anything else when it's on, which says something. you'll have to come round soon and see what you think.

Congrats on the 82 Julian, I've one too and it's just great.

Did you trade up from a Nait to an 82? If you did that's quite a BIG step forward! Don't suppose you using a hicap with it? They just get better and better if you give them better power.

Personally I'd skip a second hicap and go straight to a supercap (if you're that keen) - but that's another story! Otherwise enjoy :D

posted this in teh wrong place first time so here it is where its ment to be.

My system

Amp -:- Technics SU-A707
CD -:- Technics SL-PG390
Tuner -:- Yamaha TX-480L
Interconectors -:- IXOS104 OFC .63
Speeker Cable -:- Cable Talk 3
Speekers -:- Acustic AV8011 (although not worth mentioning and Meadowlarks on the shopping list for the new year.)

this isnt exactly the system I want and wish to upgrade all parts when I can afford it.
Meridian 507 CD player
Gyrodec SE turntable/RB300 arm/Ortofon MC20 Supreme cartridge
EAR834P Signature phono stage
Quad FM4 tuner (re-capped, excellent sound now)
Tact SDAi2175 integrated amp
ATC SCM12 speakers on Atacama R724 stands (heavy!)

A few vintage Leak, Quad, Pye valve amps, BBC LS3/5a speakers, Jim Rogers JR149 speakers.


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Here is Mine

Hello all,

Here is my system, hopefully it will stay like this for a while, the amp is the only really weak point but I like the sound it makes:


NAD 402 tuner
Sony MDS-JE330 MD
Marantz CD6000OSE
Cambridge P500/C500
Mission 702e

All on a TNT Flexy
Atacama Staticstage on CD
Black Rhodium Rhythm CD-Amp
Monster Interlink 400 MKII Amp-Amp
Cambridge Pacific MD-Amp
Cambridge Atlantic Tuner-Amp
Supra Rondo Biwire

Home Cinema:

Pioneer DV444s
Aiwa AV-NW30 Amp
Aiwa 14" TV - Uni Room so no room
Eltax Millenium Mini fronts
Wharfedale WH2 Centre and Rears
Eltax Atomic A6

Profigold PGD481 DVD-Amp
Cable Talk 3.1 - Fronts
Cheap gale cable for the centre and rears
Dull but nice!

Ok it's a dull Sunday afternoon and so time to update my kit listing too, as follows:


Marantz 6000 SEO CDP
Norh SE 9 tube amp
Norh 5.1 SM front/main speakers on custom stands.
Black Rodium Harmony interconnect
QED Silver Special 25th Anniversary speaker cable.


Hitachi Widescreen C28W510SN
Toshiba SD110E DVD
Sharp VC-MH705HM Nicam VCR
Yamaha DSP-590 amp/processor driving rear and centre
Tannoy Mercury MX2 rears on Atacama stands
KEF Q95C centre
Pace 2500b Sky/Freeview
Thought its about time I put mine up as my signature is getting too long!

AV Lounge
Screen -------------------------------- Sony 6ft 16:9 (Pull up)
Projector ------------------------------ Hitachi PJ- TX100
AV Reciever --------------------------- Denon AVR3805
DVD\SACD\DVDA----------------------- Pioneer DVD656A
CDP ---------------------------------- Teac VDRS-7
Mini Disk ------------------------------ Sony MDS JE640
DAC ---------------------------------- Musical Fidelity A324 DAC
Front Speakers ------------------------ B&W CDM 1NT's on B&W Stands
Rear Speakers ------------------------- B&W CDM SNT's
Centre Font --------------------------- B&W CDM CNT
Multiroom Speakers (7.1) -------------- B&W 600s3
Sub ----------------------------------- Rel Storm III

Power Cables
SubZero Aurora 25 IEC (x6)
Black Rhodium Supermains 13 telefunken (x1)
Black Rhodium Supermains 25 4-way block
Black Rhodium Supermains 25 8-way block

Digital Cables
Black Rhodium Scherzo x1,
Chord Prodac x1

Sub Cable
Black Rhodium Rhythm 10m

Music Timbre Gold Alloy x1
Black Rhodium Concerto x4
Sonic Link Gray one ??? Could be Vermillion II x1

Speaker cables
Front Stereo---------------- SubZero Tremor (molybendum) x 2 bi-amping
Front Center---------------- Qed Profile Silver 12
Rear (all 3) ----------------- Multi strand £2/m stuff

Video Cables
QED AV4150 RGB Squart (x2)
QED AV4110 RGB Squart (x1)
Van Damme Red (5m) x1
Black Rhodium Magenta (1.5m) x2

Sound Organisation z560
Slab or two of Granite
Base Audiophile 01

MP3 digital out from PC to AV reciever
SKY+ optical to AV Receiver
JS Technologies RGB - YUV converter
Video Sender to Bedroom IXOS Scarts

Amp ----------------- Rotel RA971mkII
Speakers ----------- Tanoy E663 D30
CDP ----------------- Marantz cd4000
CDP ------------------Musical Fidelity Elektra E60
Radio ---------------- Sony??
Cassete ------------- Aiwa??
Speaker Cable ----- QED Profile Silver 12
Interconnects ------- SubZero Lightning, Twister and Oblivion
Stand ---------------- Target T4
TV -------------------- Crappy 14" one
Video ---------------- Old Aiwa
Video Sender, IXOS scart to Video

Wow that took a long time!
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I'm off.

Happy with sound and system.

Bye all - thanks for advice when I needed it.
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Rega P25
Rega Super Elys MM
Rotel RCD-02
Rotel RA-02
Quad 11L
DNM Reson MkII
DNM Reson Bullet IC
Atacama Nexus 6


10Gb iPod
Grado SR-80
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Well, so much for "mostly settled"....

The RCD-991 has just gone in favour of a marantz CD16, and this is being used as a transport into an M-audio SuperDAC, with a few mods.

This leads to the slightly odd situation, with (at new rrps) around £3k of digital front end and speakers forming a system around a £270 amp...

It doesn't work amazingly well, and the amp is clearly the weak link in the chain. It doesn't lack for power, but with some amps borrowed from work, things are rather better...

Other mods to the digital front end are forthcoming, and I'll get a DVD player too....

To quickly recap:
Marantz CD16 => M-Audio Superdac 2496 => Omiga Spitfire => Rotel RA-971mkII => Tara RSC Prime => Meadowlark Kestrel Hotrod.

Digital cable not yet finalised, SuperDAC will also connect to optical out on Terratec Aureon (when it arrives!).
I hear with

Vincent cd 2
Pre AeronAP110 valve
Final AeronA30 30w Class A,200AB.
Usher CP 738.

All for 5000 euro tax included!
I like to get the high level at low price:this is my passion.



27 kg,the ampli.
44kg each
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My system pic's

Hi Y'all,

I'm new here.
This is my first posting on this forum.

So here goes,
My system comprises:

Sonneteer Campion (slightly modified)
NAIM CDX CD-player
Diapason Micra MKIII (on sandfilled Target HR60 stands)
Chord Cobra interconnect
Rinsma DIY speaker-cable ( Rinsma-HiFi )
Quadraspire system sopport.



More pic's and information about my choices in HiFi, and music
can be found on My Homepage

Alco :)