speaker cable

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While we are on the subject of irony, aboput the Isolda cable i purchased from you. I remember not being that impressed with it at the time, you told me the cable was the best i could affod and that my system may be at fault.
Anything to say?

Why on earth would you buy an expensive cable if you were not that impressed with it?
Rob - FWIW your atttude has pissed me of most, You have never seemed to explain you position but you are very quick to criticise others often - whats your position?


If you can find an advert from me selling anything then do point me to it. If and when I sell, I will do so at the market rate as is my right. But I'm not offering home trials or recommending everyone on this forum tries them am I? As for your question, I thought Isolda was always cryo - sorry I didn't know. Not that it makes any difference.



that is because you had your 'merlin' account delted, so now you can hide bhind a no longer existing persona.

As for the what ever comment, that really does sum up you and your poor arguments.
Face it Mike, you are only here to argue and try to make yourself feel better. Whatever the reason for that behaviour is probably best kept to yourself.
Why on earth would you buy an expensive cable if you were not that impressed with it?

Funnily enough, back then i was daft enough to believe Mike when he told me that Isolda would be the cure for my systems weak point, obviously he does not have the stregnth of his convictions any more.

If you can find an advert from me selling anything then do point me to it. If and when I sell, I will do so at the market rate as is my right. But I'm not offering home trials or recommending everyone on this forum tries them am I? As for your question, I thought Isolda was always cryo - sorry I didn't know. Not that it makes any difference.



Either way you're still f****d in most peoples eyes;
You can't take a moral stand and then fleece people for the same type of bollocks.
You can't ridicule people for using Cryo'd or whatever voodoo cables and then use the stuff yourself.
Quite frankly if you were a gentleman you'd take the hifi forum version of the pearl handled revolver and do the decent thing.
All Merlin's posts are still accessable Penance
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Rob - FWIW your atttude has pissed me of most, You have never seemed to explain you position but you are very quick to criticise others often - whats your position?



My position on cables is scattered all over ZG!

To crystalise it for you, I believe simple microphone cable is all you need for interconnect at about £1pm.
For speakers, any decent cross-section cable will do - 2.5mm or so is fine. In other words, the stuff you can buy for a few pounds.

The rest is pure bollox and folk hearing benefits from expensive and weird cable concoctions have over active imaginations, are easily lead or believe in magic.

The only time you will hear a difference when swapping cables is where LCR values show extreme deviation from the norm and this interacts with the source or load characteristics, ie extremely rare occasions and in all cases the effects can be measured.

Will that do?
I'm no scientist, but isn't LCR a bit crude to use as the binding "if LCR are the same it will sound the same" type statements?

I don't think many people would dispute that different types of capacitors or resistors can sound different, for example a carbon resistor vs a metal film type, or a PIO cap vs polyprop.

I'd assume that they would have similar specs, resistance or capacitance, but there is more to them than that, ESR, thermal noise whatever... So what if some boffin suddenly starts measuring thermal noise or some other parameter of two "identical" cables and can actually seperate them .... will all the naysayers then about face and say "ok now they can measure differently, they do sound a bit different"?
I don't think many people would dispute that different types of capacitors or resistors can sound different, for example a carbon resistor vs a metal film type, or a PIO cap vs polyprop.

I would, but then that's perhaps electronic ignorance talking. In my crude understanding, electronic components function as parts of circuits. To make a circuit do what it's supposed to do, the designer selects,say, a capacitor of such-and-such picofarads. Thus, it seems to me that any capacitor with this capacitance will perform this function as well as any other. So, why should there be differences between types? I can understand that some may work within tighter tolerances, which may be critical in some situations, or that some are more durable than others, but I can't see that they would make much difference to the sound. Is this yet another case where the "hi" in "hi-fi" stands for "hype"?
Either way you're still f****d in most peoples eyes;
You can't take a moral stand and then fleece people for the same type of bollocks.
You can't ridicule people for using Cryo'd or whatever voodoo cables and then use the stuff yourself.
Quite frankly if you were a gentleman you'd take the hifi forum version of the pearl handled revolver and do the decent thing.

I really wish to stay out of the main topic here, but time and time again people seem to think SM selling an item for a profit to an individual who wants it as wrong.!
I think the whole western world is built around this concept, isn't it?
Probably . I've sent SPDIF down a rusty coathanger before, for a laugh. It worked... but that's not a recommendation.
I really wish to stay out of the main topic here, but time and time again people seem to think SM selling an item for a profit to an individual who wants it as wrong.!
I think the whole western world is built around this concept, isn't it?

The mind boggles.
Well it had to happen.

James Randi has had a challenger to his £1M test. Michael Fremer has agreed to undergo the challenge.

Should be fun sometime in 2008.......:JPS:
SM, so you'll sell someone a high zoot Isolda cable 'knowing' it doesn't/ can't make a difference, when it suits your needs.

But you'll lay into others, who do beleive in cable magic, for doing the same thing.

you disgust me, i know drug dealers with more morals than that.

i actually feel sick now.
SM, so you'll sell someone a high zoot Isolda cable 'knowing' it doesn't/ can't make a difference, when it suits your needs.

But you'll lay into others, who do beleive in cable magic, for doing the same thing.

you disgust me, i know drug dealers with more morals than that.

i actually feel sick now.

You are such a drama queen.
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