merlin said:
Some will be totally incorrect (Lowrider's), QUOTE]
Perhaps a good place for a smilie, like this one

Only joking
I think a witch hunt in this manner is a bit disgusting.
Gary, no one is having a witch hunt. I'm just surprised that RG feels it's OK to critisise from his ivory tower. I can accept that the OBX deserves another review, after all it has been revised. I don't however understand repeating the findings on Nordost cables in just about every issue.
If you genuinely believe colusion does not go on then you are being somewhat naive IMO. I could list numerous examples, and not just in the hifi industry of everything from long term loans to executive lunches.
The HFN example with Tact is just so obvious it is ridiculous. I'm not saying Tact are at fault in any way here. It is however clear that HFN chose not to review the product until a marketing campaign had been agreed. That just is not right, sorry but if the RCS is such a revolutionary upgrade (which IMO it can be), then why hold that information back from the readership for a year and a half?
As for the affluent being savvy, well sadly the inverse is often the case and due to time constraints they simply do not have the time to fully investigate the options, relying heavily on dealers and magazines.